import datetime import logging import pwd import grp import os import re import socket import sys import warnings ## import psutil ## from . import config from . import constants from . import fetcher from . import logger _logger = logging.getLogger() if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): _is_cron = False else: _is_cron = True _duration_re = re.compile(('^(?P[-+])?P' '((?P[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)Y)?' '((?P[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)M)?' '((?P[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)D)?' 'T?' '((?P[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)H)?' '((?P[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)M)?' '((?P[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)S)?' '$')) def get_owner(owner_xml): owner = {} user = owner_xml.find('user') if user is not None: user = user.text group = owner_xml.find('group') if group is not None: group = group.text if user: user_obj = pwd.getpwnam(user) else: user_obj = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()) owner['uid'] = user_obj.pw_uid if group: group_obj = grp.getgrnam(group) else: group_obj = grp.getgrgid(pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_gid) owner['gid'] = group_obj.gr_gid _logger.debug('Resolved owner xml to {0}'.format(owner)) return(owner) def get_duration(duration_str): r = times = {k: (float(v) if v else 0.0) for k, v in r.groupdict().items()} mod = times.pop('mod') if not mod: mod = '+' years = float(times.pop('years')) months = float(times.pop('months')) times['days'] = (times['days'] + (years * constants.YEAR) + (months * constants.MONTH)) delay = datetime.timedelta(**times) return((mod, delay)) class Args(object): def __init__(self, args_xml): self.xml = args_xml self.args = [] self._parse_xml() def _parse_xml(self): self.args = [] for arg_xml in self.xml.xpath('(short|long)'): val = arg_xml.attrib.get('value') if arg_xml.tag == 'short': prefix = '-' # elif arg_xml.tag == 'long': else: prefix = '--' arg = '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, arg_xml.text) if val: arg += '={0}'.format(val) self.args.append(arg) _logger.debug('Generated args list: {0}'.format(self.args)) return(None) class Mount(object): def __init__(self, mpchk_xml): self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(mpchk_xml.text)) self.is_mounted = None self._check_mount() def _check_mount(self): _logger.debug('Getting mount status for {0}'.format(self.path)) with open('/proc/mounts', 'r') as fh: raw = for line in raw.splitlines(): l = line.split() mp = l[1] if mp == self.path: _logger.debug('{0} is mounted.'.format(self.path)) self.is_mounted = True return(None) self.is_mounted = False _logger.debug('{0} is not mounted.'.format(self.path)) return(None) class TimeOffset(object): def __init__(self, duration_str): self.mod, self.offset = get_duration(duration_str) class TimestampFile(object): def __init__(self, ts_xml, owner_xml = None): self.xml = ts_xml self.fmt = ts_xml.attrib.get('timeFormat', 'UNIX_EPOCH') if self.fmt == 'UNIX_EPOCH': self.fmt = '%s' elif self.fmt == 'MICROSECOND_EPOCH': self.fmt = '%s.%f' _logger.debug('Set timestamp format string to {0}'.format(self.fmt)) self.mtime = (True if self.xml.attrib.get('mtime', 'false').lower().startswith(('t', '1')) else False) _logger.debug('Using mtime: {0}'.format(self.mtime)) self.owner_xml = owner_xml self.owner = {} if self.owner_xml is not None: self.owner = get_owner(self.owner_xml) _logger.debug('Owner set is {0}'.format(self.owner)) self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(ts_xml.text)) _logger.debug('Path resolved to {0}'.format(self.path)) def read(self, parentdir = None): timestamp = None if parentdir: path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(parentdir)), self.path.lstrip('/')) else: path = self.path if os.path.isfile(path): if self.mtime: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(os.stat(path).st_mtime)) else: with open(path, 'r') as fh: ts_raw = if '%s' in self.fmt: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts_raw)) else: timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(ts_raw, self.fmt) _logger.debug('Read timestamp {0} from {1}'.format(str(timestamp), self.path)) return(timestamp) def write(self): dname = os.path.dirname(self.path) if not os.path.isdir(dname): os.makedirs(dname, mode = 0o0755) if self.owner: os.chown(dname, **self.owner) _logger.debug('Created {0}'.format(dname)) with open(self.path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(self.fmt)) fh.write('\n') os.chmod(self.path, mode = 0o0644) if self.owner: os.chown(self.path, **self.owner) if self.mtime: now = float(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()) os.utime(self.path, (now, now)) _logger.debug('Wrote timestamp to {0}'.format(self.path)) return(None) class Upstream(object): def __init__(self, upstream_xml, dest, rsync_args = None, owner = None, filechecks = None, rsync_ignores = None): self.xml = upstream_xml # These are required for all upstreams. self.sync_type = self.xml.find('syncType').text.lower() self.domain = self.xml.find('domain').text self.path = self.xml.find('path').text self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dest)) self.delay = None self.offset = None self.owner = owner self.filechecks = filechecks self._get_delaychk() self._get_offset() self.has_new = False # These are optional. port = self.xml.find('port') if port is not None: self.port = int(port.text) else: self.port = constants.PROTO_DEF_PORTS[self.sync_type] self.available = None if self.sync_type == 'rsync': _fetcher = fetcher.RSync else: _fetcher = fetcher.FTP self.fetcher = _fetcher(self.domain, self.port, self.path, self.dest, rsync_args = rsync_args, rsync_ignores = rsync_ignores, filechecks = self.filechecks, offset = self.offset, owner = self.owner) self._check_conn() def _check_conn(self): sock = socket.socket() sock.settimeout(7) try: sock.connect((self.domain, self.port)) sock.close() self.available = True except (socket.timeout, socket.error): self.available = False return(None) def _get_delaychk(self): delay = self.xml.attrib.get('delayCheck') if not delay: return(None) delay = TimeOffset(delay) self.delay = delay.offset return(None) def _get_offset(self): offset = self.xml.attrib.get('offset') if not offset: return(None) self.offset = TimeOffset(offset) return(None) def sync(self): self.fetcher.fetch() return(None) class Distro(object): def __init__(self, distro_xml): self.xml = distro_xml = self.xml.attrib['name'] self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.xml.find('dest').text)) self.mount = Mount(self.xml.find('mountCheck')) self.filechecks = {'local': {'check': None, 'sync': None}, 'remote': {'update': None, 'sync': None}} self.timestamps = {} self.rsync_args = None self.rsync_ignores = None self.owner = None self.upstreams = [] self.lockfile = '/var/run/repomirror/{0}.lck'.format( # These are optional. self.owner_xml = self.xml.find('owner') if self.owner_xml is not None: self.owner = get_owner(self.owner_xml) self.rsync_xml = self.xml.find('rsyncArgs') if self.rsync_xml is not None: self.rsync_args = Args(self.rsync_xml) for i in ('Check', 'Sync'): e = self.xml.find('lastLocal{0}'.format(i)) if e is not None: self.filechecks['local'][i.lower()] = TimestampFile(e) for i in ('Sync', 'Update'): e = self.xml.find('lastRemote{0}'.format(i)) if e is not None: self.filechecks['remote'][i.lower()] = TimestampFile(e) self.rsync_ignores = [] rsyncig_xml = self.xml.find('rsyncIgnore') if rsyncig_xml is not None: self.rsync_ignores = [int(i.strip()) for i in rsyncig_xml.attrib['returns'].split()] for u in self.xml.findall('upstream'): self.upstreams.append(Upstream(u, self.dest, rsync_args = self.rsync_args, owner = self.owner, filechecks = self.filechecks, rsync_ignores = self.rsync_ignores)) def check(self): for k, v in self.filechecks['local'].items(): if v: tstmp = self.timestamps[k] = tstmp _logger.debug('Updated local timestamps: {0}'.format(self.timestamps)) local_checks = sorted([i for i in self.timestamps.values() if i]) if local_checks:'Local timestamps: {0}'.format(', '.join([str(t) for t in local_checks]))) for u in self.upstreams: if not u.available: continue u.fetcher.check() remote_checks = sorted([i for i in u.fetcher.timestamps.values() if i]) if remote_checks:'Remote timestamps for {0}: {1}'.format(u.domain, ', '.join([str(t) for