#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser import argparse import os import re import base64 import subprocess import hashlib import datetime from io import BytesIO # You might need to install these modules; they aren't in stdlib. import pymysql import magic import gpgme from mutagen.id3 import ID3, APIC, TALB, TDRC, TENC, TRCK, COMM, WXXX, TCON, TIT2, TPE1, TCOP from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis from mutagen.flac import Picture from PIL import Image # This is really pillowtalk for what I'm using. I don't think PIL proper ever released a py3k version. # Note: also requires ffmpeg to be installed. dflt_config_paths = ['~/.podloader.ini', '~/.podloader/podloader.ini', 'podloader.ini', 'podloader.ini.dist'] def configParse(configfile = dflt_config_paths[-1]): # Here we find and parse the config, then return a dict of the values. # We COULD return a configparser object, but that's a PITA to reference. conf = configfile olddef = dflt_config_paths[-1] for i, item in enumerate(dflt_config_paths): dflt_config_paths[i] = os.path.expanduser(item) for i, item in enumerate(dflt_config_paths): if not dflt_config_paths[i].startswith('/'): dflt_config_paths[i] = '{0}/{1}'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), item) if configfile != olddef: conf = configfile else: for p in dflt_config_paths: if os.path.isfile(p): conf = p break defconf = dflt_config_paths[-1] config = configparser.ConfigParser() config._interpolation = configparser.ExtendedInterpolation() config.read([defconf, conf]) config_dict = {s:dict(config.items(s)) for s in config.sections()} # Convert the booleans to pythonic booleans in the dict, convert to ints, etc. if config['mysql']['password'] == 'False': config_dict['mysql']['password'] = config['mysql'].getboolean('password') config_dict['gpg']['enabled'] = config['gpg'].getboolean('enabled') config_dict['mysql']['port'] = config['mysql'].getint('port') config_dict['tags']['season_pad'] = config['tags'].getint('season_pad') config_dict['tags']['episode_pad'] = config['tags'].getint('episode_pad') # Set some "magic" interpolation if not config_dict['mysql']['password']: config_dict['mysql']['conf'] = os.path.expanduser(config_dict['mysql']['conf']) mysqlconf = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value = True) if os.path.isfile(config_dict['mysql']['conf']): mysqlconf.read(config_dict['mysql']['conf']) mysqlcnf_dict = {s:dict(mysqlconf.items(s)) for s in mysqlconf.sections()} mysqlcnf = mysqlcnf_dict['client' + config_dict['mysql']['confsec']] if 'host' in mysqlcnf: config_dict['mysql']['host'] = mysqlcnf['host'] else: config_dict['mysql']['host'] = 'localhost' if 'ssl' in mysqlcnf: config_dict['mysql']['ssl'] = {} for c in ('ssl-ca','ssl-cert', 'ssl-key', 'ssl-cipher'): if c in mysqlcnf: newkey = c.replace('ssl-', '') config_dict['mysql']['ssl'][newkey] = mysqlcnf[c] config_dict['mysql']['user'] = mysqlcnf['user'] config_dict['mysql']['password'] = mysqlcnf['password'] if 'port' in mysqlcnf: config_dict['mysql']['port'] = int(mysqlcnf['port']) else: config_dict['mysql']['port'] = 3306 del config_dict['mysql']['confsec'] mysqlcnf.clear() mysqlcnf_dict.clear() for s in mysqlconf.sections(): mysqlconf.remove_section(s) else: exit('ERROR: You specified [mysql]password as False but did not provide a valid .my.cnf path!') config_dict['gpg']['keys'] = config_dict['gpg']['keys'].split(',') if len(config_dict['gpg']['keys']) >= 1: config_dict['gpg']['keys'][:] = [re.sub('^\s*(0x)?