FIX: * fs.FileMode for object type is 0 for regular files, so an additional parameter is needed.
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SysUtils - a library to assist with various system-related functions
Copyright (C) 2020 Brent Saner
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package paths
import (
// "syscall"
ExpandHome will take a tilde(~)-prefixed path and resolve it to the actual path in-place.
"Nested" user paths (~someuser/somechroot/~someotheruser) are not supported as home directories are expected to be absolute paths.
func ExpandHome(path *string) (err error) {
var unameSplit []string
var uname string
var u *user.User
// Props to this guy.
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/43578461/733214
if len(*path) == 0 {
err = errors.New("empty path")
} else if (*path)[0] != '~' {
// E(ffective)UID (e.g. chown'd user for SUID)
uid := strconv.Itoa(syscall.Geteuid())
u, err := user.LookupId(euid)
// (Real)UID (invoking user)
if u, err = user.Current(); err != nil {
// K but do it smarter.
unameSplit = strings.SplitN(*path, string(os.PathSeparator), 2)
if len(unameSplit) != 2 {
unameSplit = append(unameSplit, "")
uname = strings.TrimPrefix(unameSplit[0], "~")
if uname == "" {
if u, err = user.Current(); err != nil {
} else {
if u, err = user.Lookup(uname); err != nil {
*path = filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, unameSplit[1])
GetFirst is the file equivalent of envs.GetFirst.
It iterates through paths, normalizing them along the way
(so abstracted paths such as ~/foo/bar.txt and relative paths
such as bar/baz.txt will still work), and returns the content
of the first found existing file. If the first found path
is a directory, content will be nil but isDir will be true
(as will ok).
If no path exists, ok will be false.
As always, results are not guaranteed due to permissions, etc.
potentially returning an inaccurate result.
This is a thin wrapper around GetFirstWithRef.
func GetFirst(paths []string) (content []byte, isDir, ok bool) {
content, isDir, ok, _ = GetFirstWithRef(paths)
GetFirstWithRef is the file equivalent of envs.GetFirstWithRef.
It behaves exactly like GetFirst, but with an additional returned value, idx,
which specifies the index in paths in which a path was found.
As always, results are not guaranteed due to permissions, etc.
potentially returning an inaccurate result.
func GetFirstWithRef(paths []string) (content []byte, isDir, ok bool, idx int) {
var locPaths []string
var exists bool
var stat os.FileInfo
var err error
idx = -1
// We have to be a little less cavalier about this.
if paths == nil {
locPaths = make([]string, len(paths))
locPaths = paths[:] // Create an explicit copy so we don't modify paths.
for i, p := range locPaths {
if exists, stat, err = RealPathExistsStat(&p); err != nil {
err = nil
if !exists {
isDir = stat.IsDir()
if !isDir {
if content, err = os.ReadFile(p); err != nil {
ok = true
idx = i
MakeDirIfNotExist will create a directory at a given path if it doesn't exist.
See also the documentation for RealPath.
This is a bit more sane option than os.MkdirAll as it will normalize paths a little better.
func MakeDirIfNotExist(path string) (err error) {
var stat os.FileInfo
var exists bool
var locPath string = path
if exists, stat, err = RealPathExistsStat(&locPath); err != nil {
if !exists {
// This, at least as of golang 1.15, uses the user's umask.
// It does not actually create a dir with 0777.
// It's up to the caller to do an os.Chmod() on the path after, if desired.
if err = os.MkdirAll(locPath, 0777); err != nil {
err = nil
} else {
// So it exists, but it probably isn't a dir.
if !stat.Mode().IsDir() {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("path %v exists but is not a directory", locPath))
} else {
// This should probably never happen. Probably.
err = errors.New("undefined")
RealPath will transform a given path into the very best guess for an absolute path in-place.
It is recommended to check err (if not nil) for an invalid path error. If this is true, the
path syntax/string itself is not supported on the runtime OS. This can be done via:
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrInvalid) {...}
func RealPath(path *string) (err error) {
if err = ExpandHome(path); err != nil {
if *path, err = filepath.Abs(*path); err != nil {
RealPathExists is like RealPath, but will also return a boolean as to whether the path
actually exists or not.
Note that err *may* be os.ErrPermission/fs.ErrPermission, in which case the exists value
cannot be trusted as a permission error occurred when trying to stat the path - if the
calling user/process does not have read permission on e.g. a parent directory, then
exists may be false but the path may actually exist. This condition can be checked via
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrPermission) {...}
See also the documentation for RealPath.
In those cases, it may be preferable to use RealPathExistsStat and checking stat for nil.
func RealPathExists(path *string) (exists bool, err error) {
if err = RealPath(path); err != nil {
if _, err = os.Stat(*path); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
err = nil
exists = true
RealPathExistsStat is like RealPathExists except it will also return the os.FileInfo
for the path (assuming it exists).
