#!/usr/bin/env python3 # TODO: logging import datetime import json import hashlib import pathlib import os import re import shutil # import subprocess ## import psutil import requests from lxml import etree class Updater(object): _fname_re = re.compile(r'^systemrescue-(?P[0-9.]+)-(?P(i686|amd64)).iso$') _def_hash = 'sha256' _allowed_hashes = ('sha256', 'sha512') _allowed_arches = ('i686', 'amd64') _date_fmt = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z' def __init__(self, arch = 'amd64', dest_dir = '/boot/iso', dest_file = 'sysresccd.iso', ver_file = '.sysresccd.json', lock_path = '/tmp/.sysresccd.lck', feed_url = 'https://osdn.net/projects/systemrescuecd/storage/!rss', # dl_base = 'https://osdn.mirror.constant.com//storage/g/s/sy/systemrescuecd', grub_cfg = '/etc/grub.d/40_custom_sysresccd', # check_gpg = True, # TODO: GPG sig checking hash_type = 'sha512'): if arch.lower() not in self._allowed_arches: raise ValueError('arch must be one of: {0}'.format(', '.join(self._allowed_arches))) else: self.arch = arch.lower() if hash_type.lower() not in self._allowed_hashes: raise ValueError('hash_type must be one of: {0}'.format(', '.join(self._allowed_hashes))) else: self.hash_type = hash_type.lower() self.dest_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dest_dir)) self.dest_file = dest_file self.ver_file = ver_file self.feed_url = feed_url # self.dl_base = dl_base self.dl_base = None self.grub_cfg = grub_cfg self.lckfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(lock_path)) self.old_date = None self.old_ver = None self.old_hash = None self.new_date = None self.new_ver = None self.new_hash = None self.do_update = False self.force_update = False self.iso_url = None self.dest_iso = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, self.dest_file) self.dest_ver = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, self.ver_file) self._init_vars() def _init_vars(self): if self.getRunning(): return(None) self.getCurVer() self.getNewVer() return(None) def main(self): if self.getRunning(): return(None) self.lock() if self.do_update or \ self.force_update or not \ all((self.old_date, self.old_ver, self.old_hash)): self.do_update = True self.download() self.touchVer() self.unlock() return(None) def download(self): if self.getRunning(): return(None) if not any((self.do_update, self.force_update)): return(None) if not self.iso_url: raise RuntimeError('iso_url attribute must be set first') req = requests.get(self.iso_url, stream = True, headers = {'User-Agent': 'curl/7.74.0'}) if not req.ok: raise RuntimeError('Received non-200/30x {0} for {1}'.format(req.status_code, self.iso_url)) with req as uri: with open(self.dest_iso, 'wb') as fh: shutil.copyfileobj(uri.raw, fh) hasher = hashlib.new(self.hash_type) with open(self.dest_iso, 'rb') as fh: hasher.update(fh.read()) realhash = hasher.hexdigest().lower() if realhash != self.new_hash: raise RuntimeError('Hash mismatch: {0} (LOCAL), {1} (REMOTE)'.format(realhash, self.new_hash)) self.updateVer() return(None) def getCurVer(self): if self.getRunning(): return(None) if not os.path.isfile(self.dest_ver): self.do_update = True self.force_update = True self.old_ver = 0.00 return(None) with open(self.dest_ver, 'rb') as fh: ver_info = json.load(fh) self.old_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(ver_info['date'], self._date_fmt) self.old_ver = ver_info['ver'] self.old_hash = ver_info.get(self.hash_type, self._def_hash) self.new_hash = self.old_hash self.new_ver = self.old_ver self.new_date = self.old_date if ver_info.get('arch') != self.arch: self.do_update = True self.force_update = True try: hasher = hashlib.new(self.hash_type) with open(self.dest_iso, 'rb') as fh: hasher.update(fh.read()) if self.old_hash != hasher.hexdigest().lower(): self.do_update = True self.force_update = True except FileNotFoundError: self.do_update = True self.force_update = True return(None) return (None) def getNewVer(self): if self.getRunning(): return(None) req = requests.get(self.feed_url, headers = {'User-Agent': 'curl/7.74.0'}) if not req.ok: raise RuntimeError('Received non-200/30x {0} for {1}'.format(req.status_code, self.feed_url)) feed = etree.fromstring(req.content) self.dl_base = feed.xpath('channel/link')[0].text for item in feed.xpath('//item'): date_xml = item.find('pubDate') title_xml = item.find('title') # link_xml = item.find('link') date = title = link = None if date_xml is not None: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_xml.text, self._date_fmt) if title_xml is not None: title = title_xml.text # if link_xml is not None: # link = link_xml.text fname_r = self._fname_re.search(os.path.basename(title)) if not fname_r: continue ver_info = fname_r.groupdict() if ver_info['arch'] != self.arch: continue new_ver = float(ver_info.get('version', self.old_ver)) if not all((self.old_ver, self.old_date)) or \ (new_ver > self.old_ver) or \ (self.old_date < date): self.do_update = True self.new_ver = new_ver self.new_date = date self.iso_url = os.path.join(self.dl_base, title.lstrip('/')) hash_url = '{0}.{1}'.format(self.iso_url, self.hash_type) req = requests.get(hash_url, headers = {'User-Agent': 'curl/7.74.0'}) if not req.ok: raise RuntimeError('Received non-200/30x {0} for {1}'.format(req.status_code, hash_url)) self.new_hash = req.content.decode('utf-8').lower().split()[0] break return(None) def getRunning(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.lckfile): return(False) my_pid = os.getpid() with open(self.lckfile, 'r') as fh: pid = int(fh.read().strip()) if not psutil.pid_exists(pid): os.remove(self.lckfile) return(False) if pid == my_pid: return(False) return(True) def lock(self): with open(self.lckfile, 'w') as fh: fh.write(str(os.getpid())) return(None) def touchVer(self): if self.getRunning(): return(None) ver_path = pathlib.Path(self.dest_ver) ver_path.touch(exist_ok = True) return(None) def unlock(self): if os.path.isfile(self.lckfile): os.remove(self.lckfile) return(None) def updateVer(self): if self.getRunning(): return(None) d = {'date': self.new_date.strftime(self._date_fmt), 'arch': self.arch, 'ver': self.new_ver, self.hash_type: self.new_hash} j = json.dumps(d, indent = 4) with open(self.dest_ver, 'w') as fh: fh.write(j) fh.write('\n') return(None) if __name__ == '__main__': u = Updater() u.main()