#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser import copy import datetime import importlib import os import platform import re import socket import subprocess import sys cfgfile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.config', 'optools', 'repoclone', 'centos.ini') # Set up the logger. _selfpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__)) _logmodpath = os.path.join(_selfpath, '..', '..', '..', 'lib', 'python', 'logger.py') logger = importlib.util.module_from_spec( importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( 'logger', _logmodpath)) _loglevel = 'warning' #_loglevel = 'debug' class cur_ver(object): def __init__(self): _distname = platform.linux_distribution()[0] if not re.search('^CentOS( Linux)$', _distname, re.IGNORECASE): raise ValueError(('You have specified "{cur_ver}" in your ' + 'config, but you are not running this script ' + 'on CentOS!')) _ver = platform.linux_distribution()[1].split('.') self.full = '.'.join(_ver) self.maj = int(_ver[0]) self.min = int(_ver[1]) self.rev = _ver[2] def __str__(self): return(self.full) # Rsync options opts = [ '--recursive', # recurse into directories '--times', # preserve modification times '--links', # copy symlinks as symlinks '--hard-links', # preserve hard links '--quiet', # suppress non-error messages '--delete-after', # receiver deletes after transfer, not during '--delay-updates', # put all updated files into place at end '--copy-links', # transform symlink into referent file/dir '--safe-links', # ignore symlinks that point outside the tree #'--max-delete', # don't delete more than NUM files '--delete-excluded', # also delete excluded files from dest dirs ] dflts = {'DEFAULT': {'repo_name': '{name}', 'enabled': False, 'arches': ['i686', 'x86_64'], 'baseuri': ('mirror.centos.org/centos/{rel_ver}/' + '${repo_name}/{arch}'), 'destination': ('${mount}/centos/{rel_ver}/' + '${repo_name}/{arch}'), 'mount': '/mnt/repos', 'bwlimit': 0, 'lockfile': '/var/run/repo-sync_{name}.lck', 'logfile': '/var/log/repo/centos.log', 'releases': [6, 7], 'excludes': None}, 'base': {'repo_name': 'os', 'enabled': True}, 'updates': {'enabled': True}, 'extras': {'enabled': True}, 'centosplus': {'enabled': True}, 'epel': {'enabled': True, 'baseuri': ('dl.fedoraproject.org::fedora-{name}0/' + '{rel_ver}/{arch}'), 'destination': '${mount}/centos/{name}/{rel_ver}/{arch}'}, 'ius': {'enabled': False, 'baseuri': ('dl.iuscommunity.org/{name}/stable/CentOS/' + '{rel_ver}/{arch}')}} class MirrorMgr(object): def __init__(self): self.cfg = configparser.ConfigParser( interpolation = configparser.ExtendedInterpolation(), defaults = dflts['DEFAULT']) self.strvars = {'cur_ver': None, 'name': None, 'arches': [], 'releases': [], 'cur_arch': platform.machine(), 'rel_ver': None, 'arch': None} if not os.path.isfile(cfgfile): self.gen_cfg() self.get_cfg() self.chk_cur_ver() self.parse_cfg() self.log = logger.log(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( logfile = self.cfg['DEFAULT'])), logname = 'optools.repoclone.centos', loglvl = _loglevel) def get_cfg(self): with open(cfgfile, 'r') as f: self.cfg_in = f.read() return() def chk_cur_ver(self): for line in self.cfg_in.splitlines(): _line = line # Strip out inline comments -- this is disabled by default(?). #_line = re.sub('\s*(#|;).*$', '', line) # Skip empty lines/comments. if re.search('^\s*((#|;).*)?$', line): continue # Check to see if cur_ver is referenced. if re.search('^.*{cur_ver}.*$', _line): self.strvars['cur_ver'] = cur_ver() break return() def gen_cfg(self): cfg = configparser.ConfigParser( interpolation = configparser.ExtendedInterpolation(), defaults = dflts['DEFAULT']) for i in dflts.keys(): if i != 'DEFAULT': cfg[i] = copy.deepcopy(dflts[i]) with open(cfgfile, 'w') as f: cfg.write(f) # And add the comment about how it's a stripped down default conf. with open(cfgfile, 'r+') as f: cfgdata = f.read() f.seek(0, 0) cmnt = ('# This is an autogenerated configuration file for ' + 'r00t^s\'s OpTools CentOS\n# mirror script.\n# You ' + 'should reference the fully commented version ' + 'distributed with the script,\n# "centos.dflts.ini".\n\n') f.write(cmnt + cfgdata) print(('A configuration file has been automatically generated for ' + 'you at {0}. You should review and customize it, because it ' + 'most likely will not work out of the box.').format(cfgfile)) exit('Exiting to give you the chance to customize it...') return() def parse_cfg(self): self.cfg.read_string(self.cfg_in) return() def sync(self): for repo in self.cfg.sections(): # Skip disabled repos. if not self.cfg.getboolean(repo, 'enabled'): continue self.repo = copy.deepcopy(dict(self.cfg[repo])) self.strvars['name'] = repo # This should be safe since the only thing that makes sense here is # {cur_arch}, which we populate in __init__(). self.strvars['arches'] = [i.strip() for i in \ self.repo['arches'].format( **self.strvars).split(',')] self.strvars['releases'] = [i.strip() for