([0-9A-F]*)\s*', '\g<2>', x).upper() for x in config_dict['gpg']['keys']] if config_dict['gpg']['enabled'] == True: if config_dict['gpg']['homedir'] != '': config_dict['gpg']['homedir'] = os.path.expanduser(config_dict['gpg']['homedir']) config_dict['local']['path'] = os.path.expanduser(config_dict['local']['path']) config_dict['local']['mediadir'] = os.path.expanduser(config_dict['local']['mediadir']) os.makedirs(config_dict['local']['mediadir'], exist_ok = True) if config_dict['tags']['year'] == 'False': config_dict['tags']['year'] = config['tags'].getboolean('year') config_dict['tags']['img'] = os.path.expanduser(config_dict['tags']['img']) return(config_dict) def confArgs(conf, args): conf['episode'] = {} conf['episode']['title'] = args.title conf['episode']['file_title'] = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9-]', '.', conf['episode']['title']).lower() conf['episode']['season'] = str(args.season).zfill(conf['tags']['season_pad']) conf['episode']['serial'] = str(args.episode).zfill(conf['tags']['episode_pad']) for i in ('season', 'episode'): del conf['tags'][i + '_pad'] conf['episode']['id'] = 'S{0}E{1}'.format(str(conf['episode']['season']), str(conf['episode']['serial'])) conf['episode']['pretty_title'] = '{0}: {1}'.format(conf['episode']['id'], conf['episode']['title']) if conf['tags']['track'] == 'EPISODE': conf['tags']['track'] = conf['episode']['serial'] conf['tags']['url'] = re.sub('^(.*)SEASONEPISODE(.*)$', '\g<1>' + conf['episode']['id'] + '\g<2>', conf['tags']['url']) conf['tags']['url'] = re.sub('^(.*)SEASON(.*)$', '\g<1>' + conf['episode']['season'] + '\g<2>', conf['tags']['url']) conf['tags']['url'] = re.sub('^(.*)EPISODE(.*)$', '\g<1>' + conf['episode']['serial'] + '\g<2>', conf['tags']['url']) conf['local']['subdir'] = re.sub('^(.*)SEASONEPISODE(.*)$', '\g<1>' + conf['episode']['id'] + '\g<2>', conf['local']['subdir']) conf['local']['subdir'] = re.sub('^(.*)SEASON(.*)$', '\g<1>' + conf['episode']['season'] + '\g<2>', conf['local']['subdir']) conf['local']['subdir'] = re.sub('^(.*)EPISODE(.*)$', '\g<1>' + conf['episode']['serial'] + '\g<2>', conf['local']['subdir']) conf['local']['path'] = '{0}/{1}'.format(conf['local']['path'], conf['local']['subdir'].lower()) if not conf['tags']['year']: conf['tags']['year'] = datetime.datetime.now().year conf['tags']['year'] = str(conf['tags']['year']) if not os.path.isdir(conf['local']['path']): os.makedirs(conf['local']['path'], exist_ok = True) del conf['local']['subdir'] conf['episode']['raw'] = args.flacfile if args.flacfile: newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.flacfile)) if os.path.isfile(newpath): conf['episode']['raw'] = newpath else: exit('ERROR: The FLAC file you specified does not seem to exist({0}). Check your path.'.format(newpath)) else: dflt_flac_names = ['{0}.edited.flac'.format(conf['episode']['id'].lower()), '{0}.final.flac'.format(conf['episode']['id'].lower()), '{0}.flac'.format(conf['episode']['id'].lower())] for f in dflt_flac_names: if os.path.isfile('{0}/{1}'.format(conf['local']['path'], f)): conf['episode']['raw'] = '{0}/{1}'.format(conf['local']['path'], f) break if not conf['episode']['raw']: exit('ERROR: We cannot seem to locate a FLAC to convert. Try using the -f/--file argument.') magic_file = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME) magic_file.load() if not magic_file.file(conf['episode']['raw']) == 'audio/x-flac; charset=binary': exit('ERROR: Your FLAC file does not seem to actually be FLAC.') conf['flac'] = {} conf['flac']['samples'] = subprocess.check_output(['metaflac', '--show-total-samples', '{0}'.format(conf['episode']['raw'])]).decode('utf-8').strip() conf['flac']['rate'] = subprocess.check_output(['metaflac', '--show-sample-rate', '{0}'.format(conf['episode']['raw'])]).decode('utf-8').strip() conf['flac']['rate'] = '{0:.2f}'.format(float(conf['flac']['rate'])) rawfilepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args.raw_recording)) if not os.path.isfile(rawfilepath): exit('ERROR: the raw recording evaluated to {0} but it does not seem to exist!'.format(rawfilepath)) conf['episode']['recorded'] = (str(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(rawfilepath)))).split('.')[0] conf['episode']['length'] = float(conf['flac']['samples'])/float(conf['flac']['rate']) conf['episode']['length'] = str(int(conf['episode']['length'])) if args.now: timestamp = datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now()) else: timestamp = os.path.getmtime(conf['episode']['raw']) conf['episode']['sha'] = {} conf['episode']['size'] = {} conf['episode']['released'] = (str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())).split('.')