t in remote_checks]))) if not any((local_checks, remote_checks)) or not remote_checks:'There are no reliable timestamp comparisons; syncing.') u.has_new = True else: update = u.fetcher.timestamps.get('update') sync = u.fetcher.timestamps.get('sync') if update: if local_checks and (local_checks[-1] < update):'Newest local timestamp is older than the remote update; syncing.') u.has_new = True elif not local_checks:'No local timestamps; syncing.') u.has_new = True else:'Local checks are newer than upstream.') else:'No remote update timestamp; syncing.') u.has_new = True if sync and u.delay: td = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - sync if td > u.delay: _logger.warning(('Upstream {0} has not synced for {1} or longer; this ' 'repository may be out of date.').format(u.fetcher.url, u.delay)) warnings.warn('Upstream may be out of date') return(None) def sync(self): self.check() my_pid = os.getpid() if os.path.isfile(self.lockfile): with open(self.lockfile, 'r') as fh: pid = int( if my_pid == pid: # This logically should not happen, but something might have gone stupid. _logger.warning('Someone call the Ghostbusters because this machine is haunted.') return(False) else: warnmsg = 'The sync process for {0} is locked with file {1} and PID {2}'.format(, self.lockfile, pid) try: proc = psutil.Process(pid) warnmsg += '.' except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, FileNotFoundError, AttributeError): proc = None warnmsg += ' but that PID no longer exists.' _logger.warning(warnmsg) if proc: _logger.warning('PID information: {0}'.format(vars(proc))) # This is *really* annoying if you're running from cron and get emailed output. # So we suppress it if in cron. if not _is_cron: warnings.warn(warnmsg) if proc: proc_info = {k.lstrip('_'):v for k, v in vars(proc) if k not in ('_lock', '_proc')} import pprint print('Process information:') pprint.pprint(proc_info) return(False) if not self.mount.is_mounted: _logger.error(('The mountpoint {0} for distro {1} is not mounted; ' 'refusing to sync').format(self.mount.path, return(False) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.lockfile), mode = 0o0755, exist_ok = True) with open(self.lockfile, 'w') as fh: fh.write('{0}\n'.format(str(my_pid))) for u in self.upstreams: if not u.available: _logger.debug('Upstream {0} is not available; skipping.'.format(u.domain)) continue if u.has_new:'Initiating syncing upstream {0}.'.format(u.domain)) u.sync() _logger.debug('Sync for upstream {0} complete.'.format(u.domain)) if self.filechecks['local']['sync']: self.filechecks['local']['sync'].write() break else: _logger.debug('Upstream {0} is not new; not syncing.'.format(u.domain)) if self.filechecks['local']['check']: self.filechecks['local']['check'].write() os.remove(self.lockfile) return(True) class Sync(object): def __init__(self, cfg = None, dummy = False, distro = None, logdir = None, *args, **kwargs): if logdir: self.logdir = logdir else: self.logdir = os.path.dirname(logger.filehandler.baseFilename) self._orig_log_old = logger.filehandler.baseFilename self._orig_log = logger.preplog(os.path.join(self.logdir, '_main.log')) logger.filehandler.close() logger.filehandler.baseFilename = self._orig_log try: _args = dict(locals()) del(_args['self']) _logger.debug('Sync class instantiated with args: {0}'.format(_args)) self.dummy = dummy if distro: self.distro = distro else: self.distro = [] self.cfg = config.Config(cfg) except Exception as e: _logger.error('FATAL ERROR. Stacktrace follows.', exc_info = True) raise e def sync(self): if self.distro: for d in self.distro: e = self.cfg.xml.xpath('//distro[@name="{0}"]'.format(d)) if e is None: _logger.error('Could not find specified distro {0}; skipping'.format(d)) continue e = e[0] logger.filehandler.close() logger.filehandler.baseFilename = os.path.join(self.logdir, '{0}.log'.format(e.attrib['name'])) distro = Distro(e) distro.sync() else: for e in self.cfg.xml.findall('distro'): logger.filehandler.close() logger.filehandler.baseFilename = os.path.join(self.logdir, '{0}.log'.format(e.attrib['name'])) distro = Distro(e) distro.sync() logger.filehandler.close() logger.filehandler.baseFilename = self._orig_log return(None)