diff --git a/builder/__init__.py b/builder/__init__.py
index 81a8cd0..1c0c11d 100644
--- a/builder/__init__.py
+++ b/builder/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
+from . import logger
+from . import config
+from . import compile
from . import ipxe
diff --git a/builder/compile.py b/builder/compile.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..963bb84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/compile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from . import constants
+_log = logging.getLogger()
+class Target(object):
+ def __init__(self, target_xml):
+ self.xml = target_xml
+ self.subdir = self.xml.attrib.get('subDir', '.')
+ self.base = self.xml.attrib.get('baseName')
+ self.target = self.xml.text
+ if not self.base:
+ self.base = os.path.basename(self.target)
+class IpxeScript(object):
+ def __init__(self, script_dir, script_xml):
+ self.xml = script_xml
+ self.fpath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(script_dir)),
+ self.xml.text)
+ self.prefix = self.xml.attrib['prefix']
+class Compiler(object):
+ def __init__(self, builddir, destdir, upstream, patches, monkey_patches, build_xml):
+ self.xml = build_xml
+ self.build = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(builddir))
+ self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(destdir))
+ self.src = upstream.dest
+ self.upstream = upstream
+ self.patches = patches
+ self.monkey_patches = monkey_patches
+ self.targets = []
+ self.scripts = []
+ self._add_targets()
+ def _add_targets(self):
+ roms = self.xml.findall('rom')
+ if roms is None:
+ def make(self):
+ # NOTE: 1af41000 is the firmware used by virtIO
+ self.prep()
+ self.patch()
+ def patch(self):
+ for m in self.monkey_patches:
+ for pf in m.files:
+ pf.patch()
+ for p in self.patches:
+ for pf in p.files:
+ pf.patch()
+ return()
+ def prep(self):
+ if self.src != self.build:
+ shutil.copytree(self.src, self.build, dirs_exist_ok = True)
+ os.makedirs(self.dest)
+ # These are standard.
+ for d in constants.IPXE_CATEGORIES:
+ dpath = os.path.join(self.dest, d)
+ os.makedirs(dpath, exist_ok = True)
diff --git a/builder/config.py b/builder/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ea5231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import copy
+import os
+import logging
+import re
+import requests
+import requests.auth
+from lxml import etree
+from . import constants
+_logger = logging.getLogger()
+def create_default_cfg():
+ # Create a stripped sample config.
+ ws_re = re.compile(r'^\s*$')
+ samplexml = constants.IPXE_SAMPLE_CONFIG
+ with open(samplexml, 'rb') as fh:
+ xml = etree.fromstring(fh.read())
+ # Create a stripped sample config.
+ # First we strip comments (and fix the ensuing whitespace).
+ # etree has a .canonicalize(), but it chokes on a default namespace.
+ # https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/1869455
+ # So everything we do is kind of a hack.
+ # for c in xml.xpath("//comment()"):
+ # parent = c.getparent()
+ # parent.remove(c)
+ xmlstr = etree.tostring(xml, with_comments = False, method = 'c14n', pretty_print = True).decode('utf-8')
+ newstr = []
+ for line in xmlstr.splitlines():
+ r = ws_re.search(line)
+ if not r:
+ newstr.append(line.strip())
+ xml = etree.fromstring(''.join(newstr).encode('utf-8'))
+ # Remove text and attr text.
+ xpathq = "descendant-or-self::*[namespace-uri()!='']"
+ for e in xml.xpath(xpathq):
+ if e.tag == '{{{0}}}ipxe'.format(xml.nsmap[None]):
+ continue
+ if e.text is not None and e.text.strip() != '':
+ e.text = ''
+ for k, v in e.attrib.items():
+ if v is not None:
+ e.attrib[k] = ''
+ # Remove multiple children of same type to simplify.
+ for e in xml.xpath(xpathq):
+ if e.tag == '{{{0}}}ipxe'.format(xml.nsmap[None]):
+ continue
+ parent = e.getparent()
+ try:
+ for idx, child in enumerate(parent.findall(e.tag)):
+ if idx == 0:
+ continue
+ parent.remove(child)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ # And add a comment pointing them to the fully commented config.
