#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Thanks to Matt Rude and https://gist.github.com/mattrude/b0ac735d07b0031bb002 so I can know what the hell I'm doing. import argparse import configparser import datetime import getpass import os import subprocess from pwd import getpwnam from grp import getgrnam NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow() NOWstr = NOW.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # TODO: # - cleanup/rotation should be optional cfgfile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.config', 'optools', 'sksdump.ini') def getDefaults(): # Hardcoded defaults dflt = {'system': {'user': 'sks', 'group': 'sks', 'compress': 'xz', 'svcs': ['sks-db', 'sks-recon'], 'logfile': '/var/log/sksdump.log', 'days': 1, 'dumpkeys': 15000}, 'sync': {'throttle': 0}, 'paths': {'basedir': '/var/lib/sks', 'destdir': '/srv/http/sks/dumps', 'rsync': 'root@mirror.square-r00t.net:/srv/http/sks/dumps'}, 'runtime': {'nodump': None, 'nocompress': None, 'nosync': None}} ## Build out the default .ini. dflt_str = ('# IMPORTANT: This script uses certain permissions functions that require some forethought.\n' + '# You can either run as root, which is the "easy" way, OR you can run as the sks user.\n' + '# Has to be one or the other; you\'ll SERIOUSLY mess things up otherwise.\n' + '# If you run as the sks user, MAKE SURE the following is set in your sudoers\n' + '# (where SKSUSER is the username sks runs as):\n#\tCmnd_Alias SKSCMDS = ' + '/usr/bin/systemctl start sks-db,\\\n#\t\t/usr/bin/systemctl stop sks-db,\\\n#\t\t' + '/usr/bin/systemctl start sks-recon,\\\n#\t\t/usr/bin/systemctl stop sks-recon\n#\t' + 'SKSUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: SKSCMDS\n\n') dflt_str += ('# This was written for systemd systems only. Tweaking would be needed for non-systemd systems\n' + '# (since every non-systemd uses their own init system callables...)\n\n') # [system] d = dflt['system'] dflt_str += ('## SKSDUMP CONFIG FILE ##\n\n# This section controls various system configuration.\n' + '[system]\n# This should be the user SKS runs as.\nuser = {0}\n# This is the group that' + 'SKS runs as.\ngroup = {1}\n# If None, don\'t compress dumps.\n# If one of: ' + 'xz, gz, bz2, or lrz (for lrzip) then use that compression algo.\ncompress = {2}\n' + '# These services will be started/stopped, in order, before/after dumps. ' + 'Comma-separated.\nsvcs = {3}\n# The path to the logfile.\nlogfile = {4}\n# The number ' + 'of days of rotated key dumps. If None, don\'t rotate.\ndays = {5}\n# How many keys to include in each ' + 'dump file.\ndumpkeys = {6}\n\n').format(d['user'], d['group'], d['compress'], ','.join(d['svcs']), d['logfile'], d['days'], d['dumpkeys']) # [sync] d = dflt['sync'] dflt_str += ('# This section controls sync settings.\n[sync]\n# This setting is what the speed should be throttled to, '+ 'in KiB/s. Use 0 for no throttling.\nthrottle = {0}\n\n').format(d['throttle']) # [paths] d = dflt['paths'] dflt_str += ('# This section controls where stuff goes and where we should find it.\n[paths]\n# ' + 'Where your SKS DB is.\nbasedir = {0}\n# This is the base directory where the dumps should go.\n' + '# There will be a sub-directory created for each date.\ndestdir = {1}\n# The ' + 'path for rsyncing the dumps. If None, don\'t rsync.\nrsync = {2}\n\n').format(d['basedir'], d['destdir'], d['rsync']) # [runtime] d = dflt['runtime'] dflt_str += ('# This section controls runtime options. These can be overridden at the commandline.\n' + '# They take no values; they\'re merely options.\n[runtime]\n# Don\'t dump any keys.\n' + '# Useful for dedicated in-transit/prep boxes.\n;nodump\n# Don\'t compress the dumps, even if ' + 'we have a compression scheme specified in [system:compress].\n;nocompress\n# Don\'t sync to' + 'another server/path, even if one is specified in [paths:rsync].