import logging import tempfile import os import subprocess import time ## from . import logger _logger = logging.getLogger('VaultPass') ## import hvac.exceptions ## from . import args from . import auth from . import clipboard from . import config from . import constants from . import gpg_handler from . import mounts from . import pass_import from . import QR class VaultPass(object): client = None auth = None uri = None mount = None def __init__(self, initialize = False, cfg = '~/.config/vaultpass.xml'): self.initialize = initialize self.cfg = config.getConfig(cfg) self._getURI() self.getClient() if not self.initialize: self._checkSeal() self._getMount() def _checkSeal(self): _logger.debug('Checking and attempting unseal if necessary and possible.') if not self.client.sys.is_sealed(): _logger.debug('Unsealing unnecessary; Vault is already unsealed.') return(None) shard = self.cfg.xml.find('unseal') if shard is None: _logger.debug('Vault is sealed but no key shard was provided.') _logger.error('Vault is sealed') raise RuntimeError('Vault is sealed') self.client.sys.submit_unseal_key(shard.text) if self.client.sys.is_sealed: _logger.debug(('Vault is sealed and either our unseal shard is incorrect or it is not enough to meet the ' 'unseal shard threshold.')) _logger.error('Unable to unseal') raise RuntimeError('Unable to unseal') return(None) def _getConfirm(self, msg = None): if not msg: msg = 'Are you sure (y/N)? ' confirm = input(msg) confirm = confirm.lower().strip() if confirm.startswith('y'): return(True) return(False) def _getHandler(self, mount, func = 'read', *args, **kwargs): if func not in ('read', 'write', 'list', 'delete', 'destroy'): _logger.error('Invalid func') _logger.debug('Invalid func; must be one of: read, write, list, delete, destroy') raise ValueError('Invalid func') mtype = self.mount.getMountType(mount) handler = None handler_map = {'cubbyhole': {'read': self.mount.cubbyhandler.read_secret, 'write': self.mount.cubbyhandler.write_secret, 'list': self.mount.cubbyhandler.list_secrets, 'delete': self.mount.cubbyhandler.remove_secret, 'destroy': self.mount.cubbyhandler.remove_secret}, 'kv1': {'read': self.client.secrets.kv.v1.read_secret, 'write': self.client.secrets.kv.v1.create_or_update_secret, 'list': self.client.secrets.kv.v1.list_secrets, 'delete': self.client.secrets.kv.v1.delete_secret, 'destroy': self.client.secrets.kv.v1.delete_secret}, 'kv2': {'read': self.client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version, 'write': self.client.secrets.kv.v2.create_or_update_secret, 'list': self.client.secrets.kv.v2.list_secrets, 'delete': self.client.secrets.kv.v2.delete_secret_versions, 'destroy': self.client.secrets.kv.v2.destroy_secret_versions}} handler = handler_map.get(mtype, {}).get(func, None) if not handler: _logger.error('Could not get handler') _logger.debug('Could not get handler for function {0} on mount {1} (type {2})'.format(func, mount, mtype)) raise RuntimeError('Could not get handler') return(handler) def _getMount(self): mounts_xml = self.cfg.xml.find('.//mounts') self.mount = mounts.MountHandler(self.client, mounts_xml = mounts_xml) return(None) def _getURI(self): uri = self.cfg.xml.find('.//uri') if uri is None: _logger.debug('No server URI specified; checking ${VAULT_ADDR}') _uri = os.environ.get('VAULT_ADDR') if not _uri: _logger.debug('No ${VAULT_ADDR}; using default of http://localhost:8200/') uri = 'http://localhost:8200/' else: uri = _uri else: uri = uri.text self.uri = uri _logger.debug('Set URI to {0}'.format(self.uri)) return(None) def _pathExists(self, path, mount, is_secret = False, *args, **kwargs): kname = None if is_secret: lpath = path.split('/') path = '/'.join(lpath[0:-1]) kname = lpath[-1] path_obj = self.mount.getPath(path, mount) if path_obj: if not is_secret: return(True) else: if kname in path_obj.keys(): return(True) return(False) def convert(self, mount, force = False, gpghome = constants.GPG_HOMEDIR, pass_dir = constants.PASS_DIR, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO def copySecret(self, oldpath, newpath, mount, newmount = None, force = False, remove_old = False, *args, **kwargs): mtype = self.mount.getMountType(mount) if not newmount: newmount = mount newmtype = mtype else: newmtype = self.mount.getMountType(newmount) oldexists = self._pathExists(oldpath, mount = mount) if not oldexists: _logger.error('oldpath does not exist') _logger.debug('The oldpath {0} does not exist'.format(oldpath)) raise ValueError('oldpath does not exist') data = self.getSecret(oldpath, mount) if not data: _logger.error('No secret found') _logger.debug('The secret at path {0} on mount {1} does not exist.'.format(oldpath, mount)) # TODO: left off here newexists = self._pathExists(newpath, mount = newmount) if newexists and not force: _logger.debug('The newpath {0} exists; prompting for confirmation.'.format(newpath)) confirm = self._getConfirm('The destination {0} exists. Overwrite (y/N)?'