2018-01-13 02:10:15 -05:00

93 lines
3.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# requires python lxml module as well
import os
import socket
import time
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# The page that contains the list of (authoritative ISO) mirrors
URL = 'http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64/'
# The formatting on the page is pretty simple - no divs, etc. - so we need to
# blacklist some links we pull in.
blacklisted_link_URLs = ('http://bittorrent.com/',
mirrors = {}
dflt_ports = {'https': 443, # unlikely. "HTTPS is currently not used for mirrors." per https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors
'http': 80, # most likely.
'ftp': 21,
'rsync': 873}
def getMirrors():
mirrors = []
with urlopen(URL) as u:
pg_src = u.read().decode('utf-8')
soup = BeautifulSoup(pg_src, 'lxml')
for tag in soup.find_all('br')[4].next_siblings:
if tag.name == 'a' and tag['href'] not in blacklisted_link_URLs:
def getHosts(mirror):
port = None
fqdn = None
login = ''
# "mirror" should be a base URI of the CentOS mirror path.
# mirrors.centos.org is pointless to use for this!
#url = os.path.join(mirror, 'sha256sum.txt.asc')
uri = urlparse(mirror)
spl_dom = uri.netloc.split(':')
if len(spl_dom) >= 2: # more complex URI
if len(spl_dom) == 2: # probably domain:port?
port = int(spl_dom[-1:])
except ValueError: # ooookay, so it's not domain:port, it's a user:pass@
if '@' in uri.netloc:
auth = uri.netloc.split('@')
fqdn = auth[1]
login = auth[0] + '@'
elif len(spl_dom) > 2: # even more complex URI, which ironically makes parsing easier
auth = uri.netloc.split('@')
fqdn = spl_dom[1].split('@')[1]
port = int(spl_dom[-1:])
login = auth[0] + '@'
# matches missing values and simple URI. like, 99%+ of mirror URIs being passed.
if not fqdn:
fqdn = uri.netloc
if not port:
port = dflt_ports[uri.scheme]
mirrors[fqdn] = {'proto': uri.scheme,
'port': port,
'path': uri.path,
'auth': login}
def getSpeeds():
for fqdn in mirrors.keys():
start = time.time()
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((fqdn, mirrors[fqdn]['port']))
mirrors[fqdn]['time'] = time.time() - start
def main():
for m in getMirrors():
ranking = sorted(mirrors.keys(), key = lambda k: (mirrors[k]['time']))
for i in ranking:
str_port = ':' + str(mirrors[i]['port'])
if mirrors[i]['port'] in dflt_ports.values():
str_port = ''
p = str_port))
if __name__ == '__main__':