+ xml.insert(0, etree.Comment(('\n Please reference the fully commented example.config.xml found either '
+ 'at:\n '
+ ' * {0}\n * https://git.square-r00t.net/BootBox/tree/builder/'
+ 'example.config.xml\n and then configure this according to those '
+ 'instructions.\n ').format(samplexml)))
+ return(etree.tostring(xml,
+ pretty_print = True,
+ with_comments = True,
+ with_tail = True,
+ encoding = 'UTF-8',
+ xml_declaration = True))
+class Config(object):
+ default_xsd = 'http://schema.xml.r00t2.io/projects/ipxe/build.xsd'
+ default_xml_path = constants.IPXE_DEFAULT_CFG
+ def __init__(self, xml_path, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not xml_path:
+ xml_path = self.default_xml_path
+ self.xml_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(xml_path))
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.xml_path):
+ with open(self.xml_path, 'wb') as fh:
+ fh.write(create_default_cfg())
+ _logger.error(('{0} does not exist so a sample configuration file has been created in its place. '
+ 'Be sure to configure it appropriately.').format(self.default_xml_path))
+ raise ValueError('Config does not exist')
+ else:
+ with open(self.xml_path, 'rb') as fh:
+ self.raw = fh.read()
+ self.xml = None
+ self.xsd = None
+ self.ns_xml = None
+ self.tree = None
+ self.ns_tree = None
+ self.defaults_parser = None
+ self.parse_xml()
+ _logger.info('Instantiated {0}.'.format(type(self).__name__))
+ def get_xsd(self):
+ raw_xsd = None
+ base_url = None
+ xsi = self.xml.nsmap.get('xsi', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance')
+ schemaLocation = '{{{0}}}schemaLocation'.format(xsi)
+ schemaURL = self.xml.attrib.get(schemaLocation, self.default_xsd)
+ split_url = schemaURL.split()
+ if len(split_url) == 2: # a properly defined schemaLocation
+ schemaURL = split_url[1]
+ else:
+ schemaURL = split_url[0] # a LAZY schemaLocation
+ if schemaURL.startswith('file://'):
+ schemaURL = re.sub(r'^file://', r'', schemaURL)
+ with open(schemaURL, 'rb') as fh:
+ raw_xsd = fh.read()
+ base_url = os.path.dirname(schemaURL) + '/'
+ else:
+ req = requests.get(schemaURL)
+ if not req.ok:
+ raise RuntimeError('Could not download XSD')
+ raw_xsd = req.content
+ base_url = os.path.split(req.url)[0] + '/' # This makes me feel dirty.
+ self.xsd = etree.XMLSchema(etree.XML(raw_xsd, base_url = base_url))
+ return(None)
+ def parse_xml(self):
+ self.parse_raw()
+ self.get_xsd()
+ self.populate_defaults()
+ self.validate()
+ return(None)
+ def parse_raw(self, parser = None):
+ self.xml = etree.fromstring(self.raw, parser = parser)
+ self.ns_xml = etree.fromstring(self.raw, parser = parser)
+ self.tree = self.xml.getroottree()
+ self.ns_tree = self.ns_xml.getroottree()
+ self.tree.xinclude()
+ self.ns_tree.xinclude()
+ self.strip_ns()
+ return(None)
+ def populate_defaults(self):
+ if not self.xsd:
+ self.get_xsd()
+ if not self.defaults_parser:
+ self.defaults_parser = etree.XMLParser(schema = self.xsd, attribute_defaults = True)
+ self.parse_raw(parser = self.defaults_parser)
+ return(None)
+ def remove_defaults(self):
+ self.parse_raw()
+ return(None)
+ def strip_ns(self, obj = None):
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30232031/how-can-i-strip-namespaces-out-of-an-lxml-tree/30233635#30233635
+ xpathq = "descendant-or-self::*[namespace-uri()!='']"
+ if not obj:
+ for x in (self.tree, self.xml):
+ for e in x.xpath(xpathq):
+ e.tag = etree.QName(e).localname
+ elif isinstance(obj, (etree._Element, etree._ElementTree)):
+ obj = copy.deepcopy(obj)
+ for e in obj.xpath(xpathq):
+ e.tag = etree.QName(e).localname
+ return(obj)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Did not know how to parse obj parameter')
+ return(None)
+ def validate(self):
+ if not self.xsd:
+ self.get_xsd()
+ self.xsd.assertValid(self.ns_tree)
+ return(None)
diff --git a/builder/constants.py b/builder/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28016d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import os
+IPXE_GIT_URI = 'git://git.ipxe.org/ipxe.git'
+IPXE_ROM_SUFFIXES = ('rom', 'mrom')
+IPXE_ROM_FIRMWARES = ('rtl8139',
+ '8086100e',
+ '80861209',
+ '10500940',
+ '10222000',
+ '10ec8139',
+ '1af41000', # firmware used by virtIO
+ '8086100f',
+ '808610d3',
+ '15ad07b0')
+_cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__)))
+IPXE_SAMPLE_CONFIG = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_cur_dir, 'example.config.xml'))
+IPXE_DEFAULT_CFG = '~/.config/bootbox/ipxe_build.xml'
+if os.geteuid() == 0:
+ IPXE_DEFAULT_LOGFILE = '/var/log/bootbox/ipxe.log'
+ IPXE_DEFAULT_LOGFILE = '~/.cache/bootbox/ipxe.log'
+DEF_PORTS = {'git': 9418,
+ 'http': 80,
+ 'https': 443}
+IPXE_CATEGORIES = ('default',
+ 'efi',
+ 'iso',
+ 'legacy',
+ 'roms')
diff --git a/builder/example.config.xml b/builder/example.config.xml
index b100441..cbe7afd 100644
--- a/builder/example.config.xml
+++ b/builder/example.config.xml
@@ -2,9 +2,26 @@
+ /opt/builds/built/ipxe
+ bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi
+ bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi
+ bin/ipxe.liso
+ bin/ipxe.eiso
diff --git a/builder/ipxe.OLD.py b/builder/ipxe.OLD.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dc1695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/ipxe.OLD.py
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import git # https://pypi.org/project/GitPython/
+import patch_ng # https://pypi.org/project/patch-ng/
+patches = ['git-version.patch', 'banner.patch', 'efi-iso.patch']
+monkeypatch = {
+ 'config/general.h': {
+ 'enable': [
+ # 'PXE_CMD', # Causes EFI to fail.
