Merge branch 'master' of

This commit is contained in:
brent s. 2017-04-11 22:21:32 -04:00
commit 481a3e4cf9
12 changed files with 143 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def genGPG(conf):
distkey = conf['src'][a]['gpgkey']
if keysrv and (keysrv not in gpgkeyserver):
if distkey not in distkeys:
if distkey and(distkey not in distkeys):
templates_dir = '{0}/extra/templates'.format(build['basedir'])
mykey = False
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ def genGPG(conf):
if gpghome == '':
# We'll generate a key if we can't find one here.
gpghome = build['dlpath'] + '/.gnupg'
os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = gpghome
gpg = gpgme.Context()
# do we need to add a keyserver?
@ -116,13 +117,13 @@ def killStaleAgent(conf):
# Kill off any stale GPG agents running.
# Probably not even needed, but good to have.
chrootdir = conf['build']['chrootdir']
dlpath = conf['build']['dlpath']
gpgpath = conf['gpg']['mygpghome']
procs = psutil.process_iter()
plst = []
for p in procs:
if ( in ('gpg-agent', 'dirmngr') and p.uids()[0] == os.getuid()):
pd = psutil.Process(
for d in (chrootdir, dlpath):
for d in (chrootdir, gpgpath):
if pd['cwd'].startswith('{0}'.format(d)):
if len(plst) >= 1:

View File

@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ def getConfig(conf_file='/etc/bdisk/build.ini'):
conf = False
# define some defailt conf paths in case we're installed by
# a package manager. in order of the paths we should search.
currentdir = os.path.abspath('{0}/../extra/'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
currentdir_user = os.path.abspath('{0}/../build.ini'.format(currentdir))
currentdir_def = os.path.abspath('{0}/../extra/'.format(currentdir))
default_conf_paths = ['/etc/bdisk/build.ini',
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ def getConfig(conf_file='/etc/bdisk/build.ini'):
# if we weren't given one/using the default...
if conf_file == '/etc/bdisk/build.ini':
if not os.path.isfile(conf_file):
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ def getConfig(conf_file='/etc/bdisk/build.ini'):
conf = conf_file
defconf = '{0}/../extra/'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
defconf = os.path.abspath('{0}/../extra/'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))
if not conf:
# okay, so let's check for distributed/"blank" ini's
# since we can't seem to find one.

View File

@ -60,14 +60,15 @@ srcdir = ${dlpath}/src
prepdir = ${dlpath}/temp
archboot = ${prepdir}/${bdisk:name}
mountpt = /mnt/${bdisk:uxname}
multiarch = yes
#multiarch = yes
multiarch = x86_64
sign = yes
ipxe =
ipxe = no
i_am_a_racecar = yes

mygpgkey =
mygpghome =
mygpghome = ${build:dlpath}/.gnupg

http = no

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# The modules found in here are for distro-specific differences in the builds.
# For instance, if you want to build a Debian-based BDisk, you'd specify pkg['install'] = ['apt-get', '-y', 'install', '%PKG%'],
# name this file as "", and set bdisk:distro as 'debian'.
# Note that the guest will need python installed. If distro is set as "NOCHECK", a distro check of the tarball won't be performed
# (as the distro check requires python be installed first).

# Special variables to be used in strings:
# %PKG% = the name of a package would be inserted here.

# This template uses Debian as an example.

# The name of the distro. Must match the output from platform.linux_distribution()[0].lower()
# Regex is supported.
distro = 'debian'

# The path to python. Can be either python 2.x (2.6 or higher) or 3.x.
pybin = '/usr/bin/python'

guestenv = {}
# The following environment variables will be set for the guest.
guestenv['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive'

scripts = {}
# This variable can be used to perform some additional system tweaks and such. This is run before package installation.
# It must be formatted as a complete script- i.e. include a shebang etc.
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK

# This variable can be used to perform some additional system tweaks and such. This is run after package installation.
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK

pkg = {}
# The command, with arguments, in list format that should be run before we install software in the guest.
# For instance, if your guest distro requires a local package listing cache (nearly all of them do) to be
# updated first, this is where it would be run.
pkg['pre'] = ['apt-get', '-y', 'update']

# The command, with arguments, in a list format to install a package.
# Note that the command must be constructed in a way that does not require user interaction.
pkg['install'] = ['apt-get', '-y', 'install', '%PKG%']

# The command, with arguments, in list format to use to check if a package is installed.
# It should return 0 on exist status if it's installed. Any other exit status assumes the package is not installed.
pkg['check'] = ['dpkg-query', '-f', '${binary:Package}\n', '-W', '%PKG']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
distro = 'arch'
pybin = '/usr/bin/python'
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK
pkg['pre'] = ['pacman', '-Syyy']
pkg['install'] = ['apacman', '-S', '%PKG%']
pkg['check'] = ['pacman', '-Q', '%PKG']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
distro = 'centos linux'
pybin = '/usr/bin/python'
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK
pkg['pre'] = ['yum', 'makecache']
pkg['install'] = ['yum', '-y', 'install', '%PKG%']
pkg['check'] = ['rpm', '-qi', '%PKG']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
distro = 'debian'
pybin = '/usr/bin/python'
guestenv['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive'
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK
pkg['pre'] = ['apt-get', '-q', '-y', 'update']
pkg['install'] = ['apt-get', '-q', '-y', '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef"', '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"', 'install', '%PKG%']
pkg['check'] = ['dpkg-query', '-f', "'${binary:Package}\n'", '-W', '%PKG']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
distro = 'fedora'
pybin = '/usr/bin/python3'
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK
pkg['pre'] = ['yum', 'makecache']
pkg['install'] = ['yum', '-y', 'install', '%PKG%']
pkg['check'] = ['rpm', '-qi', '%PKG']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
distro = 'red hat enterprise linux (server|desktop)'
pybin = '/usr/bin/python'
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK
pkg['pre'] = ['yum', 'makecache']
pkg['install'] = ['yum', '-y', 'install', '%PKG%']
pkg['check'] = ['rpm', '-qi', '%PKG']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
distro = 'suse linux enterprise server'
pybin = '/usr/bin/python'
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK
pkg['pre'] = ['zypper', 'refresh']
pkg['install'] = ['zypper', 'install', '--no-confirm', '-l', '%PKG%']
pkg['check'] = ['rpm', '-qi', '%PKG']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
distro = 'ubuntu'
pybin = '/usr/bin/python'
guestenv['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive'
script['pre'] = """#!/bin/bash
touch /root/BDISK
script['post'] = """#!/bin/bash
rm -f /root/BDISK
pkg['pre'] = ['apt-get', '-q', '-y', 'update']
pkg['install'] = ['apt-get', '-q', '-y', '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef"', '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"', 'install', '%PKG%']
pkg['check'] = ['dpkg-query', '-f', "'${binary:Package}\n'", '-W', '%PKG']

View File

@ -60,13 +60,14 @@ srcdir = ${dlpath}/src
prepdir = ${dlpath}/temp
archboot = ${prepdir}/${bdisk:name}
mountpt = /mnt/${bdisk:uxname}
multiarch = yes
#multiarch = yes
multiarch = x86_64
ipxe = no
i_am_a_racecar = no

mygpgkey =
mygpghome =
mygpghome = ${build:dlpath}/.gnupg

http = no