=== Starting a Desktop Environment You can install any desktop environment or window manager you would like via <>! From there, it's simply a matter of setting the correct Systemd unit to start automatically. The https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/[Arch wiki^] has a lot of useful information here. As an example, I'll include http://lxde.org/[LXDE^] instructions here. Simply create a symlink for the target. In the `/overlay/etc/systemd/system/` directory: ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service display-manager.service ==== Autologin (LXDE) Many desktop environments even offer an automatic login feature directly through the desktop manager (LXDM, in LXDE's case). Again, using LXDE as an example, create a file at `/overlay/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf`: [base] autologin=bdisk greeter=/usr/lib/lxdm/lxdm-greeter-gtk [server] arg=/usr/bin/X -background vt1 [display] gtk_theme=Adwaita bottom_pane=1 lang=1 keyboard=0 theme=Industrial [input] [userlist] disable=0 white= black= LXDE will then automatically log in with the user `bdisk` (note the second line, right under `[base]`) whenever started.