2016-12-30 00:09:24 -05:00

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=== ``
This contains functions having to do with GPG -- signing files, verifying other signatures, generating a key (if one wasn't specified), using a key (if one was specified), etc.
==== genGPG(_conf_)
This function controls generating (or "importing" an existing) GnuPG key for use with other operations. Returns `gpg`, a <<optional,PyGPGME>> object.
===== conf
A dictionary of the <<the_code_build_ini_code_file,configuration>> (with some additional keys/values added). See (TODO: link to's config parser).
==== killStaleAgent(_conf_)
This function kills off any stale GnuPG agents running. Not doing so can cause some strange behaviour both during the build process and on the host.
===== conf
See <<conf>>.
==== signIMG(_path_, _conf_)
This function signs a given file with the keys BDisk was either configured to use or automatically generated.
===== path
The full, absolute path to the file to be signed. An[ASCII-armored^][detached^] signature (plaintext) will be generated at `_path_.asc`, and a binary detached signature will be generated at `_path_.sig`.
===== conf
See <<conf>>.
==== gpgVerify(_sigfile_, _datafile_, _conf_)
This function verifies a detatched signature against a file containing data. Returns *True* if the file verifies, or *False* if not.
===== sigfile
The detached signature file. Can be ASCII-armored or binary format. Full/absolute path only.
===== datafile
The file containing the data to be verified. Full/absolute path only.
===== conf
See <<conf>>.
==== delTempKeys(_conf_)
Delete automatically-generated keys (if we generated them) as well as the automatically imported verification key (<<code_gpgkey_code>>).