\n;nosync\n') realcfg = configparser.ConfigParser(defaults = dflt, allow_no_value = True) if not os.path.isfile(cfgfile): with open(cfgfile, 'w') as f: f.write(dflt_str) realcfg.read(cfgfile) return(realcfg) def svcMgmt(op, args): if op not in ('start', 'stop'): raise ValueError('Operation must be start or stop') for svc in args['svcs'].split(','): cmd = ['/usr/bin/systemctl', op, svc.strip()] if getpass.getuser() != 'root': cmd.insert(0, 'sudo') subprocess.run(cmd) return() def destPrep(args): nowdir = os.path.join(args['destdir'], NOWstr) curdir = os.path.join(args['destdir'], 'current') PAST = NOW - datetime.timedelta(days = args['days']) for thisdir, dirs, files in os.walk(args['destdir'], topdown = False): for f in files: try: # we use a try here because if the link's broken, the script bails out. fstat = os.stat(os.path.join(thisdir, f)) mtime = fstat.st_mtime if int(mtime) < PAST.timestamp(): os.remove(os.path.join(thisdir, f)) except FileNotFoundError: # broken symlink try: os.remove(os.path.join(thisdir, f)) except: pass # just... ignore it. it's fine, whatever. # Delete if empty dir if os.path.isdir(thisdir): if len(os.listdir(thisdir)) == 0: os.rmdir(thisdir) for d in dirs: _dir = os.path.join(thisdir, d) if os.path.isdir(_dir): if len(os.listdir(_dir)) == 0: try: os.rmdir(os.path.join(thisdir, d)) except NotADirectoryError: pass # in case it grabs the "current" symlink #try: # os.removedirs(sks['destdir']) # Remove empty dirs #except: # pass # thisisfine.jpg os.makedirs(nowdir, exist_ok = True) if getpass.getuser() == 'root': uid = getpwnam(args['user']).pw_uid gid = getgrnam(args['group']).gr_gid for d in (args['destdir'], nowdir): # we COULD set it as part of the os.makedirs, but iirc it doesn't set it for existing dirs os.chown(d, uid, gid) if os.path.isdir(curdir): os.remove(curdir) try: os.symlink(NOWstr, curdir, target_is_directory = True) except FileExistsError: pass # Ignore if it was set earlier return() def dumpDB(args): destPrep(args) os.chdir(args['basedir']) svcMgmt('stop', args) cmd = ['sks', 'dump', str(args['dumpkeys']), # How many keys per dump? os.path.join(args['destdir'], NOWstr), # Where should it go? 'keydump.{0}'.format(NOWstr)] # What the filename prefix should be if getpass.getuser() == 'root': cmd2 = ['sudo', '-u', args['user']] cmd2.extend(cmd) cmd = cmd2 with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as f: f.write('===== {0} =====\n'.format(str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))) subprocess.run(cmd, stdout = f, stderr = f) svcMgmt('start', args) return() def compressDB(args): if not args['compress']: return() curdir = os.path.join(args['destdir'], NOWstr) for thisdir, dirs, files in os.walk(curdir): # I use os.walk here because we might handle this differently in the future... files.sort() for f in files: fullpath = os.path.join(thisdir, f) newfile = '{0}.{1}'.format(fullpath, args['compress']) # TODO: add compressed tarball support. # However, I can't do this on memory-constrained systems for lrzip. # See: https://github.com/kata198/python-lrzip/issues/1 with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as f: f.write('===== {0} Now compressing {1} =====\n'.format(str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), fullpath)) if args['compress'].lower() == 'gz': import gzip with open(fullpath, 'rb') as fh_in, gzip.open(newfile, 'wb') as fh_out: fh_out.writelines(fh_in) elif args['compress'].lower() == 'xz': import lzma with open(fullpath, 'rb') as fh_in, lzma.open(newfile, 'wb', preset = 9|lzma.PRESET_EXTREME) as fh_out: fh_out.writelines(fh_in) elif args['compress'].lower() == 'bz2': import bz2 with open(fullpath, 'rb') as fh_in, bz2.open(newfile, 'wb') as fh_out: fh_out.writelines(fh_in) elif args['compress'].lower() == 'lrz': import lrzip with open(fullpath, 'rb') as fh_in, open(newfile, 