= Brent Saner ifeval::["{filetype}" == "pdf"] Brent Saner | +1 (504) 338-1513 | Lehigh Valley area, PA endif::[] ifeval::["{filetype}" != "pdf"] Brent Saner endif::[] Last updated {localdatetime} :doctype: book :data-uri: :imagesdir: images :sectlinks: ifeval::["{doctype}" != "article"] :toc: preamble :toc2: left endif::[] :idprefix: :toclevels: 7 :forceinclude: :source-highlighter: highlightjs include::includes/intro.adoc[] (This is my résumé. If you are looking for my curriculum vitae (CV) instead, which contains much more detail about my experiences and technologies I'm familiar with, that can be found <>.) include::includes/exp2.adoc[] include::includes/skills.adoc[] include::includes/samples.adoc[] include::includes/refs.adoc[] include::includes/contact.adoc[] include::includes/lastupdate.adoc[]