
111 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
import tarfile
import shutil
import glob
def chrootClean(build):
chrootdir = build['chrootdir']
arch = build['arch']
backupdir = build['dlpath'] + '/' + 'bak'
os.makedirs(backupdir, exist_ok = True)
## Save some stuff that needs to be retained.
# Compress the pacman cache.
for a in arch:
os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/usr/local/pacman', exist_ok = True)
tarball = chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/usr/local/pacman/pacman.db.tar.xz'
dbdir = chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/var/lib/pacman/local'
print("Now cleaning {0}/root.{1}. Please wait...".format(chrootdir, a))
if os.path.isfile(tarball):
with = tarball, mode = 'w:xz') as tar: # if this balks, try x:xz
tar.add(dbdir, arcname = os.path.basename(dbdir))
# Cut out the fat
# The following are intended as "overrides" of the paths we'll be deleting.
2016-11-27 12:18:31 -05:00
backup = ['/var/lib/pacman/local',
# And these are what we remove.
2016-11-27 12:18:31 -05:00
delete = ['/usr/share/locale/',
delete['files'] = ['/root/.bash_history',
# First we backup files. We don't need to create backup['dirs']
# since they should be empty. If not, they go in backup['files'].
for f in backup['files']:
#os.makedirs(backupdir + '/root.' + a + os.path.dirname(f), exist_ok = True)
#shutil.copy2(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + f, backupdir + '/root.' + a + f)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(f):
for item in files:
src_path = os.path.join(root, item)
dst_path = os.path.join(backupdir + '/root.' + a, src_path.replace(f, ''))
if os.path.exists(dst_path):
if os.stat(src_path).st_mtime > os.stat(dst_path).st_mtime:
shutil.copy2(src_path, dst_path)
shutil.copy2(src_path, dst_path)
for item in dirs:
src_path = os.path.join(root, item)
dst_path = os.path.join(backupdir + '/root.' + a, src_path.replace(f, ''))
os.makedirs(dst_path, exist_ok = True)
# Now we delete the above.
for f in delete['files']:
for x in glob.glob(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + f):
for d in delete['dirs']:
for x in glob.glob(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + d):
# And restore the dirs/files
for d in backup['dirs']:
os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + d, exist_ok = True)
for f in backup['files']:
#os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + os.path.dirname(f), exist_ok = True)
#shutil.copy2(backupdir + '/root.' + a + f, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + f)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(f):
for item in files:
src_path = os.path.join(backupdir + '/root.' + a, src_path.replace(f, ''))
dst_path = os.path.join(root, item)
if os.path.exists(dst_path):
if os.stat(src_path).st_mtime > os.stat(dst_path).st_mtime:
shutil.copy2(src_path, dst_path)
shutil.copy2(src_path, dst_path)
for item in dirs:
src_path = os.path.join(backupdir + '/root.' + a, src_path.replace(f, ''))
dst_path = os.path.join(root, item)
os.makedirs(dst_path, exist_ok = True)
def genImg():
def genUEFI():
def genISO():