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2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is less of a test suite and more of an active documentation on some python-gpgme (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gpg) examples.
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
# Because their only documentation for the python bindings is in pydoc, and the C API manual is kind of useless.
2017-09-19 05:09:33 -04:00
import datetime
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
import gpg
import gpg.constants
import inspect
2017-09-19 05:09:33 -04:00
import jinja2
import os
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
import pprint
import re
2017-09-19 05:09:33 -04:00
import smtplib
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import subprocess
import operator
from functools import reduce
os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = '/home/bts/tmpgpg'
# JUST in case we need to...
#subprocess.run(['gpgconf', '--reload', 'dirmngr'])
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
# my key ID
#mykey = '748231EBCBD808A14F5E85D28C004C2F93481F6B'
mykey = '2805EC3D90E2229795AFB73FF85BC40E6E17F339'
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
# a key to test with
theirkey = 'CA7D304ABA7A3E24C9414D32FFA0F1361AD82A06'
testfetch = [theirkey, '748231EBCBD808A14F5E85D28C004C2F93481F6B']
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
# Create a context
# Params:
#armor -- enable ASCII armoring (default False)
#textmode -- enable canonical text mode (default False)
#offline -- do not contact external key sources (default False)
#signers -- list of keys used for signing (default [])
#pinentry_mode -- pinentry mode (default PINENTRY_MODE_DEFAULT)
#protocol -- protocol to use (default PROTOCOL_OpenPGP)
#home_dir -- state directory (default is the engine default)
ctx = gpg.Context()
# Fetch a key from the keyring
#secret -- to request a secret key
mkey = ctx.get_key(mykey)
tkey = ctx.get_key(theirkey)
## Print the attributes of our key and other info
##for k in (mkey, tkey):
#for k in [mkey]:
# for i in inspect.getmembers(k):
# if not i[0].startswith('_'):
# pprint.pprint(i)
# Print the constants
# Get remote key. Use an OR to search both keyserver and local.
klmodes = {'local': gpg.constants.KEYLIST_MODE_LOCAL,
'remote': gpg.constants.KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN,
'both': gpg.constants.KEYLIST_MODE_LOCAL|gpg.constants.KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN}
# List keys
#pattern -- return keys matching pattern (default: all keys)
#secret -- return only secret keys (default: False)
#mode -- keylist mode (default: list local keys)
#source -- read keys from source instead from the keyring
# (all other options are ignored in this case)
tkey2 = None
# jrdemasi@gmail.com = 0xEFD9413B17293AFDFE6EA6F1402A088DEDF104CB
for k in ctx.keylist(pattern = 'jrdemasi', secret = False, mode = klmodes['remote'], source = None):
tkey2 = k
# Test fetching from a keyserver - we'll grab the last key from the above iteration
except gpg.errors.GPGMEError:
pass # key isn't on the keyserver, or it isn't accessible, etc.
# Test signing
ctx.key_tofu_policy(tkey2, gpg.constants.TOFU_POLICY_ASK)
ctx.signers = [mkey]
days_valid = 4
exptime = 4 * 24 * 60 * 60
ctx.key_sign(tkey2, expires_in = exptime, local = True)
# https://www.apt-browse.org/browse/debian/wheezy/main/amd64/python-pyme/1:0.8.1-2/file/usr/share/doc/python-pyme/examples/t-edit.py
# https://searchcode.com/codesearch/view/20535820/
# https://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=blob;f=doc/DETAILS;h=0be55f4d64178a5636cbe9f12f63c6f9853f3aa2;hb=refs/heads/master
class KeyEditor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.replied_once = False
trust = '3' # this is the level of trust... in this case, marginal.
rcptemail = 'test@test.com'
# we exclude 'help'
self.kprmpt = ['trust', 'fpr', 'sign', 'tsign', 'lsign', 'nrsign', 'grip', 'list',
'uid', 'key', 'check', 'deluid', 'delkey', 'delsig', 'pref', 'showpref',
'revsig', 'enable', 'disable', 'showphoto', 'clean', 'minimize', 'save',
self.prmpt = {'edit_ownertrust': {'value': trust,
'set_ultimate': {'okay': 'yes'}},
'untrusted_key': {'override': 'yes'},
'pklist': {'user_id': {'enter': rcptemail}},
'keyedit': {'prompt': 'trust', # the mode we initiate.
'save': {'okay': 'yes'}}}
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
def edit_fnc(self, status, args, out):
result = None
2017-09-19 05:09:33 -04:00
out.seek(0, 0)
#print(status, args)
#print('{0} ({1})'.format(status, args))
def mapDict(m, d):
return(reduce(operator.getitem, m, d))
if args == 'keyedit.prompt' and self.replied_once:
result = 'quit'
elif status == 'KEY_CONSIDERED':
result = None
self.replied_once = False
elif status == 'GET_LINE':
#print('DEBUG: looking up mapping...')
self.replied_once = True
_ilist = args.split('.')
