This commit is contained in:
@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree #
lxml_avail = False
import argparse
import crypt
import datetime
import errno
import ipaddress
import getpass
import os
import pydoc # a dirty hack we use for pagination
import re
import readline
import sys
import urllib.request as urlrequest
import urllib.parse as urlparse
@ -21,6 +24,19 @@ from ftplib import FTP_TLS
xsd = ''
# Ugh. You kids and your colors and bolds and crap.
class color(object):
PURPLE = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED = '\033[91m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
END = '\033[0m'
class aifgen(object):
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
@ -104,11 +120,113 @@ class aifgen(object):
exit(' !! ERROR: {0} is not a valid resolver address.'.format(rslvaddr))
ifaces[ifacein] = {'address': 'auto', 'proto': ipver, 'gw': False, 'resolvers': False}
moreIfacesin = input('Would you like to add more interfaces? ((y)es/(N)O) ')
moreIfacesin = input('Would you like to add more interfaces? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END))
if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreIfacesin.lower()):
moreIfaces = False
def genPassHash(user):
passin = getpass.getpass('* Please enter the password you want to use for {0} (will not echo back): '.format(user))
if passin not in ('', '!'):
salt = crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)
salthash = crypt.crypt(passin, salt)
salthash = passin
def userPrompt(syshelp):
users = {}
moreUsers = True
while moreUsers:
user = chkPrompt('What username would you like to add? ', syshelp)
if len(user) > 32:
exit(' !! ERROR: Usernames must be less than 32 characters.')
if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', user):
exit(' !! ERROR: Your username does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for useradd (\'CAVEATS\').')
users[user] = {}
sudoin = chkPrompt('* Should {0} have (full!) sudo access? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp)
if re.match('^y(es)?$', sudoin.lower()):
users[user]['sudo'] = True
users[user]['sudo'] = False
users[user]['password'] = genPassHash(user)
users[user]['comment'] = chkPrompt(('* What comment should {0} have? ' +
'(Typically this is the user\'s full name) ').format(user), syshelp)
uidin = chkPrompt(('* What UID should {0} have? Leave this blank if you don\'t care ' +
'(should be fine for most cases): ').format(user), syshelp)
if uidin != '':
users[user]['uid'] = int(uidin)
exit(' !! ERROR: The UID must be an integer.')
users[user]['uid'] = False
grpin = chkPrompt(('* What group name would you like to use for {0}\'s primary group? ' +
'(You\'ll be able to add additional groups in a moment.)\n' +
'\tThe default, if left blank, is to simply create a group named {0} ' +
'(which is what you probably want): ').format(user), syshelp)
if len(grpin) > 32:
exit(' !! ERROR: Group names must be less than 32 characters.')
if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', grpin):
exit(' !! ERROR: Your group name does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for groupadd (\'CAVEATS\').')
users[user]['group'] = grpin
gidin = chkPrompt(('* What GID should {0} have? Leave this blank if you don\'t care ' +
'(should be fine for most cases): ').format(grpin), syshelp)
if gidin != '':
users[user]['gid'] = int(gidin)
exit(' !! ERROR: The GID must be an integer.')
users[user]['gid'] = False
homein = chkPrompt(('* What directory should {0} use for its home? Leave blank if you don\'t care ' +
'(should be fine for most cases): ').format(user), syshelp)
if homein != '':
if not re.match('^/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+)$', homein):
exit('!! ERROR: Path {0} does not seem to be valid.'.format(homein))
users[user]['home'] = homein
users[user]['home'] = False
homecrt = chkPrompt('* Do we need to create {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(homein, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp)
if re.match('^y(es)?$', homecrt):
users[user]['homecreate'] = True
users[user]['homecreate'] = False
xgrouphelp = ''
if xgrouphelp not in syshelp:
xgroupin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to add extra groups for {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp)
if re.match('^y(es)?$', xgroupin.lower()):
morexgroups = True
users[user]['xgroups'] = {}
morexgroups = False
users[user]['xgroups'] = False
while morexgroups:
xgrp = chkPrompt('** What is the name of the group you would like to add? ', syshelp)
if len(xgrp) > 32:
exit(' !! ERROR: Group names must be less than 32 characters.')
if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', xgrp):
exit(' !! ERROR: Your group name does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for groupadd (\'CAVEATS\').')
users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp] = {}
xgrpcrt = chkPrompt('** Does {0} need to be created? (y/{1}n{2} '.format(xgrp, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp)
if re.match('^y(es)?$', xgrpcrt.lower()):
users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['create'] = True
users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['create'] = False
xgrpgid = chkPrompt(('** What GID should {0} be? If the group will already exist on the new system or ' +
'don\'t care,\nleave this blank (should be fine for most cases): ').format(xgrp), syshelp)
if xrpgid != '':
users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['gid'] = int(xgrpid)
exit(' !! ERROR: The GID must be an integer.')
users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['gid'] = False
moreusersin = input('\nWould you like to add more groups for {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END))
if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreusersin.lower()):
morexgroups = False
conf = {}
print('[{0}] Beginning configuration...'.format(
print('You may reply with \'wikihelp\' on the first prompt of a question for the relevant link(s) in the Arch wiki ' +
@ -246,12 +364,24 @@ class aifgen(object):
if kbdin == '':
kbdin = 'US'
rbtin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to reboot the host system after installation completes? ((Y)ES/(n)o): ', syshelp)
rbtin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to reboot the host system after installation completes? ({0}y{1}/n): '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp)
if not re.match('^no?$', rbtin.lower()):
rebootme = True
rebootme = False
conf['system'] = {'timezone': tzin, 'locale': localein, 'chrootpath': chrootpathin, 'kbd': kbdin, 'reboot': rebootme}
syshelp[1] = ''
print('\nNow let\'s handle some user accounts. For passwords, you can either enter the password you want to use,\n' +
'a \'!\' (in which case TTY login will be disabled but e.g. SSH will still work), or just hit enter to leave it blank\n' +
'(which is HIGHLY not recommended - it means anyone can login by just pressing enter at the login!)\n')
print('Let\'s configure the root user.')
conf['system']['rootpass'] = genPassHash(root)
moreusers = input('Would you like to add one or more regular user(s)? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END)
if re.match('^y(es)?$', moreusers.lower()):
conf['system']['users'] = userPrompt(syshelp)
conf['system']['users'] = False
if self.args['verbose']:
import pprint
Reference in New Issue
Block a user