<h2>Client/Browser Information</h2> <p>This is information that your browser sends with its connection.</p> <p> <ul> <li><b>Client IP:</b> <a href="https://ipinfo.io/{{ visitor['ip'] }}">{{ visitor['ip'] }}</a></li> <li><b>Browser:</b> {{ '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(browsers[visitor['client']['browser']][0], browsers[visitor['client']['browser']][1])|safe if visitor['client']['browser'] in browsers.keys() else visitor['client']['browser'].title() if visitor['client']['browser'] is not none else '(N/A)' }}</li> <li><b>Language/Locale:</b> {{ visitor['client']['language'] or '(N/A)' }}</li> {%- set alt_os = alts[visitor['client']['os']] if visitor['client']['os'] in alts.keys() else '' %} <li><b>Operating System:</b> {{ '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>{2}'.format(os[visitor['client']['os']][0], os[visitor['client']['os']][1], alt_os)|safe if visitor['client']['os'] in os.keys() else visitor['client']['os'].title() if visitor['client']['os'] is not none else '(N/A)' }}</li> <li><b>User Agent:</b> {{ visitor['client']['str'] }}</li> <li><b>Version:</b> {{ visitor['client']['version'] or '(N/A)' }}</li> </ul> </p> <h2>Request Headers</h2> <p>These are headers sent along with the request your browser sends for the page's content.</p> <p> <table> <tr> <th>Field</th> <th>Value</th> </tr>{% for k in visitor['headers'].keys()|sort(case_sensitive = True) %} <tr> <td>{{ k }}</td> <td>{{ visitor['headers'][k] if visitor['headers'][k] != '' else '(N/A)' }}</td> </tr>{% endfor %} </table> </p>