+ # 'IMAGE_NBI', # I *think* this causes EFI to fail. Can I build it directly as a target w/o enabling?
+ # 'IMAGE_ELF', # Causes EFI to fail, and is auto-enabled for what needs it.
+ # 'IMAGE_MULTIBOOT', # Also enabled by default for MBR builds
+ # 'IMAGE_SCRIPT', # Enabled where needed etc.
+ # 'IMAGE_BZIMAGE', # http://lists.ipxe.org/pipermail/ipxe-devel/2017-March/005510.html
+ # 'IMAGE_COMBOOT', # Not really necessary since iPXE has native menus.
+ # 'IMAGE_EFI', # Enabled by default for EFI builds, and causes build error on bin/ipxe.dsk.tmp
+ # 'IMAGE_PXE', # EFI builds fail with this. related to PXE_STACK/PXE_CMD?
+ 'PCI_CMD',
+ 'NTP_CMD',
+ ],
+ 'disable': [
+ # 'CRYPTO_80211_WEP',
+ # 'CRYPTO_80211_WPA',
+ # 'CRYPTO_80211_WPA2',
+ ]},
+ 'config/console.h': {
+ 'enable': [
+ ],
+ 'disable': [
+ # Disables would go here.
+ ]}}
+rootdir = '/opt/builds'
+logdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'logs', 'ipxe')
+patchdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'patches', 'ipxe')
+buildroot = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ipxe_build')
+srcdir = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src')
+configdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'configs', 'ipxe')
+destdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'built', 'ipxe')
+repo = git.Repo(buildroot)
+master = repo.branches.master
+remote = repo.remote('origin')
+rom_suffixes = ('rom', 'mrom')
+rom_types = ('rtl8139', '8086100e', '80861209', '10500940', '10222000', '10ec8139', '1af41000', '8086100f',
+ '808610d3', '15ad07b0')
+def doMonkeypatch(fname, changeset):
+ enable_re = None
+ disable_re = None
+ fpath = os.path.join(srcdir, fname)
+ if changeset['enable']:
+ enable_re = re.compile((r'^\s*(//#define|#undef)\s+'
+ r'(?P{0})'
+ r'(?P\s+/\*.*)?\s*$').format('|'.join(changeset['enable'])))
+ if changeset['disable']:
+ disable_re = re.compile((r'^(#define|//#undef)\s+'
+ r'(?P{0})'
+ r'(?P\s+/\*.*)?\s*$').format('|'.join(changeset['disable'])))
+ with open(fpath, 'r') as fh:
+ configstr = fh.read()
+ configlines = configstr.splitlines()
+ for idx, line in enumerate(configlines[:]):
+ if enable_re:
+ r = enable_re.search(line)
+ if r:
+ configlines[idx] = '#define {0}{1}'.format(r.group('optname'), r.group('comment'))
+ if disable_re:
+ r = disable_re.search(line)
+ if r:
+ configlines[idx] = '#undef {0}{1}'.format(r.group('optname'), r.group('comment'))
+ with open(fpath, 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write('\n'.join(configlines))
+ fh.write('\n')
+ return()
+def main():
+ # Cleanup the repo.
+ repo.head.reset(commit = 'HEAD', working_tree = True)
+ if repo.active_branch != master:
+ master.checkout()
+ repo.head.reset(commit = 'HEAD', working_tree = True)
+ repo.git.clean('-xdf')
+ try:
+ remote.pull()
+ except BrokenPipeError:
+ pass
+ # Patch
+ for p in patches:
+ with open(os.path.join(patchdir, p), 'rb') as fh:
+ patchset = patch_ng.PatchSet(fh)
+ patchset.apply(strip = 1, root = buildroot)
+ # "Monkeypatch" - sed-like.
+ for f, changeset in monkeypatch.items():
+ doMonkeypatch(f, changeset)
+ # Build. Finally!
+ # TODO: ARM support!
