import logging import os ## from . import logger _logger = logging.getLogger('VaultPass') from . import args from . import auth from . import clipboard from . import config from . import constants from . import mounts from . import pass_import class PassMan(object): client = None auth = None uri = None mount = None def __init__(self, cfg = '~/.config/vaultpass.xml'): self.cfg = config.getConfig(cfg) self._getURI() self.getClient() self._checkSeal() self._getMount() def _checkSeal(self): _logger.debug('Checking and attempting unseal if necessary and possible.') if not self.client.sys.is_sealed(): _logger.debug('Unsealing unnecessary; Vault is already unsealed.') return(None) shard = self.cfg.xml.find('unseal') if shard is None: _logger.debug('Vault is sealed but no key shard was provided.') _logger.error('Vault is sealed') raise RuntimeError('Vault is sealed') self.client.sys.submit_unseal_key(shard.text) if self.client.sys.is_sealed: _logger.debug(('Vault is sealed and either our unseal shard is incorrect or it is not enough to meet the ' 'unseal shard threshold.')) _logger.error('Unable to unseal') raise RuntimeError('Unable to unseal') return(None) def _getMount(self): mounts_xml = self.cfg.xml.find('.//mounts') self.mount = mounts.MountHandler(self.client, mounts_xml = mounts_xml) return(None) def _getURI(self): uri = self.cfg.xml.find('.//uri') if uri is None: _logger.debug('No server URI specified; checking ${VAULT_ADDR}') _uri = os.environ.get('VAULT_ADDR') if not _uri: _logger.debug('No ${VAULT_ADDR}; using default of http://localhost:8200/') uri = 'http://localhost:8200/' else: uri = _uri else: uri = uri.text self.uri = uri _logger.debug('Set URI to {0}'.format(self.uri)) return(None) def getClient(self): auth_xml = self.cfg.xml.find('.//auth') if auth_xml is None: _logger.debug('No auth section was found in the configuration file.') _logger.error('Could not find authentication') raise RuntimeError('Could not find authentication') authmethod_xml = auth_xml.getchildren()[0] _logger.debug('Attempting to auto-detect the authentication method...') for a in dir(auth): if a.startswith('_'): continue c = getattr(auth, a) if not c: continue confname = getattr(c, 'config_name') if not confname or confname != authmethod_xml.tag: continue self.auth = c(self.uri, authmethod_xml) _logger.debug('Found auth method: {0}'.format( break if not self.auth: _logger.debug('Auth specified ({0}) was not found or is not supported'.format(authmethod_xml.tag)) _logger.error('Invalid auth configuration') raise RuntimeError('Invalid auth configuration') self.client = self.auth.client if not self.client.sys.is_initialized(): _logger.debug('Vault instance is not initialized. Please initialize (and configure, if necessary) first.') _logger.error('Not initialized') raise RuntimeError('Not initialized') return(None)