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package gosecret
import (
// General errors.
var (
// ErrBadDbusPath indicates an invalid path - either nothing exists at that path or the path is malformed.
ErrBadDbusPath error = errors.New("invalid dbus path")
// ErrInvalidProperty indicates a dbus.Variant is not the "real" type expected.
ErrInvalidProperty error = errors.New("invalid variant type; cannot convert")
// ErrNoDbusConn gets triggered if a connection to Dbus can't be detected.
ErrNoDbusConn error = errors.New("no valid dbus connection")
// ErrMissingPaths gets triggered if one or more Dbus object paths are expected but non/not enough are received.
ErrMissingPaths error = errors.New("one or more Dbus object paths were expected but an insufficient amount were received")
Translated SecretService errors.
See https://developer-old.gnome.org/libsecret/unstable/libsecret-SecretError.html#SecretError.
Used by TranslateError.
var (
ErrUnknownSecretServiceErr error = errors.New("cannot find matching SecretService error")
ErrSecretServiceProto SecretServiceError = SecretServiceError{
ErrCode: EnumErrProtocol,
ErrDesc: "an invalid message or data was received from SecretService",
ErrSecretServiceLocked SecretServiceError = SecretServiceError{
ErrCode: EnumErrIsLocked,
ErrDesc: "the item/collection is locked; the specified operation cannot be performed",
ErrSecretServiceNoObj SecretServiceError = SecretServiceError{
ErrCode: EnumErrNoSuchObject,
ErrDesc: "no such item/collection was found in SecretService",
ErrSecretServiceExists SecretServiceError = SecretServiceError{
ErrCode: EnumErrAlreadyExists,
ErrDesc: "a relevant item/collection already exists",
ErrSecretServiceInvalidFormat SecretServiceError = SecretServiceError{
ErrCode: EnumErrInvalidFileFormat,
ErrDesc: "the file/content format is invalid",
AllSecretServiceErrs provides a slice of these for easier iteration when translating.
TECHNICALLY, because they are indexed in the order of their enums, you could
simplify and optimize translation by just doing e.g.
err = AllSecretServiceErrs[EnumErrProtocol]
But this should be considered UNSTABLE and UNSAFE due to it being potentially unpredictable in the future.
There are only 5 errors currently, so the performance benefits would be negligible compared to iteration.
If SecretService adds more errors, however, this may be more desirable.
AllSecretServiceErrs []SecretServiceError = []SecretServiceError{