== Advanced Customization If the <> file doesn't provide enough customization to your liking, I don't blame you! It was designed only to provide the most basic control and is primarily only used to control the build process itself. Luckily, there are a lot of changes you can make. For all of these, you'll want to make a copy of the <> directory somewhere and change the basedir configuration option in the <> file to point to that directory. This section isn't going to cover every single use case, as that's mostly an exercise for you -- I can't predict how you want to use BDisk! But we'll cover some common cases you can use and in the process you'll know how to implement your own customizations. include::advanced/SSH.adoc[] include::advanced/VPN.adoc[] include::advanced/SOFTWARE.adoc[] include::advanced/BUILDING.adoc[] include::advanced/AUTOLOGIN.adoc[] include::advanced/DESKTOP.adoc[]