package gosecret import ( "testing" `time` `` ) /* TestNewService tests the following internal functions/methods via nested calls: NewService Service.GetSession Service.OpenSession NewSession validConnPath connIsValid pathIsValid Service.Close Session.Close */ func TestNewService(t *testing.T) { var err error var svc *Service if svc, err = NewService(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get new Service via NewService: %v", err.Error()) } if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } } /* TestService_Collections tests the following internal functions/methods via nested calls: (all calls in TestNewService) Service.Collections NewCollection Collection.Modified NewErrors Collection.Created */ func TestService_Collections(t *testing.T) { var err error var svc *Service var colls []*Collection var collLabel string var created time.Time var modified time.Time if svc, err = NewService(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get new Service via NewService: %v", err.Error()) } if colls, err = svc.Collections(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not get Service.Collections: %v", err.Error()) } else { t.Logf("found %v collections via Service.Collections", len(colls)) } for idx, c := range colls { if collLabel, err = c.Label(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "failed to get label for collection '%v': %v", string(c.Dbus.Path()), err.Error(), ) } if created, err = c.Created(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "failed to get created time for collection '%v': %v", string(c.Dbus.Path()), err.Error(), ) } if modified, _, err = c.Modified(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "failed to get modified time for collection '%v': %v", string(c.Dbus.Path()), err.Error(), ) } t.Logf( "collection #%v (name '%v', label '%v'): created %v, last modified %v", idx, c.PathName(), collLabel, created, modified, ) } if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } } /* TestService_CreateAliasedCollection tests the following internal functions/methods via nested calls: (all calls in TestNewService) Service.CreateAliasedCollection NewCollection Collection.Modified Collection.Delete Service.SetAlias (By extension, Service.CreateCollection is also tested as it's a very thin wrapper around Service.CreateAliasedCollection). */ /* DISABLED. Currently (as of 0.20.4), *only* the alias "default" is allowed. TODO: revisit in future? func TestService_CreateAliasedCollection(t *testing.T) { var err error var svc *Service var collection *Collection if svc, err = NewService(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get new Service via NewService: %v", err.Error()) } if collection, err = svc.CreateAliasedCollection(collectionName.String(), collectionAlias.String()); err != nil { t.Errorf( "error when creating aliased collection '%v' with alias '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), collectionAlias.String(), err.Error(), ) } else { if err = svc.SetAlias(testAlias, collection.Dbus.Path()); err != nil { t.Errorf( "error when setting an alias '%v' for aliased collection '%v' (original alias '%v')", testAlias, collectionName.String(), collectionAlias.String(), ) } if err = collection.Delete(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "error when deleting aliased collection '%v' with alias '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), collectionAlias.String(), err.Error(), ) } t.Logf("created collection '%v' at path '%v' successfully", collectionName.String(), string(collection.Dbus.Path())) } if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } } */ /* TestService_GetCollection tests the following internal functions/methods via nested calls: (all calls in TestService_CreateAliasedCollection) (all calls in TestService_Collections) NewErrors Collection.Created Service.GetCollection NewCollection Collection.Modified Service.ReadAlias The default collection (login) is fetched instead of creating one as this collection should exist, and thus this function tests fetching existing collections instead of newly-created ones. */ func TestService_GetCollection(t *testing.T) { var err error var svc *Service var coll *Collection if svc, err = NewService(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get new Service via NewService: %v", err.Error()) } if coll, err = svc.GetCollection(defaultCollection); err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to get collection '%v' via Service.GetCollection: %v", defaultCollection, err.Error()) } else { t.Logf("got collection '%v' via reference '%v'",, defaultCollection) } if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } } /* TestService_Secrets tests the following internal functions/methods via nested calls: (all calls in TestNewService) (all calls in TestService_CreateAliasedCollection) Service.CreateCollection Service.SearchItems NewItem NewErrors Service.GetSecrets NewSecret Collection.CreateItem Item.Label Item.Delete */ func TestService_Secrets(t *testing.T) { var err error var svc *Service var collection *Collection var itemResultsUnlocked []*Item var itemResultsLocked []*Item var itemName string var resultItemName string var testItem *Item var testSecret *Secret var secretsResult map[dbus.ObjectPath]*Secret var itemPaths []dbus.ObjectPath var created time.Time var modified time.Time var newModified time.Time var wasModified bool var isModified bool if svc, err = NewService(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get new Service via NewService: %v", err.Error()) } if collection, err = svc.CreateCollection(collectionName.String()); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not create collection '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } } else { t.Logf("created collection '%v' at path '%v' successfully", collectionName.String(), string(collection.Dbus.Path())) } if created, err = collection.Created(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "failed to get created time for '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) } if modified, wasModified, err = collection.Modified(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "failed to get modified time for '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) } t.Logf( "%v: collection '%v': created at %v, last modified at %v; was changed: %v", time.Now(), collectionName.String(), created, modified, wasModified, ) // Create a secret testSecret = NewSecret(svc.Session, nil, []byte(testSecretContent), "text/plain") if