result = mapDict(_ilist, self.prmpt)
if not result:
result = None
2017-09-07 16:36:26 -04:00
# Test setting trust
out = gpg.Data()
ctx.interact(tkey2, KeyEditor().edit_fnc, sink = out, fnc_value = out)
2017-09-19 05:09:33 -04:00
out.seek(0, 0)
#print(out.read(), end = '\n\n')
#Test sending to a keyserver
buf = gpg.Data()
ctx.op_export(tkey2.fpr, gpg.constants.EXPORT_MODE_EXTERN, None)
# Test writing the pubkey out to a file
buf = gpg.Data()
ctx.op_export_keys([tkey2], 0, buf) # do i NEED to specify a mode?
buf.seek(0, 0)
with open('/tmp/pubkeytest.gpg', 'wb') as f:
# Let's also test writing out the ascii-armored..
ctx.armor = True
#buf = gpg.Data()
buf.seek(0, 0)
ctx.op_export_keys([tkey2], 0, buf) # do i NEED to specify a mode?
buf.seek(0, 0)
#buf.seek(0, 0)
with open('/tmp/pubkeytest.asc', 'wb') as f:
# And lastly, let's test msmtprc
def getCfg(fname):
cfg = {'default': None, 'defaults': {}}
_defaults = False
_acct = None
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
cfg_raw = f.read()
for l in cfg_raw.splitlines():
if re.match('^\s?(#.*|)$', l):
continue # skip over blank and commented lines
line = [i.strip() for i in re.split('\s+', l.strip(), maxsplit = 1)]
if line[0] == 'account':
if re.match('^default\s?:\s?', line[1]): # it's the default account specifier
cfg['default'] = line[1].split(':', maxsplit = 1)[1].strip()
if line[1] not in cfg.keys(): # it's a new account definition
cfg[line[1]] = {}
_acct = line[1]
_defaults = False
elif line[0] == 'defaults': # it's the defaults
_acct = 'defaults'
else: # it's a config directive
cfg[_acct][line[0]] = line[1]
for a in list(cfg):
if a != 'default':
for k, v in cfg['defaults'].items():
if k not in cfg[a].keys():
cfg[a][k] = v
homeconf = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.msmtprc')
sysconf = '/etc/msmtprc'
msmtp = {'path': None}
if not os.path.isfile(homeconf):
if not os.path.isfile(sysconf):
msmtp['conf'] = False
msmtp['conf'] = sysconf
msmtp['conf'] = homeconf
if os.path.isfile(msmtp['conf']):
path = os.environ['PATH']
for p in path.split(':'):
fullpath = os.path.join(p, 'msmtp')
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
msmtp['path'] = fullpath
break # break out the first instance of it we find since the shell parses PATH first to last and so do we
if msmtp['path']:
# Okay. So we have a config file, which we're assuming to be set up correctly, and a path to a binary.
# Now we need to parse the config.
msmtp['cfg'] = getCfg(msmtp['conf'])
if msmtp['path']:
# Get the appropriate MSMTP profile
profile = msmtp['cfg']['default']
# Buuuut i use a different profile when i test, because i use msmtp for production-type stuff.
#if os.environ['USER'] == 'bts':
# profile = 'gmailtesting'
# Now we can try to send an email... yikes.
## First we set up the message templates.
body_in = {'plain': None, 'html': None}
body_in['plain'] = """Hello, person!
This is a test message.
body_in['html'] = """\
<p><b>Hi there, person!</b> This is a test email.</p>
<p>It supports fun things like HTML.</p>
<p>--<br><a href='https://games.square-r00t.net/'>https://games.square-r00t.net</a><br>
Admin: <a href='mailto:bts@square-r00t.net'>r00t^2</a>
# Now, some attachments.
part = {}
ctx.armor = False
buf = gpg.Data()
ctx.op_export_keys([tkey2], 0, buf)
buf.seek(0, 0)
part['gpg'] = MIMEApplication(buf.read(), '{0}.gpg'.format(tkey2.fpr))
part['gpg']['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{0}.gpg"'.format(tkey2.fpr)
ctx.armor = True
buf.seek(0, 0)
ctx.op_export_keys([tkey2], 0, buf)
buf.seek(0, 0)
part['asc'] = MIMEApplication(buf.read(), '{0}.asc'.format(tkey2.fpr))
part['asc']['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{0}.asc"'.format(tkey2.fpr)
#msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['preamble'] = 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n'
msg['From'] = msmtp['cfg'][profile]['from']
msg['To'] = msmtp['cfg'][profile]['from'] # to send to more than one: ', '.join(somelist)
msg['Date'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
msg['Subject'] = 'TEST EMAIL VIA TEST.PY'
msg['epilogue'] = ''
body = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
body.attach(MIMEText(body_in['plain'], 'plain'))
body.attach(MIMEText(body_in['html'], 'html'))
for f in part.keys():
# This needs way more parsing to support things like plain ol' port 25 plaintext (ugh), etc.
if 'tls-starttls' in msmtp['cfg'][profile].keys() and msmtp['cfg'][profile]['tls-starttls'] == 'on':
smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(msmtp['cfg'][profile]['host'], int(msmtp['cfg'][profile]['port']))
# we need to EHLO again after a STARTTLS because email is weird.
elif msmtp['cfg'][profile]['tls'] == 'on':
smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(msmtp['cfg'][profile]['host'], int(msmtp['cfg'][profile]['port']))
smtpserver.login(msmtp['cfg'][profile]['user'], msmtp['cfg'][profile]['password'])
smtpserver.sendmail(msmtp['cfg'][profile]['user'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())