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package logging
import (
// WinLogger is used for logging to the Windows Event Log. These entries are viewable in the Event Viewer application, under "Windows Logs > Application".
type WinLogger struct {
EnableDebug indicates if the debug filter should be disabled (true) or if the filter should be enabled (false).
This prevents potential data leak of sensitive information, as some loggers (e.g. FileLogger) will otherwise write all messages.
EnableDebug bool
Prefix is used as the Event Log "Source". It's named as Prefix to retain compatability with methods in the Logger interface.
Prefix string
Executable is used as the path for the executable implementing this logger.
If non-empty, it enables the "service" mode of Event Log (intended for "installed" software that's expected
to exist as a specific path reliably).
It can be a file within the PATHs or an absolute/relative path; an attempt to resolve the actual path will be made. If this fails or the file
does not exist, an error will be raised.
Executable string
ExpandKey is only used if Executable is non-empty and valid and/or ForceService is true.
If true, the WinLogger will be installed/registered with the REG_EXPAND_SZ mode - otherwise it will be installed as REG_SZ.
See the definition for the two at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sysinfo/registry-value-types for further details.
If you're unsure which you want, it's probably REG_SZ (WinLogger.ExpandKey == false), which is the default.
ExpandKey bool
ForceService, if true, will enforce WinLogger to be used as if Executable is populated and valid (it will use os.Args[0] as the Executable path).
If Executable is empty but ForceService is true and os.Args[0] is empty or invalid (not a real path, etc.), an error will be raised.
ForceService bool
// RemoveOnClose should be true if the logger should be removed/unregistered from the Registry upon calling WinLogger.Shutdown.
RemoveOnClose bool
// elog is the actual writer to the Event Log.
elog *eventlog.Log
// EIDs is used to look up what event ID to use when writing to a WinLogger.elog.
EIDs *WinEventID
WinEventID is a collection of Event IDs to use for a WinLogger.
Because Event Log only supports three entry types (informational, warning, or error),
these event IDs allow you to filter the messages in a slightly more granular way. They map to their corresponding method name/Logger level.
However, this means that a WinLogger does not support custom event IDs (and thus you cannot assign individual event IDs to specific errors).
This is the price of convenience.
An additional method set may be added in the future to support this, but this is currently an unplanned feature.
Event IDs *must* be between the constants EIDMin and EIDMax (inclusive) unless the WinLogger is used in "service" mode
(see WinLogger.Executable and WinLogger.ForceService).
If you need recommended defaults, you may want to use the Event* constants (e.g. EventAlert, EventDebug, etc.)
or even use the pre-populated DefaultEventID (which is assigned the above Event* constants).
type WinEventID struct {
Warning uint32