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SSHSecure - a program to harden OpenSSH from defaults
Copyright (C) 2020 Brent Saner
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package config
const (
// To check if this release of SSHSecure is up-to-date with the default values.
// upstreamSshdURL string = ""
upstreamSshdURL string = ""
upstreamSshdCksum string = "952C844D7B36C54B03E2ADFB24860405" +
"1A702620A0ADC0738A8C30DC83D42A75" +
"27F5B3C184E779B1430168950F7695A1" +
// upstreamSshURL string = ""
upstreamSshURL string = ""
upstreamSshCksum string = "FF2D600465CC5D9CFBB57346491CCAF2" +
"C917E2F0C7B4D4EF6B851940948B55BD" +
"88205AC8153210ECA6C6BEA38E800F33" +
// These are items that this program modifies.
var (
// sshdModify are values we modify.
sshdModify = [...]string{
// sshModify are values we modify.
sshModify = [...]string{""}
// These are collections of long lists of valid values.
var (
// sshdMulti are values that can be specified multiple times (multiple lines).
sshdMulti = [...]string{
// authMethods are authentication methods that openssh supports.
authMethods = []string{
// ciphers are cipher algorithms that openssh supports.
ciphers = []string{
// forwardAllows are shared values used by forwarding access control.
forwardAllows = []string{"yes", "all", "no", "local", "remote"}
// hostkeyTypes are algorithms/types used for host keys.
// The following should generate the same list.
// ssh -Q HostKeyAlgorithms | sed -re 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/",/g'
// ssh -Q HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes | sed -re 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/",/g'
hostkeyTypes = []string{
// ipQoS is a list of valid QoS profiles.
ipQoS = []string{
// This also supports a "numeric value" per sshd_config(5),
// but I have no idea what those values are, their range, etc.
// So strings only. Makes for more readable configs anyways.
// TODO: is this specified in the source anywhere?
// kexAlgos is a lost of valid kex ("KEy eXchange") algorithms.
// ssh -Q kex | sed -re 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/",/g'
kexAlgos = []string{
// sigAlgos is a list of valid algorithms for CA signatures.
sigAlgos = []string{
// These are the defaults. TODO: are any others valid?
// logLevels is a list of valid LogLevel levels.
logLevels = []string{
"INFO", // default
"DEBUG", // same as DEBUG1
"DEBUG1", // same as DEBUG
// macAlgos is a list of valid MAC (Message Authentication Code) values. "-etm" algos are recommended by upstream.
// ssh -Q mac | sed -re 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/",/g'
macAlgos = []string{
// This is a collection related to Match blocks.
var (
// sshdMatchCriteria is a list of valid criteria that can be used in a Match block.
// Valid keys for sshdMatchCriteria are tracked via field names in SshdMatchRule.
// Multiple criteria can be specified by e.g. "Match User foo, Host bar.tld"
sshdMatchCriteria = []string{
// The following are validator maps.
var (
// These directives can also begin with "+", "-", or "^", so they need to be stripped off.
// TODO: How to do this non-destructively?
sshdStripPre = []string{
// validSshdSingleVals are values that can accept a single string value from a static list.
validSshdSingleVals = map[string][]string{
"AddressFamily": {"any", "inet", "inet6"},
"AllowStreamLocalForwarding": forwardAllows,
"AllowTcpForwarding": forwardAllows,
"Compression": {"yes", "delayed", "no"}, // "delayed" is legacy, same as "yes".
"FingerprintHash": {"sha256", "md5"},
"GatewayPorts": {"yes", "no", "clientspecified"},
"IgnoreRHosts": {"yes", "shosts-only", "no"},
"LogLevel": logLevels,
// validSshdMultiVals are values that can accept multiple values from a static list.
validSshdMultiVals = map[string][]string{
"AuthenticationMethods": authMethods,
"CASignatureAlgorithms": sigAlgos,
"Ciphers": ciphers,
"HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes": hostkeyTypes, // NOTE: Can also begin with "+", "-", or "^"
"HostKeyAlgorithms": hostkeyTypes,
"KexAlgorithms": kexAlgos, // NOTE: Can also begin with "+", "-", or "^"
"MACs": macAlgos,