[0] conf['episode']['month'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%m') conf['episode']['day'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%d') conf['episode']['file_title'] = re.sub('\.+', '.', conf['episode']['file_title']) conf['episode']['file_title'] = '{0}.{1}'.format(conf['episode']['id'].lower(), re.sub('\.$', '', conf['episode']['file_title'])) del conf['flac'] if args.editor: del conf['tags']['editor'] conf['episode']['editor'] = args.editor else: conf['episode']['editor'] = conf['tags']['editor'] if conf['tags']['album'] == 'SEASON': conf['tags']['album'] = 'Season {0}'.format(conf['episode']['season']) conf['local']['mediadir'] = '{0}/S{1}/E{2}'.format(conf['local']['mediadir'], conf['episode']['season'], conf['episode']['serial']) os.makedirs(conf['local']['mediadir'], exist_ok = True) cc_base_url = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses' conf['music'] = {} conf['music']['intro'] = {} conf['music']['intro']['artist'] = args.intro_artist conf['music']['intro']['title'] = args.intro_title conf['music']['intro']['copyright'] = args.intro_copyright conf['music']['intro']['link'] = args.intro_link if args.intro_copyrightlink: conf['music']['intro']['copyrightlink'] = args.intro_copyrightlink else: strp_cr = (re.sub('CC-?', '', args.intro_copyright, flags = re.I)).split() if len(strp_cr) != 2: exit('ERROR: You did not specify a copyright link and this does not seem to be a CC license!') conf['music']['intro']['copyrightlink'] = '{0}/{1}/{2}/'.format( cc_base_url, strp_cr[0].lower(), strp_cr[1]) conf['music']['outro'] = {} conf['music']['outro']['artist'] = args.outro_artist conf['music']['outro']['title'] = args.outro_title conf['music']['outro']['copyright'] = args.outro_copyright conf['music']['outro']['link'] = args.outro_link if args.intro_copyrightlink: conf['music']['outro']['copyrightlink'] = args.outro_copyrightlink else: strp_cr = (re.sub('CC-?', '', args.outro_copyright, flags = re.I)).split() conf['music']['outro']['copyrightlink'] = '{0}/{1}/{2}/'.format( cc_base_url, strp_cr[0].lower(), strp_cr[1]) return(conf) def transcodeMP3(conf): mediatype = 'mp3' mediadir = '{0}/{1}'.format(conf['local']['mediadir'], mediatype) mediafile = '{0}/{1}.{2}'.format(mediadir, conf['episode']['file_title'], mediatype) if os.path.isfile(mediafile): os.remove(mediafile) os.makedirs(mediadir, exist_ok = True) print('{0}: Transcoding to {1}...'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), mediatype)) subprocess.call(['ffmpeg', '-stats', '-loglevel', '0', '-i', conf['episode']['raw'], '-b:a', '128k', '-ac','1', '-joint_stereo', '1', mediafile]) return(mediafile) def transcodeOGG(conf): mediatype = 'ogg' mediadir = '{0}/{1}'.format(conf['local']['mediadir'], mediatype) mediafile = '{0}/{1}.{2}'.format(mediadir, conf['episode']['file_title'], mediatype) if os.path.isfile(mediafile): os.remove(mediafile) os.makedirs(mediadir, exist_ok = True) print('{0}: Transcoding to {1}...'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), mediatype)) subprocess.call(['ffmpeg', '-stats', '-loglevel', '0', '-i', conf['episode']['raw'], '-qscale:a', '8', '-ac','1', '-joint_stereo', '1', mediafile]) return(mediafile) def imgConv(imgfile): # Rockbox (and probably some other clients) don't like progressive JPEGs and stuff. SO let's fix that. # Thanks to the io module, we don't even need to write a new file out. img_meta = {} magic_file = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME) magic_file.load() img_meta['mime'] = magic_file.file(imgfile).split(';')[0] with Image.open(imgfile) as img_data: img_meta['height'] = img_data.height img_meta['width'] = img_data.width img_meta['depth'] = img_data.bits # And we need to remove the progressiveness if it exists. if 'progressive' in img_data.info.keys(): # This