Package gokwallet
serves as a Golang interface to KDE’s KWallet.
Note that to use this library, the running machine must have both Dbus and kwalletd running.
Relatedly, note also that this library interfaces with kwalletd. KWallet is in the process of moving to libsecret/SecretService
(see here and here),
thus replacing kwalletd. While there is a pull request in place, it has not yet been merged in (and it may be a while before downstream distributions incorporate that version). However, when that time comes I highly recommend using my gosecret
library to interface with that (module r00t2.io/gosecret
1. KWallet Concepts
For reference, KWallet has the following structure (modified slightly to reflect this library):
A main Dbus service interface ("org.kde.kwalletd5"),
, allows one to retrieve and operate on/withWallet
items. -
One or more
items allow one to retrieve and operate on/withFolder
items. -
One or more
items allow one to retrieve and operate on/withPasswords
, andUnknownItem
Thus, the hierarchy (as exposed by this library) looks like this:
WalletManager ├─ Wallet "A" │ ├─ Folder "A_1" │ │ ├─ Passwords │ │ │ ├─ Password "A_1_a" │ │ │ └─ Password "A_1_b" │ │ ├─ Maps │ │ │ ├─ Map "A_1_a" │ │ │ └─ Map "A_1_b" │ │ ├─ BinaryData │ │ │ ├─ Blob "A_1_a" │ │ │ └─ Blob "A_1_b" │ │ └─ Unknown │ │ ├─ UnknownItem "A_1_a" │ │ └─ UnknownItem "A_1_b" │ └─ Folder "A_2" │ ├─ Passwords │ │ ├─ Password "A_2_a" │ │ └─ Password "A_2_b" │ ├─ Maps │ │ ├─ Map "A_2_a" │ │ └─ Map "A_2_b" │ ├─ BinaryData │ │ ├─ Blob "A_2_a" │ │ └─ Blob "A_2_b" │ └─ Unknown │ ├─ UnknownItem "A_2_a" │ └─ UnknownItem "A_2_b" └─ Wallet "B" └─ Folder "B_1" ├─ Passwords │ ├─ Password "B_1_a" │ └─ Password "B_1_b" ├─ Maps │ ├─ Map "B_1_a" │ └─ Map "B_1_b" ├─ BinaryData │ ├─ Blob "B_1_a" │ └─ Blob "B_1_b" └─ Unknown ├─ UnknownItem "B_1_a" └─ UnknownItem "B_1_b"
This is an approximation, but should show a relatively accurate representation of the model. Note that most systems are likely to only have a single wallet, "kdewallet".
2. Usage
Full documentation can be found via inline documentation.
Additionally, use either https://pkg.go.dev/r00t2.io/gokwallet or https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc (or go doc
) in the source root.
You most likely do not want to call any New<object> function directly;
NewWalletManager with its RecurseOpts parameter (recursion
) should get you everything you want/need.
Here’s a quick demonstration:
package main
import (
func main() {
var err error
var r *gokwallet.RecurseOpts
var wm *gokwallet.WalletManager
var w *gokwallet.Wallet
var f *gokwallet.Folder
var p *gokwallet.Password
r = gokwallet.DefaultRecurseOpts
r.AllWalletItems = true
if wm, err = gokwallet.NewWalletManager(r, "ExampleKWalletApplication"); err != nil {
w = wm.Wallets["kdewallet"]
f = w.Folders["Passwords"]
if p, err = f.WritePassword("test_password", "this is a test password"); err != nil {