2017-03-20 18:11:29 -04:00

351 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from lxml import etree
lxml_avail = True
except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree #
lxml_avail = False
import shlex
import os
import re
import subprocess
import pprint
import urllib.request as urlrequest
import urllib.parse as urlparse
import urllib.response as urlresponse
from ftplib import FTP_TLS
from io import StringIO
class aif(object):
def __init__(self):
def kernelargs(self):
if 'DEBUG' in os.environ.keys():
kernelparamsfile = '/tmp/cmdline'
kernelparamsfile = '/proc/cmdline'
args = {}
args['aif'] = False
# For FTP or HTTP auth
args['aif_user'] = False
args['aif_password'] = False
args['aif_auth'] = False
args['aif_realm'] = False
args['aif_auth'] = 'basic'
with open(kernelparamsfile, 'r') as f:
cmdline =
for p in shlex.split(cmdline):
if p.startswith('aif'):
param = p.split('=')
if len(param) == 1:
args[param[0]] = param[1]
if not args['aif']:
exit('You do not have AIF enabled. Exiting.')
args['aif_auth'] = args['aif_auth'].lower()
def getConfig(self, args = False):
if not args:
args = self.kernelargs()
# Sanitize the user specification and find which protocol to use
prefix = args['aif_url'].split(':')[0].lower()
# Use the urllib module
if prefix in ('http', 'https', 'file', 'ftp'):
if args['aif_user'] and args['aif_password']:
# Set up Basic or Digest auth.
passman = urlrequest.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
if not args['aif_realm']:
passman.add_password(None, args['aif_url'], args['aif_user'], args['aif_password'])
passman.add_password(args['aif_realm'], args['aif_url'], args['aif_user'], args['aif_password'])
if args['aif_auth'] == 'digest':
httpauth = urlrequest.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(passman)
httpauth = urlrequest.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
httpopener = urlrequest.build_opener(httpauth)
with urlrequest.urlopen(args['aif_url']) as f:
conf =
elif prefix == 'ftps':
if args['aif_user']:
username = args['aif_user']
username = 'anonymous'
if args['aif_password']:
password = args['aif_password']
password = 'anonymous'
filepath = '/'.join(args['aif_url'].split('/')[3:])
server = args['aif_url'].split('/')[2]
content = StringIO()
ftps = FTP_TLS(server)
ftps.login(username, password)
ftps.retrlines("RETR " + filepath, content.write)
conf = content.getvalue()
exit('{0} is not a recognised URI type specifier. Must be one of http, https, file, ftp, or ftps.'.format(prefix))
def getXML(self, confobj = False):
if not confobj:
confobj = self.getConfig()
xmlobj = etree.fromstring(confobj)
def buildDict(self, xmlobj = False):
if not xmlobj:
xmlobj = self.getXML()
# Set up the skeleton dicts
aifdict = {}
for i in ('disk', 'mount', 'network', 'system', 'users', 'software', 'scripts'):
aifdict[i] = {}
for i in ('network.ifaces', 'system.bootloader', '', 'users.root', 'scripts.pre', ''):
i = i.split('.')
dictname = i[0]
keyname = i[1]
aifdict[dictname][keyname] = {}
aifdict['users']['root']['password'] = False
for i in ('repos', 'mirrors', 'packages'):
aifdict['software'][i] = {}
# Set up the dict elements for disk partitioning
for i in xmlobj.findall('storage/disk'):
disk = i.attrib['device']
fmt = i.attrib['diskfmt'].lower()
if not fmt in ('gpt', 'bios'):
exit('Device {0}\'s format "{1}" is not a valid type (one of gpt, bios).'.format(disk,
aifdict['disk'][disk] = {}
aifdict['disk'][disk]['fmt'] = fmt
aifdict['disk'][disk]['parts'] = {}
for x in i:
if x.tag == 'part':
partnum = x.attrib['num']
aifdict['disk'][disk]['parts'][partnum] = {}
for a in x.attrib:
aifdict['disk'][disk]['parts'][partnum][a] = x.attrib[a]
# Set up mountpoint dicts
for i in xmlobj.findall('storage/mount'):
device = i.attrib['source']
mntpt = i.attrib['target']
order = i.attrib['order']
if 'fstype' in i.keys():
fstype = i.attrib['fstype']
fstype = None
if 'opts' in i.keys():
opts = i.attrib['opts']
opts = None
aifdict['mount'][order] = {}
aifdict['mount'][order]['device'] = device
aifdict['mount'][order]['mountpt'] = mntpt
aifdict['mount'][order]['fstype'] = fstype
aifdict['mount'][order]['opts'] = opts
# Set up networking dicts
aifdict['network']['hostname'] = xmlobj.find('network').attrib['hostname']
for i in xmlobj.findall('network/iface'):