i in \ self.repo['releases'].format( **self.strvars).split(',')] for arch in self.strvars['arches']: for rel_ver in self.strvars['releases']: self._clear_tpl(repo, arch, rel_ver) self._repo_chk(repo) self._repo_sync(repo) return() def _clear_tpl(self, repo, arch, rel_ver): self.repo = copy.deepcopy(dict(self.cfg[repo])) self.strvars['name'] = repo # This should be safe since the only thing that makes sense here is # {cur_arch}, which we populate in __init__(). self.strvars['arches'] = [i.strip() for i in \ self.repo['arches'].format( **self.strvars).split(',')] self.strvars['releases'] = [i.strip() for i in \ self.repo['releases'].format( **self.strvars).split(',')] self.strvars['arch'] = arch self.strvars['rel_ver'] = rel_ver self.strvars['name'] = repo self._repo_chk(repo) return() def _repo_sync(self, repo): # Reset the Rsync options self.opts = opts self.repo['bwlimit'] = float(self.repo['bwlimit']) if self.repo['bwlimit'] > 0.0: # limit socket I/O bandwidth self.opts.append('--bwlimit=' + str(self.repo['bwlimit'])) paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(':') cmd = ['rsync'] # Set up a cmd list for subprocess cmd.extend(opts) # The arguments for rsync # The path on the remote mirror _path = os.path.join('rsync://{0}'.format(self.repo['baseuri']), '.') cmd.append(_path) # The local destination cmd.append(os.path.join(self.repo['destination'], '.')) if os.path.isfile(self.repo['lockfile']): with open(self.repo['lockfile'], 'r') as f: existingpid = f.read().strip() if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): # Running from shell exit(('!! A repo synchronization seems to already be ' + 'running (PID: {0}). Quitting. !!').format(existingpid)) else: exit() # We're running in cron, shut the hell up. else: with open(self.repo['lockfile'], 'w') as f: f.write(str(os.getpid())) with open(self.repo['logfile'], 'a') as log: c = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout = log, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) now = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()) with open(os.path.join(self.repo['destination'], 'lastsync'), 'w') as f: f.write(str(now) + '\n') os.remove(self.repo['lockfile']) # Only report errors at the end of the run if we aren't running in # cron. Otherwise, log them. errors = c.stderr.decode('utf-8').splitlines() # CentOS 7 main doesn't have an i686. if self.strvars['rel_ver'] == 7: for e in errors[:]: rgx = re.compile(('^rsync: change_dir.*/i[36]86(/|").*' + 'failed:\s*No\s+such\s+file\s+or\s+' + 'directory.*$')) if rgx.search(e): errors.remove(e) for e in errors[:]: if e.startswith(('rsync error: some files/attrs were not ' + 'transferred (see previous errors)')): errors.remove(e) if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()) and errors: print('[{0}] We encountered some errors:'.format(repo)) for e in errors: if e.startswith('symlink has no referent: '): print(('Broken upstream symlink: ' + '{0}').format(e.split()[1].replace('"', ''))) else: print(e) else: for e in errors: log.write('{0}\n'.format(e)) return() def _repo_chk(self, repo): def chkmnt(): self.repo['mount'] = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser( self.repo['mount'].format( **self.strvars))) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: mntchk = subprocess.run(['findmnt', self.repo['mount']], stdout = devnull, stderr = devnull) if mntchk.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(('!! BAILING OUT; {0} isn\'t ' + 'mounted !!').format(self.repo['mount'])) return() def chkrsync(): _port = 873 _open = False self.repo['baseuri'] = re.sub('^\s*rsync://', '', self.repo['baseuri'].format( **self.strvars), re.IGNORECASE) _raw_srv = self.repo['baseuri'].split('/')[0] _split_srv = re.sub('::.*$', '', _raw_srv).split(':') if len(_split_srv) >= 2: _port = _split_srv[1] for proto in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6): s = socket.socket(proto, socket.SOCK_STREAM) chk = s.connect_ex((_split_srv[0], _port)) if chk == 0: _open = True break if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): if not _open: raise RuntimeError(('Rsync on host {0}:{1} is not ' + 'accessible!').format(_split_srv[0], _port)) else: exit() return() def chkdest(): _dest = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser( self.cfg[repo]['destination'].format( **self.strvars))) self.repo['destination'] = _dest os.makedirs(self.repo['destination'], exist_ok = True) return() def chkdest_files(): for f in ('logfile', 'lockfile'): _dest = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser( self.repo[f].format(**self.strvars))) self.repo[f] = _dest os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.repo[f]), exist_ok = True) return() def chkmisc(): # Odds and ends. pass return() # The Business-End(TM) chkmnt() chkrsync() chkdest() chkdest_files() chkmisc() return() def main(): m = MirrorMgr() m.sync() if __name__ == '__main__': main()