
226 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
import shutil
import re
import hashlib
import gnupg
import tarfile
import subprocess
import re
import git
import jinja2
import datetime
from urllib.request import urlopen
import host #
2016-11-28 02:56:15 -05:00
2016-11-21 01:35:45 -05:00
def dirChk(config_dict):
# Make dirs if they don't exist
for d in ('archboot', 'isodir', 'mountpt', 'srcdir', 'tempdir'):
os.makedirs(config_dict['build'][d], exist_ok = True)
2016-11-21 01:35:45 -05:00
# Make dirs for sync staging if we need to
for x in ('http', 'tftp'):
if config_dict['sync'][x]:
os.makedirs(config_dict[x]['path'], exist_ok = True)
def downloadTarball(build):
dlpath = build['dlpath']
arch = build['arch']
#mirror = ''
mirror = build['mirrorproto'] + '://' + build['mirror']
rlsdir = mirror + build['mirrorpath']
sha_in = urlopen(mirror + build['mirrorchksum'])
# returns path/filename e.g. /some/path/to/file.tar.gz
# we use .gnupg since we'll need it later.
os.makedirs(dlpath + '/.gnupg', exist_ok = True)
tarball_path = {}
for x in arch:
tarball_path[x] = dlpath + '/.latest.' + x + '.tar'
sha1sums =
sha_raw = sha1sums.decode("utf-8")
sha_list = list(filter(None, sha_raw.split('\n')))
sha_dict = {x.split()[1]: x.split()[0] for x in sha_list}
# all that lousy work just to get a sha1 sum. okay. so.
if build['mirrorgpgsig'] != '':
# we don't want to futz with the user's normal gpg.
gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome = dlpath + '/.gnupg')
print("\nNow generating a GPG key. Please wait...")
# python-gnupg 0.3.9 spits this error in Arch. it's harmless, but ugly af.
# TODO: remove this when the error doesn't happen anymore.
print("If you see a \"ValueError: Unknown status message: 'KEY_CONSIDERED'\" error, it can be safely ignored.")
print("If this is taking a VERY LONG time, try installing haveged and starting it. This can be " +
"done safely in parallel with the build process.\n")
input_data = gpg.gen_key_input(name_email = 'tempuser@nodomain.tld', passphrase = 'placeholder_passphrase')
key = gpg.gen_key(input_data)
keyid = build['gpgkey']
gpg.recv_keys(build['gpgkeyserver'], keyid)
for a in arch:
pattern = re.compile('^.*' + a + '\.tar(\.(gz|bz2|xz))?$')
tarball = [ for l in list(sha_dict.keys()) for filename in [] if filename][0]
sha1 = sha_dict[tarball]
if os.path.isfile(tarball_path[a]):
# fetch the tarball...
print("Fetching the tarball for {0} architecture, please wait...".format(a))
#dl_file = urllib.URLopener()
tarball_dl = urlopen(rlsdir + tarball)
with open(tarball_path[a], 'wb') as f:
print(("Checking that the hash checksum for {0} matches {1}, please wait...").format(
tarball_path[a], sha1))
tarball_hash = hashlib.sha1(open(tarball_path[a], 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
if tarball_hash != sha1:
exit(("There was a failure fetching {0} and the wrong version exists on the filesystem.\n" +
"Please try again later.").format(tarball))
elif build['mirrorgpgsig'] != '':
# okay, so the sha1 matches. let's verify the signature.
if build['mirrorgpgsig'] == '.sig':
gpgsig_remote = rlsdir + tarball + '.sig'
gpgsig_remote = mirror + build['mirrorgpgsig']
gpg_sig = tarball + '.sig'
sig_dl = urlopen(gpgsig_remote)
sig = tarball_path[a] + '.sig'
with open(sig, 'wb+') as f:
tarball_data = open(tarball_path[a], 'rb')
tarball_data_in =
gpg_verify = gpg.verify_data(sig, tarball_data_in)
if not gpg_verify:
exit("There was a failure checking {0} against {1}. Please investigate.".format(
sig, tarball_path[a]))
def unpackTarball(tarball_path, build):
chrootdir = build['chrootdir']
# Make the dir if it doesn't exist
shutil.rmtree(chrootdir, ignore_errors = True)
os.makedirs(chrootdir, exist_ok = True)
print("Now extracting the tarball(s). Please wait...")
