function jenny_craig () { BUILDDIR="${BUILDDIR_GLOB}" if [[ "${1}" == "64" ]]; then local CHROOTDIR="${CHROOTDIR}root.x86_64" local BUILDDIR="${BUILDDIR}64" elif [[ "${1}" == "32" ]]; then local CHROOTDIR="${CHROOTDIR}root.i686" local BUILDDIR="${BUILDDIR}32" else echo "WHOOPS. We hit an error that makes no logical sense." echo 'Dying.' exit 1 fi local _CURDIR=$(pwd) echo "Syncing important files to ${BUILDDIR} for building the squashed filesystem (this may take some time)..." # we have to do this or else the package management from LIVE doesn't really work too hot. cd ${CHROOTDIR}/var/lib/pacman echo "Compressing the package DB..." #rm -f ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/local/pacman.db.tar.xz tar -cf - local | xz -c9 > ../../../usr/local/pacman.db.tar.xz cd ${_CURDIR} # sync over new changes and trim out the fat rsync -a --delete ${CHROOTDIR}/. ${BUILDDIR}/. set +e cp -af ${BUILDDIR}/usr/share/zoneinfo/EST5EDT ${BUILDDIR}/etc/localtime cp -af ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/share/zoneinfo/EST5EDT ${CHROOTDIR}/etc/localtime set -e cp -af ${BUILDDIR}/usr/share/locale/locale.alias ${BUILDDIR}/tmp/. echo "Cleaning up unnecessary cruft in ${BUILDDIR}..." rm -f ${BUILDDIR}/root/.bash_history rm -f ${BUILDDIR}/root/.viminfo #rm -f ${BUILDDIR}/etc/localtime rm -f ${BUILDDIR}/root/.bashrc # DISABLE when no longer building custom kernel find ${BUILDDIR}/usr/lib/modules/ -maxdepth 1 -iname "*-ARCH" -exec rm -rf '{}' \; rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/usr/share/locale/* mv -f ${BUILDDIR}/tmp/locale.alias ${BUILDDIR}/usr/share/locale/. rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/var/cache/pacman/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/var/cache/pkgfile/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/var/lib/pacman/* mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/var/lib/pacman/local rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/var/abs/local/yaourtbuild/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/usr/share/zoneinfo rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/tmp/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/var/tmp/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/var/abs/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/run/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/boot/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/usr/src/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/var/log/* rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/.git CHROOTDIR="${CHROOTDIR_GLOB}" BUILDDIR="${BUILDDIR_GLOB}" }