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The build.ini file

This file is where you can specify some of the very basics of BDisk building. It allows you to specify/define certain variables and settings used by the build process. It uses ConfigParser for the parsing engine, and you can do some more advanced things with it than I demonstrate in the default.

Its single-level, but divided into "sections". This is unfortunately a limitation of ConfigParser, but it should be easy enough to follow.

Blank lines are ignored, as well as any lines beginning with # and ;. There are some restrictions and recommendations for some values, so be sure to note them when they occur. Variables referencing other values in the build.ini are allowed in the format of ${value} if its in the same section; otherwise, ${section:value} can be used.

Well go into more detail for each section below.


name = BDISK
uxname = bdisk
pname = BDisk
ver =
dev = A Developer
email = dev@domain.tld
desc = A rescue/restore live environment.
uri = https://domain.tld
root_password =
user = yes
username = ${bdisk:uxname}
name = Default user
password = $$6$$t92Uvm1ETLocDb1D$$BvI0Sa6CSXxzIKBinIaJHb1gLJWheoXp7WzdideAJN46aChFu3hKg07QaIJNk4dfIJ2ry3tEfo3FRvstKWasg/
mirror =
mirrorproto = https
mirrorpath = /archlinux/iso/latest/
mirrorfile =
mirrorchksum = ${mirrorpath}sha1sums.txt
mirrorgpgsig =
gpgkey = 7F2D434B9741E8AC
gpgkeyserver =
gpg = no
dlpath = /var/tmp/${bdisk:uxname}
chrootdir = /var/tmp/chroots
basedir = /opt/dev/bdisk
isodir = ${dlpath}/iso
srcdir = ${dlpath}/src
prepdir = ${dlpath}/temp
archboot = ${prepdir}/${bdisk:name}
mountpt = /mnt/${bdisk:uxname}
multiarch = yes
ipxe = no
i_am_a_racecar = no
mygpgkey =
mygpghome =
http = no
tftp = no
git = no
rsync = no
path = ${build:dlpath}/http
user = http
group = http
path = ${build:dlpath}/tftpboot
user = root
group = root
iso = no
uri = https://domain.tld
ssldir = ${build:dlpath}/ssl
ssl_ca = ${ssldir}/ca.crt
ssl_cakey = ${ssldir}/ca.key
ssl_crt = ${ssldir}/main.crt
ssl_key = ${ssldir}/main.key
host =
user =
path =
iso = no