# Open and extract the tarball
for a in build['arch']:
tar =[a], 'r:gz')
tar.extractall(path = chrootdir)
print("Extraction for {0} finished.".format(tarball_path[a]))
def buildChroot(build):
dlpath = build['dlpath']
chrootdir = build['chrootdir']
arch = build['arch']
extradir = build['basedir'] + '/extra'
unpack_me = unpackTarball(downloadTarball(build), build)
# build dict of lists of files and dirs from pre-build.d dir, do the same with arch-specific changes.
prebuild_overlay = {}
prebuild_arch_overlay = {}
for x in arch:
prebuild_arch_overlay[x] = {}
for y in ['files', 'dirs']:
prebuild_overlay[y] = []
prebuild_arch_overlay[x][y] = []
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(extradir + '/pre-build.d/'):
prebuild_overlay['dirs'].append(path + '/')
for file in files:
prebuild_overlay['files'].append(os.path.join(path, file))
for x in prebuild_overlay.keys():
prebuild_overlay[x][:] = [re.sub('^' + extradir + '/pre-build.d/', '', s) for s in prebuild_overlay[x]]
prebuild_overlay[x] = list(filter(None, prebuild_overlay[x]))
for y in prebuild_arch_overlay.keys():
prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [i for i in prebuild_overlay[x] if i.startswith(y)]
prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [re.sub('^' + y + '/', '', s) for s in prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x]]
prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x] = list(filter(None, prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x]))
prebuild_overlay[x][:] = [y for y in prebuild_overlay[x] if not y.startswith(('x86_64','i686'))]
# create the dir structure. these should almost definitely be owned by root.
for a in arch:
for dir in prebuild_overlay['dirs']:
os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0)
# and copy over the files. again, chown to root.
for file in prebuild_overlay['files']:
2016-11-28 02:56:15 -05:00
shutil.copy2(extradir + '/pre-build.d/' + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0)
# do the same for arch-specific stuff.
for dir in prebuild_arch_overlay[a]['dirs']:
os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0)
for file in prebuild_arch_overlay[a]['files']:
2016-11-28 02:56:15 -05:00
shutil.copy2(extradir + '/pre-build.d/' + a + '/' + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0)
2016-11-28 02:56:15 -05:00
def prepChroot(build, bdisk):
chrootdir = build['chrootdir']
arch = build['arch']
bdisk_repo_dir = build['basedir']
2016-11-28 02:56:15 -05:00
templates_dir = bdisk_repo_dir + '/extra/templates'
build = {}
# let's prep some variables to write out the version info.txt
# get the git tag and short commit hash
repo = git.Repo(bdisk_repo_dir)
refs = repo.git.describe(repo.head.commit).split('-')
build['ver'] = refs[0] + '-' + refs[2]
# and these should be passed in from the args, from the most part.
build['name'] = bdisk['name']
build['time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y")
hostname = host.getHostname
build['user'] = os.environ['USER']
if 'SUDO_USER' in os.environ:
build['realuser'] = os.environ['SUDO_USER']
# and now that we have that dict, let's write out the VERSION_INFO.txt file.
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(templates_dir)
env = jinja2.Environment(loader = loader)
tpl = env.get_template('VERSION_INFO.txt.j2')
2016-11-28 02:56:15 -05:00
tpl_out = tpl.render(build = build, hostname = host.getHostname())
for a in arch:
with open(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/root/VERSION_INFO.txt', "w+") as f:
2016-11-28 02:56:15 -05:00
def postChroot(build):
dlpath = build['dlpath']
chrootdir = build['chrootdir']
arch = build['arch']
overdir = build['basedir'] + '/overlay/'
postbuild_overlay = {}
postbuild_arch_overlay = {}
for x in arch:
postbuild_arch_overlay[x] = {}
for y in ['files', 'dirs']:
postbuild_overlay[y] = []
postbuild_arch_overlay[x][y] = []
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(overdir):
postbuild_overlay['dirs'].append(path + '/')
for file in files:
postbuild_overlay['files'].append(os.path.join(path, file))
for x in postbuild_overlay.keys():
postbuild_overlay[x][:] = [re.sub('^' + overdir, '', s) for s in postbuild_overlay[x]]
postbuild_overlay[x] = list(filter(None, postbuild_overlay[x]))
for y in postbuild_arch_overlay.keys():
postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [i for i in postbuild_overlay[x] if i.startswith(y)]
postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [re.sub('^' + y + '/', '', s) for s in postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x]]
postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x] = list(filter(None, postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x]))
postbuild_overlay[x][:] = [y for y in postbuild_overlay[x] if not y.startswith(('x86_64','i686'))]
# create the dir structure. these should almost definitely be owned by root.
for a in arch:
for dir in postbuild_overlay['dirs']:
os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False)
# and copy over the files. again, chown to root.
for file in postbuild_overlay['files']:
shutil.copy2(overdir + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False)
# do the same for arch-specific stuff.
for dir in postbuild_arch_overlay[a]['dirs']:
os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False)
for file in postbuild_arch_overlay[a]['files']:
shutil.copy2(overdir + a + '/' + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False)