isn't strictly necessary since we explicitly specify format = 'JPEG' when saving. #if p.format in ('JPEG', 'PNG'): # imgformat = img_data.format #else: # imgformat = 'PNG' img_stream = BytesIO() img_data.save(img_stream, format = 'JPEG', dpi = img_data.info.get('dpi'), quality = 95, optimize = True, progressive = False, icc_profile = img_data.info.get('icc_profile'), subsampling = 'keep') # Be kind, please rewind. # Don't sue me, Blockbuster. lol img_stream.seek(0) img_stream = img_stream.read() else: with open(imgfile) as f: img_stream = f.read() return(img_stream, img_meta) def tagMP3(conf, mediafile): # http://id3.org/id3v2.3.0#Attached_picture # http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames (section 4.14) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7275710/mutagen-how-to-detect-and-embed-album-art-in-mp3-flac-and-mp4 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/409949/how-do-you-embed-album-art-into-an-mp3-using-python img_stream, img_meta = imgConv(conf['tags']['img']) print('{0}: Now adding tags to {1}...'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), mediafile)) tag = ID3(mediafile) tag.add(TALB(encoding = 3, text = [conf['tags']['album']])) tag.add(APIC(encoding = 3, mime = img_meta['mime'], type = 3, desc = '{0} ({1})'.format(conf['tags']['artist'], conf['tags']['comment']), data = img_stream)) tag.add(TDRC(encoding = 3, text = ['{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(conf['tags']['year'], conf['episode']['month'], conf['episode']['day'])])) tag.add(TENC(encoding = 3, text = [conf['tags']['encoded']])) tag.add(TRCK(encoding = 3, text = [conf['tags']['track']])) tag.add(COMM(encoding = 3, #lang = '\x00\x00\x00', # I'm not sure why we're sending three NULLs, but best to be explicit. lang = 'eng', desc = 'Description provided by Podloader. https://git.square-r00t.net/Podloader', text = [conf['tags']['comment']])) tag.add(WXXX(encoding = 3, desc = conf['tags']['artist'], url = conf['tags']['url'])) tag.add(TCON(encoding = 3, text = [conf['tags']['genre']])) tag.add(TIT2(encoding = 3, text = [conf['episode']['pretty_title']])) tag.add(TPE1(encoding = 3, text = [conf['tags']['artist']])) tag.add(TCOP(encoding = 3, text = [conf['tags']['copyright']])) tag.save() def tagOGG(conf, mediafile): # https://mutagen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/vcomment.html # https://wiki.xiph.org/VorbisComment#METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE # https://xiph.org/flac/format.html#metadata_block_picture # https://github.com/quodlibet/mutagen/issues/200 img_stream, img_meta = imgConv(conf['tags']['img']) picture = Picture() picture.data = img_stream picture.type = 3 picture.description = '{0} ({1})'.format(conf['tags']['artist'], conf['tags']['comment']) picture.mime = img_meta['mime'] picture.width = img_meta['width'] picture.height = img_meta['height'] picture.depth = img_meta['depth'] picture.desc = '{0} ({1})'.format(conf['tags']['artist'], conf['tags']['comment']) containered_data = picture.write() encoded_data = base64.b64encode(containered_data) img_tag = encoded_data.decode('ascii') print('{0}: Now adding tags to {1}...'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), mediafile)) tag = OggVorbis(mediafile) tag['TITLE'] = conf['episode']['pretty_title'] tag['ARTIST'] = conf['tags']['artist'] tag['ALBUM'] = conf['tags']['album'] tag['DATE'] = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(conf['tags']['year'], conf['episode']['month'], conf['episode']['day']) tag['TRACKNUMBER'] = conf['tags']['track'] tag['GENRE'] = conf['tags']['genre'] tag['DESCRIPTION'] = conf['tags']['comment'] tag['COPYRIGHT'] = conf['tags']['copyright'] tag['CONTACT'] = conf['tags']['url'] tag['ENCODED-BY'] = conf['tags']['encoded'] tag['ENCODER'] = conf['tags']['encoded'] tag['METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE'] = [img_tag] tag.save() def getSHA256(mediafile): print('{0}: Generating SHA256 for {1}...'