#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import configparser import copy import datetime import os import pprint import subprocess import sys # TODO: convert .ini to treat [section]s as repositories, with a [DEFAULT] # section for URL etc. cfgfile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.config', 'optools', 'repoclone', 'arch.ini') # Rsync options opts = [ '--recursive', # recurse into directories '--times', # preserve modification times '--links', # copy symlinks as symlinks '--hard-links', # preserve hard links '--quiet', # suppress non-error messages '--delete-after', # receiver deletes after transfer, not during '--delay-updates', # put all updated files into place at end '--copy-links', # transform symlink into referent file/dir '--safe-links', # ignore symlinks that point outside the tree #'--max-delete', # don't delete more than NUM files '--delete-excluded', # also delete excluded files from dest dirs '--exclude=.*' # exclude files matching PATTERN ] def sync(args): # TODO: this should be a class, probably, instead as there's a lot of shared data across what should be multiple # functions. with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: mntchk = subprocess.run(['findmnt', args['mount']], stdout = devnull, stderr = devnull) if mntchk.returncode != 0: exit('!! BAILING OUT; {0} isn\'t mounted !!'.format(args['mount'])) if args['bwlimit'] >= 1: opts.insert(10, '--bwlimit=' + str(args['bwlimit'])) # limit socket I/O bandwidth for k in ('destination', 'logfile', 'lockfile'): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args[k]), exist_ok = True) paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(':') rsync = '/usr/bin/rsync' # set the default for p in paths: testpath = os.path.join(p, 'rsync') if os.path.isfile(testpath): rsync = testpath # in case rsync isn't in /usr/bin/rsync break cmd = [rsync] # the path to the binary cmd.extend(opts) # the arguments # TODO: implement repos here? # end TODO # The https://git.server-speed.net/users/flo/bin/tree/syncrepo.sh script uses http(s). to check for lastupdate. # I don't, because not all mirrors *have* http(s). check_cmd = copy.deepcopy(cmd) check_cmd.append(os.path.join(args['mirror'], 'lastupdate')) check_cmd.append(os.path.join(args['destination'], 'lastupdate')) update_cmd = copy.deepcopy(cmd) update_cmd.append(os.path.join(args['mirror'], 'lastsync')) update_cmd.append(os.path.join(args['destination'], 'lastsync')) cmd.append(os.path.join(args['mirror'], '.')) # the path on the remote mirror (full sync) cmd.append(os.path.join(args['destination'], '.')) # the local destination (full sync) if os.path.isfile(args['lockfile']): with open(args['lockfile'], 'r') as f: existingpid = f.read().strip() if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): # Running from shell exit('!! A repo synchronization seems to already be running (PID: {0}). Quitting. !!'.format(existingpid)) else: exit() # we're running in cron, shut the hell up. else: with open(args['lockfile'], 'w') as f: f.write(str(os.getpid())) # determine if we need to do a full sync. # TODO: clean this up. there's a lot of code duplication here, and it should really be a function. with open(os.path.join(args['destination'], 'lastupdate'), 'r') as f: oldupdate = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(f.read().strip())) with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: # TODO: when i clean this up, change this to do error detection c = subprocess.run(check_cmd, stdout = devnull, stderr = devnull) c2 = subprocess.run(update_cmd, stdout = devnull, stderr = devnull) with open(os.path.join(args['destination'], 'lastupdate'), 'r') as f: newupdate = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(f.read().strip())) if newupdate > oldupdate: with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as log: c = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout = log, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) now = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) with open(os.path.join(args['destination'], 'lastsync'), 'w') as f: f.write(str(now) + '\n') else: # No-op. Stderr should be empty. c = subprocess.run(['echo'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) now = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) # always write the "lastcheck" timestamp. This is something I personally do since other mirrors only update # lastsync when syncs are needed. with open(os.path.join(args['destination'], 'lastcheck'), 'w') as f: f.write(str(now) + '\n') os.remove(args['lockfile']) # Only report errors at the end of the run if we aren't running in cron. Otherwise, log them. errors = c.stderr.decode('utf-8').splitlines() if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()) and errors: print('We encountered some errors:') for e in errors: if e.startswith('symlink has no referent: '): print('Broken upstream symlink: {0}'.format(e.split()[1].replace('"', ''))) else: print(e) elif errors: with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as f: for e in errors: f.write('{0}\n'.format(e)) return() def getDefaults(): # Hardcoded defaults dflt = {'mirror': 'rsync://mirror.square-r00t.net/arch/', 'repos': 'core,extra,community,multilib,iso/latest', 'destination': '/srv/repos/arch', 'mount': '/', 'bwlimit': 0, 'lockfile': '/var/run/repo-sync_arch.lck', 'logfile': '/var/log/repo/arch.log'} realcfg = configparser.ConfigParser(defaults = dflt) if not os.path.isfile(cfgfile): with open(cfgfile, 'w') as f: realcfg.write(f) realcfg.read(cfgfile) return(realcfg) def parseArgs(): cfg = getDefaults() liveopts = cfg['DEFAULT'] args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Synchronization for a remote Arch repository to a local one.', epilog = ('This program will write a default configuration file to {0} ' + 'if one is not found.').format(cfgfile)) args.add_argument('-m', '--mirror', dest = 'mirror', default = liveopts['mirror'], help = ('The upstream mirror to sync from, must be an rsync URI '+ '(Default: {0}').format(liveopts['mirror'])) # TODO: can we do this? # We can; we need to .format() a repo in, probably, on the src and dest. # Problem is the last updated/last synced files. # args.add_argument('-r', # '--repos', # dest = 'repos', # default = liveopts['repos'], # help = ('The repositories to sync; must be a comma-separated list. ' + # '(Currently not used.) Default: {0}').format(','.join(liveopts['repos']))) args.add_argument('-d', '--destination', dest = 'destination', default = liveopts['destination'], help = 'The destination directory to sync to. Default: {0}'.format(liveopts['destination'])) args.add_argument('-b', '--bwlimit', dest = 'bwlimit', default = liveopts['bwlimit'], type = int, help = 'The amount, in Kilobytes per second, to throttle the sync to. Default is to not throttle (0).') args.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest = 'logfile', default = liveopts['logfile'], help = 'The path to the logfile. Default: {0}'.format(liveopts['logfile'])) args.add_argument('-L', '--lock', dest = 'lockfile', default = liveopts['lockfile'], help = 'The path to the lockfile. Default: {0}'.format(liveopts['lockfile'])) args.add_argument('-M', '--mount', dest = 'mount', default = liveopts['mount'], help = 'The mountpoint for your --destination. The script will exit if this point is not mounted. ' + 'If you don\'t need mount checking, just use /. Default: {0}'.format(liveopts['mount'])) return(args) def main(): args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args()) sync(args) return() if __name__ == '__main__': main()