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import os
import sys
import platform
import re
import glob
import configparser
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
import validators
import git
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00
import datetime
from socket import getaddrinfo
def getOS():
# Returns one of: SuSE, debian, fedora, redhat, centos, mandrake,
# mandriva, rocks, slackware, yellowdog, gentoo, UnitedLinux,
# turbolinux, arch, mageia
distro = list(platform.linux_distribution())[0].lower()
def getBits():
bits = list(platform.architecture())[0]
def getHostname():
hostname = platform.node()
def getConfig(conf_file='/etc/bdisk/build.ini'):
conf = False
# define some defailt conf paths in case we're installed by
# a package manager. in order of the paths we should search.
default_conf_paths = ['/etc/bdisk/build.ini',
2016-12-06 17:51:36 -05:00
'/usr/share/docs/bdisk/build.ini', # this is the preferred installation path for packagers
2016-12-26 13:34:34 -05:00
2016-12-06 17:51:36 -05:00
2016-12-06 17:51:36 -05:00
# if we weren't given one/using the default...
if conf_file == '/etc/bdisk/build.ini':
if not os.path.isfile(conf_file):
for p in default_conf_paths:
if os.path.isfile(p):
conf = p
conf = conf_file
2016-12-06 17:51:36 -05:00
defconf = '{0}/../extra/'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
if not conf:
2016-11-21 01:35:45 -05:00
# okay, so let's check for distributed/"blank" ini's
# since we can't seem to find one.
dist_conf_paths = [re.sub('(build\.ini)','dist.\\1', s) for s in default_conf_paths]
for q in dist_conf_paths:
if os.path.isfile(q):
conf = q
2016-12-06 17:51:36 -05:00
if os.path.isfile(default_conf_paths[4]):
defconf = default_conf_paths[4]
confs = [defconf, conf]
2016-12-06 17:51:36 -05:00
def parseConfig(confs):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config._interpolation = configparser.ExtendedInterpolation()
2016-12-06 17:51:36 -05:00
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
# a dict makes this so much easier.
config_dict = {s:dict(config.items(s)) for s in config.sections()}
# Convert the booleans to pythonic booleans in the dict...
config_dict['bdisk']['user'] = config['bdisk'].getboolean('user')
config_dict['build']['gpg'] = config['build'].getboolean('gpg')
2016-11-21 01:35:45 -05:00
config_dict['build']['i_am_a_racecar'] = config['build'].getboolean('i_am_a_racecar')
config_dict['build']['ipxe'] = config['build'].getboolean('ipxe')
config_dict['build']['multiarch'] = (config_dict['build']['multiarch']).lower()
config_dict['ipxe']['iso'] = config['ipxe'].getboolean('iso')
config_dict['ipxe']['usb'] = config['ipxe'].getboolean('usb')
config_dict['sync']['git'] = config['sync'].getboolean('git')
config_dict['sync']['http'] = config['sync'].getboolean('http')
config_dict['sync']['rsync'] = config['sync'].getboolean('rsync')
config_dict['sync']['tftp'] = config['sync'].getboolean('tftp')
config_dict['rsync']['iso'] = config['rsync'].getboolean('iso')
# Get the version...
2016-12-14 00:52:05 -05:00
# Two possibilities.
# e.g. 1 commit after tag with 7-digit object hex: ['v3.10', '1', 'gb4a5e40']
# Or if were sitting on a tag with no commits: ['v3.10']
# So we want our REAL version to be the following:
# Tagged release: v#.##
# X number of commits after release: v#.##rX
# Both have the (local) build number appended to the deliverables,
# which is reset for an empty isodir OR a new tagged release (incl.
# commits on top of a new tagged release). e.g. for build Y:
# v#.##-Y or v#.##rX-Y
if config_dict['bdisk']['ver'] == '':
repo = git.Repo(config_dict['build']['basedir'])
refs = repo.git.describe(repo.head.commit).split('-')
2016-12-14 00:52:05 -05:00
if len(refs) >= 2:
config_dict['bdisk']['ver'] = refs[0] + 'r' + refs[1]
config_dict['bdisk']['ver'] = refs[0]
