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Raw Blame History

Getting Started


If it isnt in your distros repositories (It is in Archs AUR! Both tagged release and git master.), you can still easily get rolling. Simply visit the projects source code web interface and download a tarball under the Download column:


If you know the tag of the commit you want, you can use curl:

or wget:

You can use for the URL if you want the latest working version. If you want a snapshot of a specific commit, you can use e.g. and so on.

Alternatively, you can use git. Git most definitely should be in your distros repositories.

If youre new to git and want to learn more, I highly recommend the book Pro Git. It is available for free download (or online reading).

You can use https:

You can clone via https:

or native git protocol:

git clone git:// BDisk

The git protocol is much faster, but at a cost of lessened security.


Heres a complete list of prerequisites: