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2022-01-05 05:15:38 -05:00
Package logging implements and presents various loggers under a unified interface, making them completely swappable.
These particular loggers (logging.Logger) available are:
SystemDLogger (Linux only)
SyslogLogger (Linux only)
WinLogger (Windows only)
There is a sixth type of logging.Logger, MultiLogger, that allows for multiple loggers to be written to with a single call.
Every logging.Logger type has the following methods that correspond to certain "levels".
Alert(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Crit(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Debug(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Emerg(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Err(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Info(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Notice(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Warning(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error)
Not all loggers implement the concept of levels, so approximations are made when/where possible.
In each of the above methods, s is the message that is optionally in a fmt.Sprintf-compatible format.
If it is, the values to fmt.Sprintf can be passed as v.
Note that in the case of a MultiLogger, err (if not nil) will be a (r00t2.io/goutils/)multierr.MultiError.
logging.Logger types also have the following methods:
DoDebug(d bool)
SetPrefix(p string)
GetPrefix() (p string)
In some cases, Logger.Setup and Logger.Shutdown are no-ops. In other cases, they perform necessary initialization/cleanup and closing of the logger.
It is recommended to *always* run Setup and Shutdown before and after using, respectively, regardless of the actual logging.Logger type.
package logging