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Generating a salted hash compatible with shadow(5) is a rather simple task.
If you haven't read the shadow(5) man page yet, I highly recommend it:
man 5 shadow
There are many ways in which you can generate a salted hash.
0.) Debian can do this with the mkpasswd utility (it's in Arch's AUR as debian-whois-mkpasswd):
mkpasswd --method=sha-512 --salt=aBcDeFgHiJ PASSWORD
(If a salt is not provided, one will be automatically generated. That is is the suggested method.)
1.) perl (PoC script welcome):
perl -e 'print crypt("PASSWORD","\$6\$aBcDeFgHiJ\$") . "\n"'
2.) python (extras/bin/
python -c "import crypt, getpass, pwd; print crypt.crypt('PASSWORD','\$6\$aBcDeFgHiJ\$')"
3.) php:
php -r "\$password = readline('Password: '); \$saltRaw = random_bytes(8); \$salt = base64_encode(\$saltRaw); \$result = crypt(\$password,'\$6' . '\$' . \$salt .'\$'); print \$result . \"\n\";"
4.) even grub-crypt (if using legacy grub):
/sbin/grub-crypt --sha-512
The end-product should look something like this:
If it doesn't, you did something incorrectly.
Note that different hashes/the PoC scripts will result in a different string, but it should be the same length.