.format(newpath)) if not confirm: return(None) if remove_old: self.deleteSecret(oldpath, mount, force = force) return(None) def createSecret(self, secret_dict, path, mount_name, *args, **kwargs): mtype = self.mount.mounts.get(mount_name) handler = None if not mtype: _logger.error('Could not determine mount type') _logger.debug('Could not determine mount type for mount {0}'.format(mount_name)) raise RuntimeError('Could not determine mount type') args = {'path': path, 'mount_point': mount_name, 'secret': secret_dict} if mtype == 'cubbyhole': handler = self.mount.cubbyhandler.write_secret elif mtype == 'kv1': handler = self.client.secrets.kv.v1.create_or_update_secret elif mtype == 'kv2': handler = self.client.secrets.kv.v2.create_or_update_secret resp = handler(**args) return(resp) def deleteSecret(self, path, mount, force = False, recursive = False, *args, **kwargs): mtype = self.mount.getMountType(mount) args = {'path': path, 'mount_point': mount} handler = self._getHandler(mount, func = 'delete') is_path = self._pathExists(path, mount) is_secret = self._pathExists(path, mount, is_secret = True) def destroySecret(self, path, mount, force = False, recursive = False, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO def editSecret(self, path, mount, editor = constants.EDITOR, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO def generateSecret(self, path, mount, symbols = True, clip = False, seconds = constants.CLIP_TIMEOUT, chars = constants.SELECTED_PASS_CHARS, chars_plain = constants.SELECTED_PASS_NOSYMBOL_CHARS, in_place = False, qr = False, force = False, length = constants.GENERATED_LENGTH, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO def getClient(self): auth_xml = self.cfg.xml.find('.//auth') if auth_xml is None: _logger.debug('No auth section was found in the configuration file.') _logger.error('Could not find authentication') raise RuntimeError('Could not find authentication') authmethod_xml = auth_xml.getchildren()[0] _logger.debug('Attempting to auto-detect the authentication method...') for a in dir(auth): if a.startswith('_'): continue c = getattr(auth, a) if not c: continue confname = getattr(c, 'config_name') if not confname or confname != authmethod_xml.tag: continue self.auth = c(self.uri, authmethod_xml) _logger.debug('Found auth method: {0}'.format( break if not self.auth: _logger.debug('Auth specified ({0}) was not found or is not supported'.format(authmethod_xml.tag)) _logger.error('Invalid auth configuration') raise RuntimeError('Invalid auth configuration') self.client = self.auth.client if not self.client.sys.is_initialized() and not self.initialize: _logger.debug('Vault instance is not initialized. Please initialize (and configure, if necessary) first.') _logger.error('Not initialized') raise RuntimeError('Not initialized') return(None) def getSecret(self, path, mount, kname = None, clip = None, qr = None, seconds = constants.CLIP_TIMEOUT, printme = False, *args, **kwargs): mtype = self.mount.getMountType(mount) args = {'path': path, 'mount_point': mount} handler = self._getHandler(mount, func = 'read') try: data = handler(**args) if mtype in ('cubbyhole', 'kv1'): data = data['data'] elif mtype == 'kv2': data = data['data']['data'] if kname: data = data.get(kname) except hvac.exceptions.InvalidPath as e: lpath = path.split('/') path = '/'.join(lpath[0:-1]) args = {'path': path, 'kname': lpath[-1], 'mount': mount, 'clip': clip, 'qr': qr, 'seconds': seconds, 'printme': printme} # Add return here? data = self.getSecret(**args) if qr not in (False, None): qrdata, has_x = QR.genQr(data, image = True) if has_x: fpath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = '.vaultpass.qr.', suffix = '.svg', dir = '/dev/shm')[1] _logger.debug('Writing to {0} so it can be displayed'.format(fpath)) with open(fpath, 'wb') as fh: fh.write( if printme: _logger.debug('Opening {0} in the default image viwer application'.format(fpath)) # We intentionally want this to block, as most image viewers will unload the image once the file # is deleted and we can probably delete it faster than the user can save it elsewhere or # scan it with their phone. # TODO: we could use Popen() and do a countdown for "seconds" seconds, and then kill the viewer. # But that breaks compat with Pass' behaviour. if printme: print('Now displaying generated QR code. Please close the viewer when done saving/scanning to ' 'securely clean up the generated file...') cmd =['xdg-open', fpath], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.error('xdg-open returned non-zero status code') for x in ('stdin', 'stdout'): o = getattr(cmd, x) if not o: continue o = o.decode('utf-8').strip() if o != '': _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(x.upper(), o)) if printme: print('Done. Deleting generated file.') os.remove(fpath) elif printme: print(, 0) del(qrdata) if clip not in (False, None): clipboard.pasteClipboard(data, seconds = seconds, clipboard = clipboard, printme = printme) return(data) def initVault(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.client.sys.is_initialized(): init_rslt = self.client.sys.initialize(secret_shares = 1, secret_threshold = 1) unseal = init_rslt['keys_base64'][0] token = init_rslt['root_token'] self.cfg.updateAuth(unseal, token) self.client.sys.submit_unseal_key(unseal) self.client.token = token # JUST in case. time.sleep(1) for mname, mtype in self.mount.mounts.items(): if mtype == 'cubbyhole': # There isn't a way to "create" a cubbyhole. continue self.mount.createMount(mname, mtype) self._checkSeal() self._getMount() return(None) def insertSecret(self, path, mount, allow_shouldersurf = False, multiline = False, force = False, confirm = True, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO def listSecretNames(self, path, mount, output = None, indent = 4, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO def searchSecrets(self, pattern, mount, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO def searchSecretNames(self, pattern, mount, *args, **kwargs): pass # TODO