package dbus_types // type DbusType struct { TypeName string Symbol rune Desc string ZeroValue interface{} } /* BASIC TYPES */ var DbusByte DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "BYTE", Symbol: 'y', Desc: "Unsigned 8-bit integer", ZeroValue: byte(0x0), } var DbusBoolean DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "BOOLEAN", Symbol: 'b', Desc: "Boolean value: 0 is false, 1 is true, any other value allowed by the marshalling format is invalid", ZeroValue: false, } var DbusInt16 DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "INT16", Symbol: 'n', Desc: "Signed (two's complement) 16-bit integer", ZeroValue: int16(0), } var DbusUint16 DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "UINT16", Symbol: 'q', Desc: "Unsigned 16-bit integer", ZeroValue: uint16(0), } var DbusInt32 DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "INT32", Symbol: 'i', Desc: "Signed (two's complement) 32-bit integer", ZeroValue: int32(0), } var DbusUint32 DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "UINT32", Symbol: 'u', Desc: "Unsigned 32-bit integer", ZeroValue: uint32(0), } var DbusInt64 DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "INT64", Symbol: 'x', Desc: "Signed (two's complement) 64-bit integer (mnemonic: x and t are the first characters in \"sixty\" not already used for something more common)", ZeroValue: int64(0), } var DbusUint64 DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "UINT64", Symbol: 't', Desc: "Unsigned 64-bit integer", ZeroValue: uint64(0), } var DbusDoubleFloat DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "DOUBLE", Symbol: 'd', Desc: "IEEE 754 double-precision floating point", ZeroValue: float64(0), } var DbusUnixFD DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "UNIX_FD", Symbol: 'h', Desc: "Unsigned 32-bit integer representing an index into an out-of-band array of file descriptors, transferred via some platform-specific mechanism (mnemonic: h for handle)", ZeroValue: uint32(0), // See } var DbusString DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "STRING", Symbol: 'o', Desc: "No extra constraints", ZeroValue: "", } var DbusObjectPath DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "OBJECT_PATH", Symbol: 'o', Desc: "A syntactically valid Path for Dbus", ZeroValue: nil, // ??? } var DbusSignature DbusType = DbusType{ TypeName: "SIGNATURE", Symbol: 'g', Desc: "0 or more single complete types", // ??? ZeroValue: nil, // ??? } /* CONTAINER TYPES */ /* TODO: not sure how to struct this natively, but: Dbus Struct: () // Note: structs can be nested e.g. (i(ii)) Dbus Array: a // The symbol can be any type (even nested arrays, e.g. aai), but only one type is allowed. Arrays are like Golang slices; no fixed size. Dbus Variant: v // Dbus equivalent of interface{}, more or less. See Dbus Dict: [kv] // Where k is the key's type and v is the value's type. */