= ASCII Character Reference Brent Saner Last updated/rendered {localdatetime} :doctype: book :data-uri: :imagesdir: images :sectlinks: ifeval::["{doctype}" != "article"] :toc: preamble :toc2: left endif::[] :idprefix: :toclevels: 7 :docinfo: shared :source-highlighter: highlightjs This document attempts to categorize and give reference for all ASCII codes and their various representations. I primarily used http://www.profdavis.net/ASCII_table.pdf[this PDF^] and http://www.robelle.com/smugbook/ascii.html[this website^] as references. == How to Use This Document === How to Render It The document is written in https://asciidoc.org/[AsciiDoc^] (and rendered with https://asciidoctor.org/[AsciiDoctor^]). The most up-to-date AsciiDoc code can be found at https://git.square-r00t.net/OpTools/tree/ref/ascii[my OpTools repo^]. You may see some things that don't quite match the AsciiDoc spec in the source; that's because they're probably AsciiDoctor-specific extensions. You can render it via `asciidoctor -n ascii.adoc`. By default it will render HTML5. You can also render to PDF via `asciidoctor-pdf -n ascii.adoc`. === How to Read It Each section under <> has information about the following tables. Each table thereafter has the following columns in order: *DEC*:: The decimal representation of the character (i.e. what would be returned in Python's `ord()`). *OCT*:: The octal representation of the character. *HEX*:: The hexadecimal representation of the character. *BIN*:: The binary representation of the character. *HTML*:: The HTML number representation of the character. *ESCAPE*:: The HTML escape of the character (if it has one), e.g. `&quot;`. (Does not include the full set of https://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/charref[HTML5 characters^], only characters that should be escaped.) *LIT*:: The literal character (if it is unprintable, its symbol name will be given instead in _italics_). *DESC*:: A description of the character. If any fields are not relevant, possible, defined, printable, etc. then they will be "N/A" (without the quotes). //// TODO You will also find an <> to help you find a certain character more quickly, as well as reverse-lookup. In this index: * the literal character is in regular style * the decimal is a regular style positive integer * the octal is in *bold* * the hex is in _italics_ * the HTML is in *_bold italics_* * the binary is in `fixed-width/monospace` * the HTML Escape (if it has one) is in `*bold fixed-width*` //// == Reference Tables ASCII ("**A**merican **S**tandard **C**ode for **I**nformation **I**nterchange") is a series of 7-bit sequences in which each single bit represents a character. The tables given provide the information in 8 bits (256 characters total) per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1[ISO 8859-1^], commonly referred to as the `Latin-1` or `latin1` character set, in order to uniformly include the extended ASCII set. You may see some characters link to a https://en.wikipedia.org/[Wikipedia^] article in their description. This is typically done because the symbol/character is known by multiple different names or they're uncommon. You can, of course, copy the character directly from this page into your clipboard (if your OS supports it). === ASCII Control Characters (DEC 0-31, OCT **000**-**037**, HEX __00__-__1f__) These characters represent control codes -- characters that alter the environment. They're primarily used these days for *nix (UNIX, BSD, GNU/Linux) terminals. Historically they have been used for things like line printers. You may see things in `fixed-width` in the description; these are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_flow_control[flow controls^] (commonly used on e.g. RS-232). .Control Characters include::tables/_hdr.adoc[] include::tables/ctrl.adoc[] |=== === ASCII Printable Characters (DEC 32-127, OCT **040**-**177**, HEX __20__-__7f__) .Printable Characters include::tables/_hdr.adoc[] include::tables/print.adoc[] |=== === Extended ASCII Characters (DEC 128-255, OCT **200**-**377**, HEX __80__-__ff__) .Extended Characters include::tables/_hdr.adoc[] include::tables/extend.adoc[] |=== === Combined Table (All Characters/Codes) (DEC 0-255, OCT **000**-**377**, HEX __00__-__ff__) The following table is a combined table of the previous three sections for ease of reference. .All Characters include::tables/_hdr.adoc[] include::tables/ctrl.adoc[] include::tables/print.adoc[] include::tables/extend.adoc[] |===