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), mediafile)) filehash = hashlib.sha256() with open(mediafile, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b''): filehash.update(chunk) return(filehash.hexdigest()) def getSize(mediafile): filesize = os.path.getsize(mediafile) return(filesize) def dbEntry(conf): print('{0}: Inserting into the {1}.{2}@{3} table...'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), conf['mysql']['db'], conf['mysql']['table'], conf['mysql']['host'])) ssl = False if 'ssl' in conf['mysql']: ssl = conf['mysql']['ssl'] vals = "'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}'".format(conf['episode']['id'], conf['episode']['file_title'], conf['episode']['sha']['mp3'], conf['episode']['sha']['ogg'], conf['episode']['size']['mp3'], conf['episode']['size']['ogg'], conf['episode']['length'], re.sub("'", "\\'", conf['episode']['editor']), re.sub("'", "\\'", conf['music']['intro']['title']), re.sub("'", "\\'", conf['music']['intro']['artist']), conf['music']['intro']['link'], re.sub("'", "\\'", conf['music']['intro']['copyright']), conf['music']['intro']['copyrightlink'], re.sub("'", "\\'", conf['music']['outro']['title']), re.sub("'", "\\'", conf['music']['outro']['artist']), conf['music']['outro']['link'], re.sub("'", "\\'", conf['music']['outro']['copyright']), conf['music']['outro']['copyrightlink'], conf['episode']['recorded'], conf['episode']['released']) conn = pymysql.connect(host = conf['mysql']['host'], port = conf['mysql']['port'], user = conf['mysql']['user'], passwd = conf['mysql']['password'], db = conf['mysql']['db'], ssl = ssl, autocommit = True) cur = conn.cursor() query = 'INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2})'.format(conf['mysql']['table'], conf['mysql']['cols'], vals) try: cur.execute(query) cur.close() conn.close() except: print('{0}: There seems to have been some error when inserting into the DB. Check access (or it is a dupe).'.format( datetime.datetime.now())) def signEp(mediatype, conf): # No reason to call this for each file. Fix. os.makedirs('{0}/gpg'.format(conf['local']['mediadir']), exist_ok = True) sigfile = '{0}/gpg/{1}.{2}.asc'.format(conf['local']['mediadir'], conf['episode']['file_title'], mediatype) os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = conf['gpg']['homedir'] vrfykeys = [] sigs = {} gpg = gpgme.Context() gpg.armor = True for k in conf['gpg']['keys']: if gpg.get_key(k, True).can_sign: # it seems pygpgme does not allow signing with subkeys. sad day. gpg.signkeys complains if you pass it Subkey objects. #subkeys = [] #for i in gpg.get_key(k, True).subkeys: # subkeys.append(i.fpr) #indexnum = [x for x, s in enumerate(subkeys) if k in s][0] #vrfykeys.append(gpg.get_key(k, True).subkeys[indexnum].fpr) if gpg.get_key(k, True).subkeys[0].fpr not in vrfykeys: vrfykeys.append(gpg.get_key(k, True).subkeys[0].fpr) data_in = '{0}/{1}/{2}.{3}'.format(conf['local']['mediadir'], mediatype, conf['episode']['file_title'], mediatype) print('{0}: Checking for existing GPG signatures (and skipping if we signed)...'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) if os.path.isfile(sigfile): with open(sigfile, 'rb') as s: with open(data_in, 'rb') as f: for k in gpg.verify(s, f, None): try: sigs[gpg.get_key(k.fpr, True).subkeys[0].fpr] = True except: pass for k in vrfykeys: if k not in sigs: sigkeys = [] if gpg.get_key(k, True).can_sign: print('{0}: Signing with key {1}...'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), k)) sigkeys.append(gpg.get_key(k, True)) gpg.signers = sigkeys with open(sigfile, 'ab') as s: with open(data_in, 'rb') as f: gpg.sign(f, s, gpgme.SIG_MODE_DETACH) return(sigfile) def uploadFile(conf): # TODO: Can we do this via paramiko? That way we can check for the destination dir # and create if it doesn't exist. # Also, no reason to call this for each file. print('{0}: Syncing files to server...'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) subprocess.call(['rsync', '-a', '{0}'.format(conf['local']['mediadir']), '{0}@{1}:{2}S{3}/.'