# And the build number.
# TODO: support tracking builds per version. i.e. in buildnum:
# v2.51r13:0
# v2.51r17:3
if os.path.isfile(config_dict['build']['dlpath'] + '/buildnum'):
with open(config_dict['build']['dlpath'] + '/buildnum', 'r') as f:
config_dict['build']['buildnum'] = int(f.readlines()[0])
config_dict['build']['buildnum'] = 0
# But logically we should start the build over at 0 if we don't have any existing ISO's.
if os.path.isdir(config_dict['build']['isodir']):
if os.listdir(config_dict['build']['isodir']) == []:
config_dict['build']['buildnum'] = 0
# ...or if we don't have any previous builds for this ISO version.
elif not glob.glob('{0}/*v{1}r*.iso'.format(config_dict['build']['isodir'], config_dict['bdisk']['ver'])):
config_dict['build']['buildnum'] = 0
# and build a list of arch(es) we want to build
2016-12-22 14:05:07 -05:00
if config_dict['build']['multiarch'] in ('','yes','true','1','no','false','0'):
config_dict['build']['arch'] = ['x86_64','i686']
2016-12-22 14:05:07 -05:00
elif config_dict['build']['multiarch'] in ('x86_64','64','no32'):
config_dict['build']['arch'] = ['x86_64']
2016-12-22 14:05:07 -05:00
elif config_dict['build']['multiarch'] in ('i686','32','no64'):
config_dict['build']['arch'] = ['i686']
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00
exit(('{0}: ERROR: {1} is not a valid value. Check your configuration.').format(,
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
# Validate bootstrap mirror
if (validators.domain(config_dict['build']['mirror']) or validators.ipv4(
config_dict['build']['mirror']) or validatords.ipv6(
getaddrinfo(config_dict['build']['mirror'], None)
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00
exit(('{0}: ERROR: {1} does not resolve and cannot be used as a ' +
'mirror for the bootstrap tarballs. Check your configuration.').format(
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00,
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
# Are we rsyncing? If so, validate the rsync host.
# Works for IP address too. It does NOT check to see if we can
# actually *rsync* to it; that'll come later.
if config_dict['sync']['rsync']:
if (validators.domain(config_dict['rsync']['host']) or validators.ipv4(
config_dict['rsync']['host']) or validators.ipv6(
getaddrinfo(config_dict['rsync']['host'], None)
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00
exit(('{0}: ERROR: {1} does not resolve and cannot be used for rsyncing.' +
'Check your configuration.').format(,
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00
exit(('{0}: ERROR: {1} is not a valid host and cannot be used for rsyncing.' +
'Check your configuration.').format(,
# Validate the URI.
2016-11-21 01:35:45 -05:00
if config_dict['build']['ipxe']:
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
# so this won't validate e.g. custom LAN domains (https://pxeserver/bdisk.php). TODO.
if not validators.url(config_dict['ipxe']['uri']):
if not re.match('^https?://localhost(/.*)?$'):
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00
exit('{0}: ERROR: {1} is not a valid URL/URI. Check your configuration.'.format(,
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
# Validate required paths
if not os.path.exists(config_dict['build']['basedir'] + '/extra'):
2016-12-03 06:07:41 -05:00
exit(("{0}: ERROR: {1} does not contain BDisk's core files!" +
"Check your configuration.").format(,
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
# Make dirs if they don't exist
for d in ('archboot', 'isodir', 'mountpt', 'srcdir', 'prepdir'):
os.makedirs(config_dict['build'][d], exist_ok = True)
2016-11-20 20:01:58 -05:00
# Make dirs for sync staging if we need to
for x in ('http', 'tftp'):
if config_dict['sync'][x]:
os.makedirs(config_dict[x]['path'], exist_ok = True)
return(config, config_dict)