If stat is nil, it is highly recommended to check err via the methods suggested
in the documentation for RealPath and RealPathExists.
func RealPathExistsStat(path *string) (exists bool, stat os.FileInfo, err error) {
if exists, err = RealPathExists(path); err != nil {
if stat, err = os.Stat(*path); err != nil {
SearchPaths gets a file/directory path list based on the provided criteria.
targetType defines what should be included in the path list.
It can consist of one or more (io/)fs.FileMode types OR'd together
(ensure they are part of (io/)fs.ModeType).
(You can use 0 to match regular files explicitly, and/or noFiles = true to exclude them.)
noFiles, if true, will explicitly filter out regular files from the path results.
(Normally they are *always* included regardless of targetType.)
basePtrn may be nil; if it isn't, it will be applied to *base names*
(that is, quux.txt rather than /foo/bar/baz/quux.txt).
pathPtrn is like basePtrn except it applies to the *entire* path,
not just the basename, if not nil (e.g. /foo/bar/baz/quux.txt,
not just quux.txt).
If age is not nil, it will be applied to the path object.
It will match older files/directories/etc. if olderThan is true,
otherwise it will match newer files/directories/etc.
(olderThan is not used otherwise.)
ageType is one or more Time* constants OR'd together to describe which timestamp type to check.
(Note that TimeCreated may not match if specified as it is only available on certain OSes,
kernel versions, and filesystems. This may lead to files being excluded that may have otherwise
been included.)
(You can use TimeAny to specify any supported time.)
*Any* matching timestamp of all specified (and supported) timestamp types matches,
so be judicious with your selection. They are processed in order of:
* btime (birth/creation time) (if supported)
* mtime (modification time -- contents have changed)
* ctime (OS-specific behavior; generally disk metadata has changed) (if supported)
* atime (access time)
olderThan (as mentioned above) will find paths *older* than age if true, otherwise *newer*.
func SearchFsPaths(
root string,
targetType fs.FileMode, noFiles bool,
basePtrn, pathPtrn *regexp.Regexp,
age *time.Duration, ageType pathTimeType, olderThan bool,
) (foundPaths []string, err error) {
var now time.Time = time.Now()
if err = RealPath(&root); err != nil {
if err = filepath.WalkDir(
func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, inErr error) (outErr error) {
var typeMode fs.FileMode
var fi fs.FileInfo
var tspec times.Timespec
var typeFilter *bitmask.MaskBit = bitmask.NewMaskBitExplicit(uint(targetType))
if inErr != nil {
outErr = inErr
// patterns
if pathPtrn != nil {
if !pathPtrn.MatchString(path) {
if basePtrn != nil {
if !basePtrn.MatchString(filepath.Base(path)) {
// age
if age != nil {
if tspec, outErr = times.Stat(path); outErr != nil {
if !filterTimes(tspec, age, &ageType, olderThan, &now) {
// fs object type (file, dir, etc.)
if fi, outErr = d.Info(); outErr != nil {
typeMode = fi.Mode().Type()
if typeMode == 0 && noFiles {
if !typeFilter.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(typeMode)) {
// All filters passed at this point.
foundPaths = append(foundPaths, path)
); err != nil {
// And sort them.
filterTimes checks a times.Timespec of a file using:
* an age specified by the caller
* an ageType bitmask for types of times to compare
* an olderThan bool (if false, the file must be younger than)
* an optional "now" timestamp for the age derivation.
func filterTimes(tspec times.Timespec, age *time.Duration, ageType *pathTimeType, olderThan bool, now *time.Time) (include bool) {
var curAge time.Duration
var mask *bitmask.MaskBit
var tfunc func(t *time.Duration) (match bool) = func(t *time.Duration) (match bool) {
if olderThan {
match = *t > *age
} else {
match = *t < *age
if tspec == nil || age == nil || ageType == nil {
mask = ageType.Mask()
if now == nil {
now = new(time.Time)
*now = time.Now()
// BTIME (if supported)
if tspec.HasBirthTime() && (mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeAny)) || mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeCreated))) {
curAge = now.Sub(tspec.BirthTime())
if include = tfunc(&curAge); include {
if mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeAny)) || mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeModified)) {
curAge = now.Sub(tspec.ModTime())
if include = tfunc(&curAge); include {
// CTIME (if supported)
if tspec.HasChangeTime() && (mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeAny)) || mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeChanged))) {
curAge = now.Sub(tspec.ChangeTime())
if include = tfunc(&curAge); include {
if mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeAny)) || mask.HasFlag(bitmask.MaskBit(TimeAccessed)) {
curAge = now.Sub(tspec.AccessTime())
if include = tfunc(&curAge); include {