'wb') as fh_out: fh_out.write(lrzip.compress(fh_in.read())) os.remove(fullpath) if getpass.getuser() == 'root': uid = getpwnam(args['user']).pw_uid gid = getgrnam(args['group']).gr_gid os.chown(newfile, uid, gid) return() def syncDB(args): if not args['rsync']: return() cmd = ['rsync', '-a', '--delete', os.path.join(args['destdir'], '.'), args['rsync']] if args['throttle'] > 0.0: cmd.insert(-1, '--bwlimit={0}'.format(str(args['throttle']))) with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as f: f.write('===== {0} Rsyncing to mirror =====\n'.format(str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))) with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as f: subprocess.run(cmd, stdout = f, stderr = f) return() def parseArgs(): cfg = getDefaults() system = cfg['system'] paths = cfg['paths'] sync = cfg['sync'] runtime = cfg['runtime'] args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'sksdump - a tool for dumping the SKS Database', epilog = 'brent s. || 2017 || https://square-r00t.net') args.add_argument('-u', '--user', default = system['user'], dest = 'user', help = 'The user that you run SKS services as.') args.add_argument('-g', '--group', default = system['group'], dest = 'group', help = 'The group that SKS services run as.') args.add_argument('-c', '--compress', default = system['compress'], dest = 'compress', choices = ['xz', 'gz', 'bz2', 'lrz', None], help = 'The compression scheme to apply to the dumps.') args.add_argument('-s', '--services', default = system['svcs'], dest = 'svcs', help = 'A comma-separated list of services that will be stopped/started for the dump (in the provided order).') args.add_argument('-l', '--log', default = system['logfile'], dest = 'logfile', help = 'The path to the logfile.') args.add_argument('-a', '--days', default = system['days'], dest = 'days', type = int, help = 'How many days to keep rotation for.') args.add_argument('-d', '--dumpkeys', default = system['dumpkeys'], dest = 'dumpkeys', type = int, help = 'How many keys to put in each dump.') args.add_argument('-b', '--basedir', default = paths['basedir'], dest = 'basedir', help = 'The directory which holds your SKS DB.') args.add_argument('-e', '--destdir', default = paths['destdir'], dest = 'destdir', help = 'The directory where the dumps should be saved (a sub-directory with the date will be created).') args.add_argument('-r', '--rsync', default = paths['rsync'], dest = 'rsync', help = 'The remote (user@host:/path/) or local (/path/) path to use to sync the dumps to.') args.add_argument('-t', '--throttle', default = float(sync['throttle']), dest = 'throttle', type = float, help = 'The amount in KiB/s to throttle the rsync to. Use 0 for no throttling.') args.add_argument('-D', '--no-dump', dest = 'nodump', action = 'store_true', default = ('nodump' in runtime), help = 'Don\'t dump the SKS DB (default is to dump)') args.add_argument('-C', '--no-compress', dest = 'nocompress', action = 'store_true', default = ('nocompress' in runtime), help = 'Don\'t compress the DB dumps (default is to compress)') args.add_argument('-S', '--no-sync', dest = 'nosync', action = 'store_true', default = ('nosync' in runtime), help = 'Don\'t sync the dumps to the remote server.') varargs = vars(args.parse_args()) return(varargs) def main(): args = parseArgs() if getpass.getuser() not in ('root', args['user']): exit('ERROR: You must be root or {0}!'.format(args['user'])) with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as f: f.write('===== {0} STARTING =====\n'.format(str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))) if not args['nodump']: dumpDB(args) if not args['nocompress']: compressDB(args) if not args['nosync']: syncDB(args) with open(args['logfile'], 'a') as f: f.write('===== {0} DONE =====\n'.format(str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()