
69 lines
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Executable File

# NOTE: this is almost taken verbatim from's
# pychroot/scripts/ because the pychroot.Chroot method isn't really
# documented very well
#from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
#from functools import partial
import os
import sys
import psutil
#from pychroot.base import Chroot
import pychroot
import subprocess
#class mountpoints(argparse.Action):
# def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
# if not getattr(namespace, 'mountpoints', False):
# namespace.mountpoints = {}
# namespace.mountpoints.update(values)
def chroot(chrootdir, chroot_hostname, cmd = '/root/'):
# MOUNT the chroot
mountpoints = psutil.disk_partitions(all = True)
mounts = []
for m in mountpoints:
cmnts = {}
# mount the chrootdir... onto itself. as a bind mount. it's so stupid, i know. see
if chrootdir not in mounts:
#cmnts[chrootdir + ':' + chrootdir] = {'recursive': False, 'readonly': False, 'create': False}
cmnts[chrootdir + ':/'] = {'recursive': False, 'readonly': False, 'create': False}
# mount -t proc to chrootdir + '/proc' here
if (chrootdir + '/proc') not in mounts:
cmnts['proc:/proc'] = {'recursive': True, 'create': True}
# rbind mount /sys to chrootdir + '/sys' here
if (chrootdir + '/sys') not in mounts:
#cmnts['/sys:/sys'] = {'recursive': True, 'create': True} # if the below doesn't work, try me. can also try ['sysfs:/sys']
cmnts['/sys'] = {'recursive': True, 'create': True}
# rbind mount /dev to chrootdir + '/dev' here
if (chrootdir + '/dev') not in mounts:
cmnts['/dev'] = {'recursive': True, 'create': True}
# mount the efivars in the chroot if it exists on the host. i mean, why not?
if '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars' in mounts:
if (chrootdir + '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars') not in mounts:
cmnts['/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] = {'recursive': True}
if '/run' in mounts:
if (chrootdir + '/run') not in mounts:
cmnts['/run'] = {'recursive': True}
pychroot.base.Chroot.default_mounts = {}
chroot = pychroot.base.Chroot(chrootdir, mountpoints = cmnts, hostname = chroot_hostname)
with chroot:
import os
return(chrootdir, cmnts)
#def chrootUnmount(chrootdir, cmnts):
def chrootUnmount(chrootdir):
# TODO: try to do this more pythonically. then we can remove subprocess['umount', '-lR', chrootdir])