.format(conf['rsync']['user'], conf['rsync']['host'], conf['rsync']['path'], conf['episode']['season'])]) def argParse(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'PodLoader - a script to assist in Textpattern-powered podcasts', prog = 'podloader v1.1') requiredArgs = parser.add_argument_group('REQUIRED arguments') requiredArgs.add_argument('-t', '--title', dest = 'title', required = True, help = "The episode's title (as it will appear in meta information).") requiredArgs.add_argument('-e', '--episode', dest = 'episode', required = True, type = int, help = "The episode number for this episode.") requiredArgs.add_argument('-s', '--season', dest = 'season', required = True, type = int, help = "The season number this episode is in.") requiredArgs.add_argument('-r', '--raw-recording', dest = 'raw_recording', required = True, help = "The path to a single-track *raw* recording. This file is used to get the timestamp of recording.") requiredArgs.add_argument('-i:a', '--intro-artist', dest = 'intro_artist', required = True, help = "The artist for the intro music.") requiredArgs.add_argument('-i:t', '--intro-title', dest = 'intro_title', required = True, help = "The title for the intro music.") requiredArgs.add_argument('-i:l', '--intro-link', dest = 'intro_link', required = True, help = "The link to the intro track (i.e. page to more information about the track).") requiredArgs.add_argument('-i:c', '--intro-copyright', dest = 'intro_copyright', required = True, help = "The copyright for the intro music. If it's a Creative Commons type, you do not need to include a copyright link. e.g. '-i:c \"CC-BY-SA 3.0\"'") requiredArgs.add_argument('-o:a', '--outro-artist', dest = 'outro_artist', required = True, help = "The artist for the outro music.") requiredArgs.add_argument('-o:t', '--outro-title', dest = 'outro_title', required = True, help = "The title for the outro music.") requiredArgs.add_argument('-o:l', '--outro-link', dest = 'outro_link', required = True, help = "The link to the outro track (i.e. page to more information about the track).") requiredArgs.add_argument('-o:c', '--outro-copyright', dest = 'outro_copyright', required = True, help = "The copyright for the outro music. If it's a Creative Commons type, you do not need to include a copyright link. e.g. '-i:c \"CC-BY-SA 3.0\"'") parser.add_argument('-i:cl', '--intro-copyrightlink', dest = 'intro_copyrightlink', default = False, help = "The link to the copyright terms for the intro. Optional if it's a CC license.") parser.add_argument('-o:cl', '--outro-copyrightlink', default = False, dest = 'outro_copyrightlink', help = "The link to the copyright terms for the outro. Optional if it's a CC license.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--editor', dest = 'editor', help = 'The audio editor for the episode. Can (should) contain HTML link to editor (e.g. \'Editor Name\'') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest = 'flacfile', default = False, help = "The (final edit) FLAC file to be used for the episode. If not specified, we'll try to guess.") parser.add_argument('-n', '--now', dest = 'now', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = "Instead of getting the date based on the time of the file, use today's date (for media tags).") try: args = parser.parse_args() print('{0}: Starting.'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) except (NameError, TypeError): parser.print_help() exit(1) return(args) def main(): conf = confArgs(configParse(), argParse()) mp3 = transcodeMP3(conf) tagMP3(conf, mp3) ogg = transcodeOGG(conf) tagOGG(conf, ogg) conf['episode']['sha']['mp3'] = getSHA256(mp3) conf['episode']['sha']['ogg'] = getSHA256(ogg) conf['episode']['size']['mp3'] = getSize(mp3) conf['episode']['size']['ogg'] = getSize(ogg) dbEntry(conf) signEp('mp3', conf) signEp('ogg', conf) uploadFile(conf) print('{0}: Finished.'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) if __name__ == '__main__': main()