+ # for d in ('default', 'efi', 'iso', 'legacy', 'roms', 'arm'):
+ for d in ('default', 'efi', 'iso', 'legacy', 'roms'):
+ dpath = os.path.join(destdir, d)
+ os.makedirs(dpath, exist_ok = True)
+ os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok = True)
+ os.chdir(srcdir)
+ ## Base files
+ # TODO: ARM support!
+ # TODO: efi-sb support (secureboot)!
+ # http://ipxe.org/appnote/buildtargets
+ # http://ipxe.org/appnote/buildtargets#special_targets
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all_bootstrap.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all_bootstrap.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'all',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ for fsrc, fdest in (('undionly.kpxe', 'legacy/bootstrap_{f}'),
+ ('ipxe.iso', 'iso/bootstrap_bios.iso'),
+ ('ipxe.usb', 'iso/bootstrap_pxe_usb.img'),
+ ('ipxe.dsk', 'iso/bootstrap_pxe_floppy.img')):
+ srcpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fsrc)
+ fname = os.path.basename(srcpath)
+ destpath = os.path.join(destdir, fdest.format(f = fname))
+ shutil.copy2(srcpath, destpath)
+ for rom in rom_types:
+ for s in rom_suffixes:
+ fname = '{0}.{1}'.format(rom, s)
+ fpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fname)
+ if os.path.isfile(fpath):
+ shutil.copy2(fpath,
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', 'bootstrap_{0}'.format(fname)))
+ # http://ipxe.org/howto/romburning
+ # https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsNICSROM
+ if rom == '1af41000':
+ os.symlink(fpath,
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', 'bootstrap_virtio.rom'))
+ ## EMBEDDED ##
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'all',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ for fsrc, fdest in (('undionly.kpxe', 'legacy/{f}'),
+ ('ipxe.iso', 'iso/bios.iso'),
+ ('ipxe.usb', 'iso/pxe_usb.img'),
+ ('ipxe.dsk', 'iso/pxe_floppy.img')):
+ srcpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fsrc)
+ fname = os.path.basename(srcpath)
+ destpath = os.path.join(destdir, fdest.format(f = fname))
+ shutil.copy2(srcpath, destpath)
+ for rom in rom_types:
+ for s in rom_suffixes:
+ fname = '{0}.{1}'.format(rom, s)
+ fpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fname)
+ if os.path.isfile(fpath):
+ shutil.copy2(fpath,
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', fname))
+ if rom == '1af41000':
+ os.symlink(fpath,
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', 'virtio.rom'))
+ # DOS/MBR sector/HDD img.
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_hdd.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_hdd.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin/ipxe.hd',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.hd'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'bootstrap_legacy_mbr.img'))
+ ## EMBEDDED ##
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'hdd.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'hdd.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin/ipxe.hd',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.hd'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'legacy_mbr.img'))
+ # PXE loaders
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_loader.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_loader.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin/ipxe.pxe',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.pxe'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'default', 'bootstrap_loader.pxe'))
+ ## EMBEDDED ##
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'loader.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'loader.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin/ipxe.pxe',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.pxe'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'default', 'loader.pxe'))
+ # EFI binaries and ISO images
+ # These have to be done grouped because the eiso stuff APPARENTLY doesn't parse EMBED or lack thereof correctly?
+ ### EFI ###
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_efi.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_efi.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi',
+ 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', 'bootstrap_32.efi'))
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', 'bootstrap_64.efi'))
+ ### UEFI ISO ###
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_iso.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_iso.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin/ipxe.liso',
+ 'bin/ipxe.eiso',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.liso'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'bootstrap_legacy.iso'))
+ os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.eiso'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'bootstrap_uefi.iso'))
+ ## EMBEDDED ##
+ ### EFI ###
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'efi.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'efi.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi',
+ 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', '32.efi'))
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', '64.efi'))
+ ### UEFI ISO ###
+ with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'iso.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
+ open(os.path.join(logdir, 'iso.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
+ subprocess.run(['make',
+ 'bin/ipxe.liso',
+ 'bin/ipxe.eiso',
+ 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
+ stdout = stdout,
+ stderr = stderr)
+ os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.liso'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'legacy.iso'))
+ os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.eiso'),
+ os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'uefi.iso'))
+ return()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/builder/ipxe.py b/builder/ipxe.py
index 2dc1695..44bdacb 100644
--- a/builder/ipxe.py
+++ b/builder/ipxe.py
@@ -1,297 +1,180 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import io
import os
+import logging
+import pathlib
import re
import shutil
-import subprocess
-import git # https://pypi.org/project/GitPython/
-import patch_ng # https://pypi.org/project/patch-ng/
+import patch_ng
+from . import config
+from . import constants
+from . import upstream
+from . import compile
+_log = logging.getLogger()
-patches = ['git-version.patch', 'banner.patch', 'efi-iso.patch']
+class _Opt(object):
+ switchtype = None
-monkeypatch = {
- 'config/general.h': {
- 'enable': [
- # 'PXE_CMD', # Causes EFI to fail.
- # 'IMAGE_NBI', # I *think* this causes EFI to fail. Can I build it directly as a target w/o enabling?
- # 'IMAGE_ELF', # Causes EFI to fail, and is auto-enabled for what needs it.
- # 'IMAGE_MULTIBOOT', # Also enabled by default for MBR builds
- # 'IMAGE_SCRIPT', # Enabled where needed etc.
- # 'IMAGE_BZIMAGE', # http://lists.ipxe.org/pipermail/ipxe-devel/2017-March/005510.html
- # 'IMAGE_COMBOOT', # Not really necessary since iPXE has native menus.
- # 'IMAGE_EFI', # Enabled by default for EFI builds, and causes build error on bin/ipxe.dsk.tmp
- # 'IMAGE_PXE', # EFI builds fail with this. related to PXE_STACK/PXE_CMD?
- 'PCI_CMD',
- 'NTP_CMD',
- ],
- 'disable': [
- # 'CRYPTO_80211_WEP',
- # 'CRYPTO_80211_WPA',
- # 'CRYPTO_80211_WPA2',
- ]},
- 'config/console.h': {
- 'enable': [
- ],
- 'disable': [
- # Disables would go here.
- ]}}
-rootdir = '/opt/builds'
-logdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'logs', 'ipxe')
-patchdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'patches', 'ipxe')
-buildroot = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ipxe_build')
-srcdir = os.path.join(buildroot, 'src')
-configdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'configs', 'ipxe')
-destdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'built', 'ipxe')
-repo = git.Repo(buildroot)
-master = repo.branches.master
-remote = repo.remote('origin')
-rom_suffixes = ('rom', 'mrom')
-rom_types = ('rtl8139', '8086100e', '80861209', '10500940', '10222000', '10ec8139', '1af41000', '8086100f',
- '808610d3', '15ad07b0')
+ def __init__(self, opt_xml, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.xml = opt_xml
+ self.flags = [i.text for i in self.xml.findall('opt')]
-def doMonkeypatch(fname, changeset):
- enable_re = None
- disable_re = None
- fpath = os.path.join(srcdir, fname)
- if changeset['enable']:
- enable_re = re.compile((r'^\s*(//#define|#undef)\s+'
- r'(?P{0})'
- r'(?P\s+/\*.*)?\s*$').format('|'.join(changeset['enable'])))
- if changeset['disable']:
- disable_re = re.compile((r'^(#define|//#undef)\s+'
- r'(?P{0})'
- r'(?P\s+/\*.*)?\s*$').format('|'.join(changeset['disable'])))
- with open(fpath, 'r') as fh:
- configstr = fh.read()
- configlines = configstr.splitlines()
- for idx, line in enumerate(configlines[:]):
- if enable_re:
- r = enable_re.search(line)
- if r:
- configlines[idx] = '#define {0}{1}'.format(r.group('optname'), r.group('comment'))
- if disable_re:
- r = disable_re.search(line)
- if r:
- configlines[idx] = '#undef {0}{1}'.format(r.group('optname'), r.group('comment'))
- with open(fpath, 'w') as fh:
- fh.write('\n'.join(configlines))
- fh.write('\n')
- return()
+class _Enable(_Opt):
+ switchtype = 'enable'
-def main():
- # Cleanup the repo.
- repo.head.reset(commit = 'HEAD', working_tree = True)
- if repo.active_branch != master:
- master.checkout()
- repo.head.reset(commit = 'HEAD', working_tree = True)
- repo.git.clean('-xdf')
- try:
- remote.pull()
- except BrokenPipeError:
+ def __init__(self, opt_xml, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(opt_xml, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.re = re.compile((r'^\s*(//#define|#undef)\s+'
+ r'(?P{0})'
+ r'(?P\s+/\*.*)?\s*$').format('|'.join(self.flags)))
+class _Disable(_Opt):
+ switchtype = 'disable'
+ def __init__(self, opt_xml, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(opt_xml, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.re = re.compile((r'^(#define|//#undef)\s+'
+ r'(?P{0})'
+ r'(?P\s+/\*.*)?\s*$').format('|'.join(self.flags)))
+class _MonkeyPatchFile(object):
+ def __init__(self, builddir, opts_xml):
+ self.xml = opts_xml
+ self.fpath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(builddir)),
+ self.xml.attrib.get('file'))
+ self.opts = []
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.fpath):
+ _log.error('File {0} was due to be monkeypatched but is not found.'.format(self.fpath))
+ raise FileNotFoundError('File does not exist')
+ with open(self.fpath, 'r') as fh:
+ self.buf = io.StringIO(fh.read())
+ self.buf.seek(0, 0)
+ self.lines = self.buf.read().splitlines()
+ self.buf.seek(0, 0)
+ self._get_opts()
+ def _get_opts(self):
+ for opt in self.xml.xpath('./enable|./disable'):
+ if opt.tag == 'enable':
+ self.opts.append(_Enable(opt))
+ else:
+ self.opts.append(_Disable(opt))
+ return (None)
+ def patch(self):
+ for opt in self.opts:
+ for idx, line in enumerate(self.lines[:]):
+ opt_re = opt.re.search(line)
+ if opt_re:
+ if opt.switchtype == 'enable':
+ self.lines[idx] = '#define {0}{1}'.format(opt_re.group('optname'),
+ opt_re.group('comment'))
+ else:
+ self.lines[idx] = '#undef {0}{1}'.format(opt_re.group('optname'),
+ opt_re.group('comment'))
+ shutil.copy2(self.fpath, '{0}.orig'.format(self.fpath))
+ with open(self.fpath, 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write('\n'.join(self.lines))
+ fh.write('\n')
+ return(None)
+class MonkeyPatch(object):
+ def __init__(self, builddir, switchopts_xml):
+ self.root = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(builddir)),
+ os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(switchopts_xml.attrib.get('subDir', '.'))))
+ self.xml = switchopts_xml
+ self.files = []
+ self._get_files()
+ def _get_files(self):
+ for optfile in self.xml.findall('opts'):
+ self.files.append(_MonkeyPatchFile(self.root, optfile))
+ return(None)
+class _PatchFile(object):
+ def __init__(self, patchdir, builddir, patchfile_xml):
+ self.xml = patchfile_xml
+ self.builddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(builddir))
+ self.fpath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(patchdir)),
+ self.xml.text)
+ self.strip_level = int(self.xml.attrib.get('stripLevel', 1))
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.fpath):
+ _log.error('Patch file {0} does not exist'.format(self.fpath))
+ with open(self.fpath, 'r') as fh:
+ self.patch_raw = fh.read()
+ self.patch_obj = patch_ng.PatchSet(self.patch_raw)
+ def patch(self):
+ self.patch_obj.apply(strip = self.strip_level, root = self.builddir)
+ return(None)
+class Patch(object):
+ def __init__(self, builddir, patch_xml):
+ self.root = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(builddir))
+ self.xml = patch_xml
+ _patch_dir = pathlib.Path(self.xml.attrib.get('patchDir', '.'))
+ if not _patch_dir.is_absolute():
+ self.patch_dir = os.path.join(self.root, str(_patch_dir))
+ else:
+ self.patch_dir = str(_patch_dir)
+ self.files = []
+ def _get_patches(self):
+ for patch in self.xml.findall('patchFile'):
+ self.files.append(_PatchFile(self.patch_dir, self.root, patch))
+ return(None)
+class Builder(object):
+ def __init__(self, cfg = None):
+ if not cfg:
+ cfg = constants.IPXE_DEFAULT_CFG
+ self.cfg_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cfg))
+ self.cfg = config.Config(cfg)
+ self.xml = self.cfg.xml
+ self.dest = None
+ self.builddir = None
+ self.upstream = None
+ self.compiler = None
+ self.monkeypatches = []
+ self.patches = []
+ self._get_info()
+ self._get_patch()
+ self._get_compile()
+ def _get_compile(self):
+ build_xml = self.xml.find('build')
+ self.compiler = compile.Compiler(self.builddir,
+ self.dest,
+ self.upstream,
+ self.patches,
+ self.monkeypatches,
+ build_xml)
+ def _get_info(self):
+ source_xml = self.xml.find('source')
+ build_xml = self.xml.find('build')
+ self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(build_xml.find('dest').text))
+ self.upstream = upstream.upstream_parser(source_xml.find('upstream'))
+ self.builddir = self.upstream.dest
+ return(None)
+ def _get_patch(self):
+ for patchset in self.xml.xpath('//patchSet'):
+ for optswitch in patchset.findall('switchOpts'):
+ self.monkeypatches.append(MonkeyPatch(self.builddir, optswitch))
+ for patch in self.xml.xpath('//patch'):
+ self.patches.append(Patch(self.builddir, patch))
+ return(None)
+ def build(self):
- # Patch
- for p in patches:
- with open(os.path.join(patchdir, p), 'rb') as fh:
- patchset = patch_ng.PatchSet(fh)
- patchset.apply(strip = 1, root = buildroot)
- # "Monkeypatch" - sed-like.
- for f, changeset in monkeypatch.items():
- doMonkeypatch(f, changeset)
- # Build. Finally!
- # TODO: ARM support!
- # for d in ('default', 'efi', 'iso', 'legacy', 'roms', 'arm'):
- for d in ('default', 'efi', 'iso', 'legacy', 'roms'):
- dpath = os.path.join(destdir, d)
- os.makedirs(dpath, exist_ok = True)
- os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok = True)
- os.chdir(srcdir)
- ## Base files
- # TODO: ARM support!
- # TODO: efi-sb support (secureboot)!