# Create a dict for the iface name.
iface = i.attrib['device']
proto = i.attrib['netproto']
address = i.attrib['address']
if iface not in aifdict['network']['ifaces'].keys():
aifdict['network']['ifaces'][iface] = {}
if proto not in aifdict['network']['ifaces'][iface].keys():
aifdict['network']['ifaces'][iface][proto] = []
# Set up the users dicts
aifdict['users']['root']['password'] = xmlobj.find('system/users').attrib['rootpass']
for i in xmlobj.findall('system/users'):
for x in i:
username = x.attrib['name']
aifdict['users'][username] = {}
for a in ('uid', 'group', 'gid', 'password', 'comment', 'sudo'):
if a in x.attrib.keys():
aifdict['users'][username][a] = x.attrib[a]
aifdict['users'][username][a] = None
sudo = (x.attrib['sudo']).lower() in ('true', '1')
aifdict['users'][username]['sudo'] = sudo
# And we also need to handle the homedir and xgroup situation
for n in ('home', 'xgroup'):
aifdict['users'][username][n] = False
for a in x:
if not aifdict['users'][username][a.tag]:
aifdict['users'][username][a.tag] = {}
for b in a.attrib:
if a.tag == 'xgroup':
if b == 'name':
groupname = a.attrib[b]
if groupname not in aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'].keys():
aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'][a.attrib[b]] = {}
aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'][a.attrib['name']][b] = a.attrib[b]
aifdict['users'][username][a.tag][b] = a.attrib[b]
# And fill in any missing values. We could probably use the XSD and use of defaults to do this, but... oh well.
if isinstance(aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'], dict):
for g in aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'].keys():
for k in ('create', 'gid'):
if k not in aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'][g].keys():
aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'][g][k] = False
elif k == 'create':
aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'][g][k] = aifdict['users'][username]['xgroup'][g][k].lower() in ('true', '1')
if isinstance(aifdict['users'][username]['home'], dict):
for k in ('path', 'create'):
if k not in aifdict['users'][username]['home'].keys():
aifdict['users'][username]['home'][k] = False
elif k == 'create':
aifdict['users'][username]['home'][k] = aifdict['users'][username]['home'][k].lower() in ('true', '1')
# Set up the system settings, if applicable.
aifdict['system']['timezone'] = False
aifdict['system']['locale'] = False
aifdict['system']['kbd'] = False
for i in ('locale', 'timezone', 'kbd'):
if i in xmlobj.find('system').attrib:
aifdict['system'][i] = xmlobj.find('system').attrib[i]
# And now services...
if xmlobj.find('system/service') is None:
aifdict['system']['services'] = False
for x in xmlobj.findall('system/service'):
svcname = x.attrib['name']
state = x.attrib['status'].lower() in ('true', '1')
aifdict['system']['services'][svcname] = {}
aifdict['system']['services'][svcname]['status'] = state
# And software. First the mirror list.
if xmlobj.find('pacman/mirrorlist') is None:
aifdict['software']['mirrors'] = False
aifdict['software']['mirrors'] = []
for x in xmlobj.findall('pacman/mirrorlist'):
for i in x:
# And then the repo list.
for x in xmlobj.find('pacman/repos'):
repo = x.attrib['name']
aifdict['software']['repos'][repo] = {}
aifdict['software']['repos'][repo]['enabled'] = x.attrib['enabled'].lower() in ('true', '1')
aifdict['software']['repos'][repo]['siglevel'] = x.attrib['siglevel']
aifdict['software']['repos'][repo]['mirror'] = x.attrib['mirror']
# And packages.
if xmlobj.find('pacman/software') is None:
aifdict['software']['packages'] = False
aifdict['software']['packages'] = {}
for x in xmlobj.findall('pacman/software/package'):
aifdict['software']['packages'][x.attrib['name']] = {}
if 'repo' in x.attrib:
aifdict['software']['packages'][x.attrib['name']]['repo'] = x.attrib['repo']
aifdict['software']['packages'][x.attrib['name']]['repo'] = None
# The bootloader setup...
for x in xmlobj.find('bootloader').attrib:
aifdict['system']['bootloader'][x] = xmlobj.find('bootloader').attrib[x]
class archInstall(object):
def __init__(self, aifdict):
for k, v in aifdict.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def format(self):
# NOTE: the following is a dict of fstype codes to their description.
fstypes = {'0700': 'Microsoft basic data', '0c01': 'Microsoft reserved', '2700': 'Windows RE', '3000': 'ONIE config', '3900': 'Plan 9', '4100': 'PowerPC PReP boot', '4200': 'Windows LDM data', '4201': 'Windows LDM metadata', '4202': 'Windows Storage Spaces', '7501': 'IBM GPFS', '7f00': 'ChromeOS kernel', '7f01': 'ChromeOS root', '7f02': 'ChromeOS reserved', '8200': 'Linux swap', '8300': 'Linux filesystem', '8301': 'Linux reserved', '8302': 'Linux /home', '8303': 'Linux x86 root (/)', '8304': 'Linux x86-64 root (/', '8305': 'Linux ARM64 root (/)', '8306': 'Linux /srv', '8307': 'Linux ARM32 root (/)', '8400': 'Intel Rapid Start', '8e00': 'Linux LVM', 'a500': 'FreeBSD disklabel', 'a501': 'FreeBSD boot', 'a502': 'FreeBSD swap', 'a503': 'FreeBSD UFS', 'a504': 'FreeBSD ZFS', 'a505': 'FreeBSD Vinum/RAID', 'a580': 'Midnight BSD data', 'a581': 'Midnight BSD boot', 'a582': 'Midnight BSD swap', 'a583': 'Midnight BSD UFS', 'a584': 'Midnight BSD ZFS', 'a585': 'Midnight BSD Vinum', 'a600': 'OpenBSD disklabel', 'a800': 'Apple UFS', 'a901': 'NetBSD swap', 'a902': 'NetBSD FFS', 'a903': 'NetBSD LFS', 'a904': 'NetBSD concatenated', 'a905': 'NetBSD encrypted', 'a906': 'NetBSD RAID', 'ab00': 'Recovery HD', 'af00': 'Apple HFS/HFS+', 'af01': 'Apple RAID', 'af02': 'Apple RAID offline', 'af03': 'Apple label', 'af04': 'AppleTV recovery', 'af05': 'Apple Core Storage', 'bc00': 'Acronis Secure Zone', 'be00': 'Solaris boot', 'bf00': 'Solaris root', 'bf01': 'Solaris /usr & Mac ZFS', 'bf02': 'Solaris swap', 'bf03': 'Solaris backup', 'bf04': 'Solaris /var', 'bf05': 'Solaris /home', 'bf06': 'Solaris alternate sector', 'bf07': 'Solaris Reserved 1', 'bf08': 'Solaris Reserved 2', 'bf09': 'Solaris Reserved 3', 'bf0a': 'Solaris Reserved 4', 'bf0b': 'Solaris Reserved 5', 'c001': 'HP-UX data', 'c002': 'HP-UX service', 'ea00': 'Freedesktop $BOOT', 'eb00': 'Haiku BFS', 'ed00': 'Sony system partition', 'ed01': 'Lenovo system partition', 'ef00': 'EFI System', 'ef01': 'MBR partition scheme', 'ef02': 'BIOS boot partition', 'f800': 'Ceph OSD', 'f801': 'Ceph dm-crypt OSD', 'f802': 'Ceph journal', 'f803': 'Ceph dm-crypt journal', 'f804': 'Ceph disk in creation', 'f805': 'Ceph dm-crypt disk in creation', 'fb00': 'VMWare VMFS', 'fb01': 'VMWare reserved', 'fc00': 'VMWare kcore crash protection', 'fd00': 'Linux RAID'}
# We want to build a mapping of commands to run after partitioning. This will be fleshed out in the future to hopefully include more.
