got color inversion working - for mIRC, anyways. haven't tested with an irssi log. still getting weird color bugs on irssi but i think mirc is done

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brent s 2018-08-02 09:11:01 -04:00
parent e169160159
commit e1cd54a7b2
1 changed files with 68 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -115,15 +115,31 @@ colormap = {8: {'0': ('97', '107'),
# These are special "control characters" Irssi uses.
reset_char = '\x1b[0m'
bold_char = '\x1b[1m'
invert_char = '\x1b[7m'
# Used for Irssi-specific escapes/controls.
irssi_ctrl = {'a': '\x1b[5m', # Blink
'b': '\x1b[4m', # Underline
'c': '\x1b[1m', # Bold
'd': '\x1b[7m', # Reverse
'e': '\t', # Indent
'c': bold_char, # Bold
'd': invert_char, # Reverse (unused; color_inverter() is called)
#'e': '\t', # Indent
'e': None, # Indent
'f': None, # "f" is an indent func, so no-op
'g': reset_char, # Reset
'h': None} # Monospace (no-op)
'h': None, # Monospace (no-op)
'>': bold_char, # Undocumented? Seems to be bold/highlight.
';': bold_char} # Undocumented? Seems to be bold/highlight.
# This is used for inversion on the colors.
# # the foreground color (dynamic)
# fg = '\x1b[39m'
# # the background color (dynamic)
# bg = '\x1b[49m'
# the value to reset the foreground text (not changed)
def_fg = '\x1b[39m'
# the value to reset the background text (not changed)
def_bg = '\x1b[49m'
# if the state is currently inverted (dynamic)
is_inverted = False

def get_palette():
# Return 8, 256, or 'truecolor'
@ -140,31 +156,38 @@ def get_palette():

def color_inverter(data = None):
# global fg
# global bg
global is_inverted
#fg, bg = bg, fg
if is_inverted:
char = '\x1b[27m'
char = '\x1b[7m'
is_inverted = (not is_inverted)

def color_converter(data_in, palette_map):
# Only used if logParser().args['color'] = True
# Convert mIRC/Irssi color coding to ANSI color codes.
# A sub-function that generates the replacement characters.
fg = '39'
bg = '49'
# the value to reset the foreground text
def_fg = '\x1b[39m'
# the value to reset the background text
def_bg = '\x1b[49m'
global fg
global bg
global is_inverted
_colors = colormap[palette_map]
def _repl(ch_in):
nonlocal bg
nonlocal fg
ch_out = ''
_ch = {'stripped': re.sub('^[\x00-\x7f]', '',,
'ctrl': re.sub('^\x04([a-h]|[0-9]|;|>)/?.*$', '\g<1>',
#'ctrl': re.sub('^\x04([a-h]|[0-9]|;|>)/?.*$', '\g<1>',
'ctrl': re.sub('^\x04([^/])/?.*$', '\g<1>',}
# We assign this separately as we use an existing dict entry.
# This is the "color code" (if it exists).
_ch['c'] = [re.sub('^0?([0-9])',
_ch['c'] = [re.sub('^0?([0-9]{1,2}).*',
i.strip()) for i in _ch['stripped'].split(',', 1)]
# Color-handling
if _ch['ctrl'].startswith('\x03'):
if len(_ch['c']) == 1:
@ -174,35 +197,47 @@ def color_converter(data_in, palette_map):
raise RuntimeError('Parsing error! "{0}"'.format(
ch_out = _colors['ansi_wrap']['fg'].format(_colors[_ch['c'][0]])
fg = _colors['ansi_wrap']['fg'].format(_colors[_ch['c'][0]])
ch_out = fg
if not fg_only:
ch_out += _colors['ansi_wrap']['bg'].format(
bg = _colors['ansi_wrap']['bg'].format(_colors[_ch['c'][1]])
ch_out += bg
# Control-character handling
elif _ch['ctrl'].startswith('\x04'):
if _ch['ctrl'] in irssi_ctrl:
ch_out = irssi_ctrl[_ch['ctrl']]
if irssi_ctrl[_ch['ctrl']]:
ch_out = irssi_ctrl[_ch['ctrl']]
if _ch['ctrl'] == 'g':
elif'^[0-9]', _ch['ctrl']):
# pass
ch_out = _colors['ansi_wrap']['fg'].format(
#color_ptrn = re.compile('\x03[0-9]{1,2}(,[0-9]{1,2})?')
catch = re.compile('(\x03[0-9](,[0-9]{1, 2})?|'
# These get replaced in the order they're defined here.
regex = {'nick': re.compile('\x04[89]/'),
'bold': re.compile('(\x02|\x04(;|[a-h]|>))/?'),
## Doublecheck this. what is the significance of \x04(.*) chars?
'control': re.compile('\x04(g|c|[389;]/?|e|>)?/?'),
'color_clear': re.compile('\x0f(g|c|[389;]/?|e)?/?')}
catch = re.compile('(\x03[0-9]{2}(,[0-9]{1, 2})?|'
# These are some non-programmatic regexes.
# Clean up the nick.
nick_re = re.compile('(\x048/\s*)')
# mIRC uses a different tag for reset.
mirc_rst = re.compile('\x0f')
# mIRC and Irssi tags, respectively, for inversion.
re_invert = re.compile('(\x16|\x04d)')
data = data_in.splitlines()
for idx, line in enumerate(data[:]):
# Get some preliminary replacements out of the way.
line = regex['nick'].sub(' ', line, 1)
#line = regex['bold'].sub(bold, line)
#line = regex['control'].sub(reset_char, line)
#line = regex['color_clear'].sub(def_fg + def_bg, line)
line = nick_re.sub(' ', line, 1)
line = re_invert.sub(color_inverter, line)
line = mirc_rst.sub(reset_char, line)
# This is like 90% of the magic, honestly.
line = catch.sub(_repl, line)
if not line.endswith(reset_char):
line += reset_char
# Since we clear all formatting at the end of each line
is_inverted = False
data[idx] = line