- # http://ipxe.org/appnote/buildtargets
- # http://ipxe.org/appnote/buildtargets#special_targets
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all_bootstrap.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all_bootstrap.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'all',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- for fsrc, fdest in (('undionly.kpxe', 'legacy/bootstrap_{f}'),
- ('ipxe.iso', 'iso/bootstrap_bios.iso'),
- ('ipxe.usb', 'iso/bootstrap_pxe_usb.img'),
- ('ipxe.dsk', 'iso/bootstrap_pxe_floppy.img')):
- srcpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fsrc)
- fname = os.path.basename(srcpath)
- destpath = os.path.join(destdir, fdest.format(f = fname))
- shutil.copy2(srcpath, destpath)
- for rom in rom_types:
- for s in rom_suffixes:
- fname = '{0}.{1}'.format(rom, s)
- fpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fname)
- if os.path.isfile(fpath):
- shutil.copy2(fpath,
- os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', 'bootstrap_{0}'.format(fname)))
- # http://ipxe.org/howto/romburning
- # https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsNICSROM
- if rom == '1af41000':
- os.symlink(fpath,
- os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', 'bootstrap_virtio.rom'))
- ## EMBEDDED ##
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'all.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'all',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- for fsrc, fdest in (('undionly.kpxe', 'legacy/{f}'),
- ('ipxe.iso', 'iso/bios.iso'),
- ('ipxe.usb', 'iso/pxe_usb.img'),
- ('ipxe.dsk', 'iso/pxe_floppy.img')):
- srcpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fsrc)
- fname = os.path.basename(srcpath)
- destpath = os.path.join(destdir, fdest.format(f = fname))
- shutil.copy2(srcpath, destpath)
- for rom in rom_types:
- for s in rom_suffixes:
- fname = '{0}.{1}'.format(rom, s)
- fpath = os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin', fname)
- if os.path.isfile(fpath):
- shutil.copy2(fpath,
- os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', fname))
- if rom == '1af41000':
- os.symlink(fpath,
- os.path.join(destdir, 'roms', 'virtio.rom'))
- # DOS/MBR sector/HDD img.
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_hdd.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_hdd.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin/ipxe.hd',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.hd'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'bootstrap_legacy_mbr.img'))
- ## EMBEDDED ##
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'hdd.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'hdd.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin/ipxe.hd',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.hd'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'legacy_mbr.img'))
- # PXE loaders
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_loader.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_loader.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin/ipxe.pxe',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.pxe'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'default', 'bootstrap_loader.pxe'))
- ## EMBEDDED ##
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'loader.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'loader.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin/ipxe.pxe',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.pxe'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'default', 'loader.pxe'))
- # EFI binaries and ISO images
- # These have to be done grouped because the eiso stuff APPARENTLY doesn't parse EMBED or lack thereof correctly?
- ### EFI ###
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_efi.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_efi.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi',
- 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', 'bootstrap_32.efi'))
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', 'bootstrap_64.efi'))
- ### UEFI ISO ###
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_iso.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'bootstrap_iso.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin/ipxe.liso',
- 'bin/ipxe.eiso',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'bootstrap.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.liso'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'bootstrap_legacy.iso'))
- os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.eiso'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'bootstrap_uefi.iso'))
- ## EMBEDDED ##
- ### EFI ###
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'efi.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'efi.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi',
- 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', '32.efi'))
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'efi', '64.efi'))
- ### UEFI ISO ###
- with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'iso.stderr'), 'wb') as stderr, \
- open(os.path.join(logdir, 'iso.stdout'), 'wb') as stdout:
- subprocess.run(['make',
- 'bin/ipxe.liso',
- 'bin/ipxe.eiso',
- 'EMBED={0}'.format(os.path.join(configdir, 'chain-default.ipxe'))],
- stdout = stdout,
- stderr = stderr)
- os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.liso'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'legacy.iso'))
- os.rename(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bin/ipxe.eiso'),
- os.path.join(destdir, 'iso', 'uefi.iso'))
- return()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/builder/logger.py b/builder/logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5397e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+import os
+ # https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/python-systemd/journal.html#journalhandler-class
+ from systemd import journal
+ _has_journald = True
+except ImportError:
+ _has_journald = False
+from . import constants
+def preplog(logfile = None):
+ if not logfile:
+ logfile = constants.IPXE_DEFAULT_LOGFILE
+ # Prep the log file.
+ logfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(logfile))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logfile), exist_ok = True, mode = 0o0700)
+ if not os.path.isfile(logfile):
+ with open(logfile, 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write('')
+ os.chmod(logfile, 0o0600)
+ return(logfile)
+# And set up logging.
+_cfg_args = {'handlers': [],
+ 'level': logging.DEBUG}
+if _has_journald:
+ # There were some weird changes somewhere along the line.
+ try:
+ # But it's *probably* this one.
+ h = journal.JournalHandler()
+ except AttributeError:
+ h = journal.JournaldLogHandler()
+ # Systemd includes times, so we don't need to.
