#!/usr/bin/env python3 # The logfile. dflt_logfile = '/var/log/optools/optools.log' # The default log level. Can be one of (in increasing levels of output): # critical # error # warning # info # debug # "debug" may log sensitive information! Do *not* use it unless ABSOLUTELY # NECESSARY. dflt_loglevel = 'warning' # stdlib import datetime import logging import logging.handlers import os class log(object): def __init__(self, loglvl = dflt_loglevel, logfile = dflt_logfile, logname = 'optools'): # Loglevel mappings. self.loglvls = {'critical': logging.CRITICAL, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'info': logging.INFO, 'debug': logging.DEBUG} self.loglvl = loglvl.lower() if self.loglvl not in self.loglvls: raise ValueError(('{0} is not one of: ' + '{1}').format(loglvl, ', '.join(self.loglvls.keys()))) self.Logger = logging.getLogger(logname) self.logfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(logfile)) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.logfile), exist_ok = True, mode = 0o700) except Exception as e: # Make this non-fatal since we also log to journal for systemd? raise e self.systemd() self.journald() self.Logger.setLevel(self.loglvls[self.loglvl]) self.log_handlers() def systemd(self): # Add journald support if we're on systemd. # We probably are since we're most likely on Arch, but we don't want to # make assumptions. self.systemd = False _sysd_chk = ['/run/systemd/system', '/dev/.run/systemd', '/dev/.systemd'] for _ in _sysd_chk: if os.path.isdir(_): self.systemd = True break return() def journald(self): if not self.systemd: return() try: from systemd import journal except ImportError: try: import pip pip.main(['install', '--user', 'systemd']) from systemd import journal except Exception as e: # Build failed. Missing gcc, disk too full, whatever. self.systemd = False return() def log_handlers(self): # Log formats if self.systemd: _jrnlfmt = logging.Formatter(fmt = ('{levelname}: {message} ' + '({filename}:{lineno})'), style = '{', datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') _logfmt = logging.Formatter(fmt = ('{asctime}:{levelname}: {message} (' + '{filename}:{lineno})'), style = '{', datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Add handlers _dflthandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.logfile, encoding = 'utf8', # 1GB maxBytes = 1073741824, backupCount = 5) _dflthandler.setFormatter(_logfmt) _dflthandler.setLevel(self.loglvls[self.loglvl]) if self.systemd: from systemd import journal try: h = journal.JournaldLogHandler() except AttributeError: # Uses the other version h = journal.JournalHandler() h.setFormatter(_jrnlfmt) h.setLevel(self.loglvls[self.loglvl]) self.Logger.addHandler(h) self.Logger.addHandler(_dflthandler) self.Logger.info('Logging initialized') return()