import shutil import os import pwd import grp import datetime import git import subprocess def http(conf): http = conf['http'] build = conf['build'] prepdir = build['prepdir'] arch = build['arch'] bdisk = conf['bdisk'] if conf['sync']['http']: uid = pwd.getpwnam(http['user'])[2] gid = grp.getgrnam(http['group'])[2] httpdir = http['path'] archboot = build['archboot'] # remove the destination if it exists if os.path.isdir(httpdir): print('{0}: [HTTP] Removing {1}...'.format(, httpdir)) shutil.rmtree(httpdir) # just to make it again. we do this to avoid file existing conflicts. os.makedirs(httpdir) # here we build a dict of files to copy and their destination paths. httpfiles = {} print('{0}: [HTTP] (Boot files) => {1}...'.format(, httpdir)) for a in arch: for i in ('md5', 'sfs', 'sha256'): httpfiles['{0}/{1}/airootfs.{2}'.format(bdisk['name'], a, i)] = '{0}/{1}/airootfs.{2}'.format(bdisk['name'], a, i) httpfiles['VERSION_INFO.txt'] = 'VERSION_INFO.txt' if 'x86_64' in arch: httpfiles['boot/{0}.64.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.64.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname']) httpfiles['boot/{0}.64.img'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.64.img'.format(bdisk['uxname']) if 'i686' in arch: httpfiles['boot/{0}.32.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.32.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname']) httpfiles['boot/{0}.32.img'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.32.img'.format(bdisk['uxname']) httpfiles['{0}.png'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.png'.format(bdisk['uxname']) # and now the magic. for k in httpfiles.keys(): destpath = httpfiles[k] fulldest = '{0}/{1}'.format(httpdir, destpath) parentdir = os.path.split(fulldest)[0] os.makedirs(parentdir, exist_ok = True) if os.path.lexists('{0}/{1}'.format(prepdir, k)): shutil.copy2('{0}/{1}'.format(prepdir, k), '{0}/{1}'.format(httpdir, httpfiles[k])) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(httpdir): for d in dirs: os.chown(os.path.join(root, d), uid, gid) for f in files: os.chown(os.path.join(root, f), uid, gid) def tftp(conf): # TODO: pxelinux cfg tftp = conf['tftp'] build = conf['build'] prepdir = build['prepdir'] arch = build['arch'] bdisk = conf['bdisk'] if conf['sync']['tftp']: uid = pwd.getpwnam(tftp['user'])[2] gid = grp.getgrnam(tftp['group'])[2] tftpdir = tftp['path'] # remove the destination if it exists if os.path.isdir(tftpdir): print('{0}: [TFTP] Removing {1}...'.format(, tftpdir)) shutil.rmtree(tftpdir) # and we make it again os.makedirs(tftpdir) # and make a dict of the files etc. tftpfiles = {} print('{0}: [TFTP] (Boot files) => {1}...'.format(, tftpdir)) for a in arch: for i in ('md5', 'sfs', 'sha256'): tftpfiles['{0}/{1}/airootfs.{2}'.format(bdisk['name'], a, i)] = '{0}/{1}/airootfs.{2}'.format(bdisk['name'], a, i) tftpfiles['VERSION_INFO.txt'] = 'VERSION_INFO.txt' if 'x86_64' in arch: tftpfiles['boot/{0}.64.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname']) tftpfiles['boot/{0}.64.img'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.img'.format(bdisk['uxname']) if 'i686' in arch: tftpfiles['boot/{0}.32.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.32.kern'.format(bdisk['uxname']) tftpfiles['boot/{0}.32.img'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.32.img'.format(bdisk['uxname']) tftpfiles['{0}.png'.format(bdisk['uxname'])] = '{0}.png'.format(bdisk['uxname']) # and now the magic. for k in tftpfiles.keys(): destpath = tftpfiles[k] fulldest = '{0}/{1}'.format(tftpdir, destpath) parentdir = os.path.split(fulldest)[0] os.makedirs(parentdir, exist_ok = True) shutil.copy2('{0}/{1}'.format(prepdir, k), '{0}/{1}'.format(tftpdir, tftpfiles[k])) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tftpdir): for d in dirs: os.chown(os.path.join(root, d), uid, gid) for f in files: os.chown(os.path.join(root, f), uid, gid) def git(conf): build = conf['build'] git_name = conf['bdisk']['dev'] git_email = conf['bdisk']['email'] if conf['sync']['git']: print('{0}: [GIT] Creating commit...'.format( repo = git.Repo(build['basedir']) repo.git.add('--all') repo.index.commit("automated commit from BDisk (git:sync)") print('{0}: [GIT] Pushing to remote...'.format( repo.remotes.origin.push() def rsync(conf): # TODO: just copy tftpbooting pxelinux.cfg (to be generated) if tftp, # and do nothing if http- copying over three copies of the squashed filesystems # is a waste of time, bandwidth, and disk space on target. build = conf['build'] prepdir = build['prepdir'] isodir = build['isodir'] arch = build['arch'] rsync = conf['rsync'] sync = conf['sync'] server = rsync['host'] path = rsync['path'] user = rsync['user'] locpath = False if sync['rsync']: # TODO: some sort of debugging/logging cmd = ['/usr/bin/rsync', '-a', '-q', '-z', locpath, '{0}@{1}:{2}/.'.format(user, server, path)] #if sync['http']: # TODO: rsync:http to enable this # cmd[4] = conf['http']['path'] # print('{0}: Syncing {1} to {2}. Please wait...'.format( #, # cmd[4], # server)) # #if sync['tftp']: # cmd[4] = conf['tftp']['path'] # print('{0}: Syncing {1} to {2}. Please wait...'.format( #, # cmd[4], # server)) # if conf['ipxe']: cmd[4] = build['archboot'] print('{0}: [RSYNC] {1} => {2}...'.format(, cmd[4], server)) cmd[4] = '{0}/boot'.format(build['prepdir']) if conf['rsync']['iso']: cmd[4] = isodir print('{0}: [RSYNC] {1} => {2}...'.format(, cmd[4], server)) # Now we copy some extra files. prebuild_dir = '{0}/extra/pre-build.d'.format(build['basedir']) rsync_files = ['{0}/VERSION_INFO.txt'.format(prepdir), '{0}/root/packages.both'.format(prebuild_dir), '{0}/root/iso.pkgs.both'.format(prebuild_dir)] for x in rsync_files: cmd[4] = x # And we grab the remaining, since we need to rename them. for a in arch: cmd[4] = '{0}/{1}/root/packages.arch'.format(prebuild_dir, a) cmd[5] = '{0}@{1}:{2}/packages.{3}'.format(user, server, path, a) cmd[4] = '{0}/{1}/root/iso.pkgs.arch'.format(prebuild_dir, a) cmd[5] = '{0}@{1}:{2}/iso.pkgs.{3}'.format(user, server, path, a)