testItem, err = collection.CreateItem(testItemLabel, itemAttrs, testSecret, true); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not create Item in collection '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } } if itemName, err = testItem.Label(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "could not get label for newly-created item '%v' in collection '%v': %v", string(testItem.Dbus.Path()), collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) itemName = testItemLabel } // Search items if itemResultsUnlocked, itemResultsLocked, err = svc.SearchItems(itemAttrs); err != nil { t.Errorf("did not find Item '%v' in collection '%v' SearchItems: %v", itemName, collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } else { if len(itemResultsLocked) != 0 && itemResultsUnlocked != nil { t.Errorf("at least one locked item in collection '%v'", collectionName.String()) } if len(itemResultsUnlocked) != 1 { t.Errorf("number of unlocked items in collection '%v' is not equal to 1", collectionName.String()) } if resultItemName, err = itemResultsUnlocked[0].Label(); err != nil { t.Errorf("cannot fetch test Item name from collection '%v' in SearchItems: %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } else { if resultItemName != itemName { t.Errorf("seem to have fetched an improper Item from collection '%v' in SearchItems", collectionName.String()) } } } // Fetch secrets itemPaths = make([]dbus.ObjectPath, len(itemResultsUnlocked)) if len(itemResultsUnlocked) >= 1 { itemPaths[0] = itemResultsUnlocked[0].Dbus.Path() if secretsResult, err = svc.GetSecrets(itemPaths...); err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to fetch Item path '%v' via Service.GetSecrets: %v", string(itemPaths[0]), err.Error()) } else if len(secretsResult) != 1 { t.Errorf("received %v secrets from Service.GetSecrets instead of 1", len(secretsResult)) } } // Confirm the modification information changed. _ = newModified _ = isModified /* TODO: Disabled for now; it *seems* the collection modification time doesn't auto-update? See collection.setModify if not. if newModified, isModified, err = collection.Modified(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "failed to get modified time for '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) } t.Logf( "%v: (post-change) collection '%v': last modified at %v; was changed: %v", time.Now(), collectionName.String(), newModified, isModified, ) if !isModified { t.Errorf( "modification tracking for collection '%v' failed; expected true but got false", collectionName.String(), ) } else { t.Logf("(modification check passed)") } if !newModified.After(modified) { t.Errorf( "modification timestamp update for '%v' failed: old %v, new %v", collectionName.String(), modified, newModified, ) } */ /* Delete the item and collection to clean up. *Technically* the item is deleted if the collection is, but its path is held in memory if not manually removed, leading to a "ghost" item. */ if err = testItem.Delete(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not delete test item '%v' in collection '%v': %v", string(testItem.Dbus.Path()), collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) } if err = collection.Delete(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "error when deleting collection '%v' when testing Service: %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) } if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } } /* TestService_Locking tests the following internal functions/methods via nested calls: (all calls in TestNewService) (all calls in TestService_CreateAliasedCollection) Service.Lock Service.Unlock Collection.Locked */ func TestService_Locking(t *testing.T) { var err error var isLocked bool var stateChangeLock bool var svc *Service var collection *Collection if svc, err = NewService(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get new Service via NewService: %v", err.Error()) } if collection, err = svc.CreateCollection(collectionName.String()); err != nil { if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } t.Errorf("could not create collection '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } else { t.Logf("created collection '%v' at path '%v' successfully", collectionName.String(), string(collection.Dbus.Path())) } if isLocked, err = collection.Locked(); err != nil { t.Errorf("received error when checking collection '%v' lock status: %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) if err = collection.Delete(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "error when deleting collection '%v' when testing Service: %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) } if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } return } else { t.Logf("collection '%v' original lock status: %v", collectionName.String(), isLocked) } // Change the state. if isLocked { if err = svc.Unlock(collection.Dbus.Path()); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not unlock collection '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } if stateChangeLock, err = collection.Locked(); err != nil { t.Errorf("received error when checking collection '%v' lock status: %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } if err = svc.Lock(collection.Dbus.Path()); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not lock collection '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } } else { if err = svc.Lock(collection.Dbus.Path()); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not lock collection '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } if stateChangeLock, err = collection.Locked(); err != nil { t.Errorf("received error when checking collection '%v' lock status: %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } if err = svc.Unlock(collection.Dbus.Path()); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not unlock collection '%v': %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error()) } } if stateChangeLock != !isLocked { t.Errorf( "flipped lock state for collection '%v' (locked: %v) is not opposite of original lock state (locked: %v)", collectionName.String(), stateChangeLock, isLocked, ) } // Delete the collection to clean up. if err = collection.Delete(); err != nil { t.Errorf( "error when deleting collection '%v' when testing Service: %v", collectionName.String(), err.Error(), ) } if err = svc.Close(); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not close Service.Session: %v", err.Error()) } }