formatting = {}
# TODO: we might want to provide a way to let users specify extra options here.
# TODO: label support?
formatting['ef00'] = ['mkfs.vfat', '-F', '32', '%PART%']
formatting['ef01'] = formatting['ef00']
formatting['ef02'] = formatting['ef00']
formatting['8200'] = ['mkswap', '-c', '%PART%']
formatting['8300'] = ['mkfs.ext4', '-c', '-q', '%PART%'] # some people are DEFINITELY not going to be happy about this. we need to figure out a better way to customize this.
for fs in ('8301', '8302', '8303', '8304', '8305', '8306', '8307'):
formatting[fs] = formatting['8300']
#formatting['8e00'] = FOO # TODO: LVM configuration
#formatting['fd00'] = FOO # TODO: MDADM configuration
cmds = []
for d in self.disk:
partnums = [int(x) for x in self.disk[d]['parts'].keys()]
cmds.append(['sgdisk', '-Z', d])
if self.disk[d]['fmt'] == 'gpt':
diskfmt = 'gpt'
if len(partnums) >= 129 or partnums[-1:] >= 129:
exit('GPT only supports 128 partitions (and partition allocations).')
cmds.append(['sgdisk', '-og', d])
elif self.disk[d]['fmt'] == 'bios':
diskfmt = 'msdos'
cmds.append(['sgdisk', '-om', d])
cmds.append(['parted', d, '--script', '-a', 'optimal'])
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL:
for c in cmds:, stdout = DEVNULL, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
cmds = []
disksize = {}
disksize['start'] = subprocess.check_output(['sgdisk', '-F', d])
disksize['max'] = subprocess.check_output(['sgdisk', '-E', d])
for p in partnums:
# Need to do some mathz to get the actual sectors if we're using percentages.
for s in ('start', 'size'):
val = self.disk[d]['parts'][str(p)][s]
if '%' in val:
stripped = val.replace('%', '')
modifier = re.sub('[0-9]+%', '', val)
percent = re.sub('(-|\+)*', '', stripped)
decimal = float(percent) / 100
newval = int(int(disksize['max']) * decimal)
if s == 'start':
newval = newval + int(disksize['start'])
self.disk[d]['parts'][str(p)][s] = modifier + str(newval)
if self.disk[d]['fmt'] == 'gpt':
for p in partnums:
size = {}
size['start'] = self.disk[d]['parts'][str(p)]['start']
size['end'] = self.disk[d]['parts'][str(p)]['size']
fstype = self.disk[d]['parts'][str(p)]['fstype'].lower()
if fstype not in fstypes.keys():
print('Filesystem type {0} is not valid. Must be a code from:\nCODE:FILESYSTEM'.format(fstype))
for k, v in fstypes.items():
print(k + ":" + v)
'-n', '{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(str(p),
#'-c', '{0}:"{1}"'.format(str(p), self.disk[d]['parts'][str(p)]['label']), # TODO: add support for partition labels
'-t', '{0}:{1}'.format(str(p), fstype),
mkformat = formatting[fstype]
for x, y in enumerate(mkformat):
if y == '%PART%':
mkformat[x] = d + str(p)
import pprint
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL:
for p in cmds:, stdout = DEVNULL, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
def mount(self):
def runInstall(confdict):
install = archInstall(confdict)
def main():
if os.getuid() != 0:
exit('This must be run as root.')
conf = aif()
instconf = conf.buildDict()
if __name__ == "__main__":