+ h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(style = '{',
+ fmt = ('{name}:{levelname}:{filename}:'
+ '{funcName}:{lineno}: {message}')))
+ _cfg_args['handlers'].append(h)
+filehandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(preplog(),
+ encoding = 'utf8',
+ # Disable rotating for now.
+ # maxBytes = 50000000000,
+ # backupCount = 30
+ )
+filehandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(style = '{',
+ fmt = ('{asctime}:'
+ '{levelname}:{name}:{filename}:'
+ '{funcName}:{lineno}: {message}')))
+logger = logging.getLogger('iPXE Builder')
+logger.info('Logging initialized.')
diff --git a/builder/upstream.py b/builder/upstream.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c92744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/upstream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import io
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import tarfile
+import zipfile
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import requests
+ import git
+ _has_git = True
+except ImportError:
+ _has_git = False
+from . import constants
+class _Upstream(object):
+ def __init__(self, upstream_xml, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.xml = upstream_xml
+ self.uri = None
+ self.proto = None
+ self.host = None
+ self.port = None
+ self.path = None
+ self.parsed_uri = None
+ self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.xml.find('dest').text))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.dest), exist_ok = True, mode = 0o0750)
+ def parse_uri(self):
+ self.parsed_uri = urlparse(self.uri)
+ self.proto = self.parsed_uri.scheme.lower()
+ self.host = self.parsed_uri.hostname.lower()
+ self.port = int(getattr(self.parsed_uri, 'port', constants.DEF_PORTS[self.proto]))
+ self.path = self.parsed_uri.path
+ return(None)
+class Git(_Upstream):
+ upstreamtype = 'git'
+ def __init__(self, upstream_xml, refresh = False, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not _has_git:
+ raise RuntimeError('The git module (GitPython) is not installed')
+ super().__init__(upstream_xml, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.repo = None
+ self.remote = None
+ self.ref = None
+ self.refresh = refresh
+ git_xml = self.xml.find('git')
+ try:
+ self.ref_name = git_xml.find('ref').text
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.ref_name = 'master'
+ try:
+ self.ref_type = git_xml.find('refType').text
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.ref_type = 'branch'
+ self.uri = git_xml.find('uri').text
+ self.parse_uri()
+ def fetch(self):
+ if os.path.isdir(self.dest) and not self.refresh:
+ self.repo = git.Repo(self.dest)
+ elif os.path.isdir(self.dest):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.dest)
+ if not self.repo:
+ self.repo = git.Repo.clone_from(self.uri, self.dest)
+ for r in self.repo.remotes:
+ if self.uri in r.urls:
+ self.remote = r
+ break
+ if not self.remote:
+ self.remote = self.repo.create_remote('bootbox_ipxe_upstream', self.uri)
+ self.remote.pull()
+ if self.ref_type in ('branch', 'head'):
+ try:
+ self.ref = self.repo.branches[self.ref_name]
+ except IndexError:
+ self.ref = self.repo.create_head(self.ref_name, self.remote.refs[self.ref_name])
+ self.ref.set_tracking_branch(self.ref_name)
+ self.ref.checkout()
+ self.repo.head.reset(self.ref, working_tree = True)
+ elif self.ref_type in ('tag', 'commit', 'rev'):
+ if self.ref_type == 'tag':
+ self.ref = self.repo.tags[self.ref_name]
+ else:
+ self.ref = self.repo.commit(rev = self.ref_name)
+ self.repo.head.reset(self.ref, working_tree = True)
+ self.repo.git.clean('-xdf')
+ self.remote.pull()
+ return(None)
+class Archive(_Upstream):
+ upstreamtype = 'archive'
+ def __init__(self, upstream_xml, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(upstream_xml, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.uri = self.xml.find('archive').text
+ self.parse_uri()
+ self.suffix = re.sub(r'^.*\.(?P(tar(\.((g|x)z|bz2?))?|t((g|x)z|bz2?)|zip))$',
+ r'\g',
+ os.path.basename(self.path))
+ self.req = None
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(self.dest)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ os.makedirs(self.dest, mode = 0o0750, exist_ok = True)
+ def fetch(self):
+ self.req = requests.get(self.uri)
+ buf = io.BytesIO(self.req.content)
+ if not self.req.ok:
+ raise RuntimeError('There was an error fetching the source')
+ if self.suffix == 'zip':
+ handler = zipfile.ZipFile(buf, 'r')
+ else:
+ handler = tarfile.open(fileobj = buf, mode = 'r')
+ handler.extractall(self.dest)
+ handler.close()
+ return(None)
+def upstream_parser(upstream_xml):
+ arc = upstream_xml.find('archive')
+ gitrepo = upstream_xml.find('git')
+ if arc:
+ return(Archive(upstream_xml))
+ elif gitrepo:
+ return(Git(upstream_xml))
+ return(None)