
31 lines
916 B

package aesCommon
import (
// AesCipher contains a general AES structure/methods common for all AES types.
type AesCipher struct {
// Key contains the encryption Key.
Key []byte `validate:"skip"`
IV contains the IV, or initialization vector.
It may also/instead refer to the nonce (number-used-once), depending on the algorithm.
IV []byte `validate:"skip"`
KeyLen is the length of key used (in bytes) (int(AesCipher.Bits) / 8).
Must be one of 16 (128-bit), 24 (192-bit), or 32 (256-bit).
KeyLen int `validate:"oneof=16 24 32"`
// Bits is the full bit length of AesCipher.KeyLen (in bits) (AesCipher.KeyLen * 8)
Bits aesBitSize `validate:"skip"`
// aesBitSize is not exportable to ensure fixed size selections.
type aesBitSize int
// validate is used to validate the AesCipher.KeyLen.
var validate *validator.Validate = validator.New()