import os import shutil import re import hashlib import gnupg import tarfile import subprocess import re #import git import jinja2 import datetime import humanize from urllib.request import urlopen import host # def dirChk(config_dict): # Make dirs if they don't exist for d in ('archboot', 'isodir', 'mountpt', 'srcdir', 'tempdir'): os.makedirs(config_dict['build'][d], exist_ok = True) # Make dirs for sync staging if we need to for x in ('http', 'tftp'): if config_dict['sync'][x]: os.makedirs(config_dict[x]['path'], exist_ok = True) def downloadTarball(build): dlpath = build['dlpath'] arch = build['arch'] #mirror = '' mirror = build['mirrorproto'] + '://' + build['mirror'] rlsdir = mirror + build['mirrorpath'] sha_in = urlopen(mirror + build['mirrorchksum']) # returns path/filename e.g. /some/path/to/file.tar.gz # we use .gnupg since we'll need it later. os.makedirs(dlpath + '/.gnupg', exist_ok = True) tarball_path = {} for x in arch: tarball_path[x] = dlpath + '/.latest.' + x + '.tar' sha1sums = sha_in.close() sha_raw = sha1sums.decode("utf-8") sha_list = list(filter(None, sha_raw.split('\n'))) sha_dict = {x.split()[1]: x.split()[0] for x in sha_list} # all that lousy work just to get a sha1 sum. okay. so. if build['mirrorgpgsig'] != '': # we don't want to futz with the user's normal gpg. gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome = dlpath + '/.gnupg') print("\n{0}: Generating a GPG key. Please wait...".format( # python-gnupg 0.3.9 spits this error in Arch. it's harmless, but ugly af. # TODO: remove this when the error doesn't happen anymore. print("\t\t\t If you see a \"ValueError: Unknown status message: 'KEY_CONSIDERED'\" error,\n\t\t\t it can be safely ignored.") print("\t\t\t If this is taking a VERY LONG time, try installing haveged and starting it.\n\t\t\t This can be" + "done safely in parallel with the build process.\n") input_data = gpg.gen_key_input(name_email = 'tempuser@nodomain.tld', passphrase = 'placeholder_passphrase') key = gpg.gen_key(input_data) keyid = build['gpgkey'] gpg.recv_keys(build['gpgkeyserver'], keyid) for a in arch: pattern = re.compile('^.*' + a + '\.tar(\.(gz|bz2|xz))?$') tarball = [ for l in list(sha_dict.keys()) for filename in [] if filename][0] sha1 = sha_dict[tarball] if os.path.isfile(tarball_path[a]): pass else: # fetch the tarball... print("{0}: Fetching the tarball for {1} architecture, please wait...".format(, a)) #dl_file = urllib.URLopener() tarball_dl = urlopen(rlsdir + tarball) with open(tarball_path[a], 'wb') as f: f.write( tarball_dl.close() print("{0}: Done fetching {1} ({2}).".format(, tarball_path[a], humanize.naturalsize( os.path.getsize(tarball_path[a])))) print("{0}: Checking that the hash checksum for {1}\n\t\t\t matches {2}, please wait...".format(, tarball_path[a], sha1)) tarball_hash = hashlib.sha1(open(tarball_path[a], 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if tarball_hash != sha1: exit(("{0}: {1} either did not download correctly or a wrong (probably old) version exists on the filesystem.\n" + "Please delete it and try again.").format(, tarball)) elif build['mirrorgpgsig'] != '': # okay, so the sha1 matches. let's verify the signature. if build['mirrorgpgsig'] == '.sig': gpgsig_remote = rlsdir + tarball + '.sig' else: gpgsig_remote = mirror + build['mirrorgpgsig'] gpg_sig = tarball + '.sig' sig_dl = urlopen(gpgsig_remote) sig = tarball_path[a] + '.sig' with open(sig, 'wb+') as f: f.write( sig_dl.close() tarball_data = open(tarball_path[a], 'rb') tarball_data_in = gpg_verify = gpg.verify_data(sig, tarball_data_in) tarball_data.close() if not gpg_verify: exit("{0}: There was a failure checking {1} against {2}. Please investigate.".format(, sig, tarball_path[a])) os.remove(sig) return(tarball_path) def unpackTarball(tarball_path, build, keep = False): chrootdir = build['chrootdir'] if os.path.isdir(chrootdir): if not keep: # Make the dir if it doesn't exist shutil.rmtree(chrootdir, ignore_errors = True) os.makedirs(chrootdir, exist_ok = True) else: os.makedirs(chrootdir, exist_ok = True) # Open and extract the tarball if not keep: for a in build['arch']: print("{0}: Extracting tarball {1} ({2}). Please wait...".format(, tarball_path[a], humanize.naturalsize( os.path.getsize(tarball_path[a])))) tar =[a], 'r:gz') tar.extractall(path = chrootdir) tar.close() print("{0}: Extraction for {1} finished.".format(, tarball_path[a])) def buildChroot(build, keep = False): dlpath = build['dlpath'] chrootdir = build['chrootdir'] arch = build['arch'] extradir = build['basedir'] + '/extra' unpack_me = unpackTarball(downloadTarball(build), build, keep) # build dict of lists of files and dirs from pre-build.d dir, do the same with arch-specific changes. prebuild_overlay = {} prebuild_arch_overlay = {} for x in arch: prebuild_arch_overlay[x] = {} for y in ['files', 'dirs']: prebuild_overlay[y] = [] prebuild_arch_overlay[x][y] = [] for path, dirs, files in os.walk(extradir + '/pre-build.d/'): prebuild_overlay['dirs'].append(path + '/') for file in files: prebuild_overlay['files'].append(os.path.join(path, file)) for x in prebuild_overlay.keys(): prebuild_overlay[x][:] = [re.sub('^' + extradir + '/pre-build.d/', '', s) for s in prebuild_overlay[x]] prebuild_overlay[x] = list(filter(None, prebuild_overlay[x])) for y in prebuild_arch_overlay.keys(): prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [i for i in prebuild_overlay[x] if i.startswith(y)] prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [re.sub('^' + y + '/', '', s) for s in prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x]] prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x] = list(filter(None, prebuild_arch_overlay[y][x])) prebuild_overlay[x][:] = [y for y in prebuild_overlay[x] if not y.startswith(('x86_64','i686'))] prebuild_overlay['dirs'].remove('/') # create the dir structure. these should almost definitely be owned by root. for a in arch: for dir in prebuild_overlay['dirs']: os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0) # and copy over the files. again, chown to root. for file in prebuild_overlay['files']: shutil.copy2(extradir + '/pre-build.d/' + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False) # do the same for arch-specific stuff. for dir in prebuild_arch_overlay[a]['dirs']: os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0) for file in prebuild_arch_overlay[a]['files']: shutil.copy2(extradir + '/pre-build.d/' + a + '/' + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False) def prepChroot(build, bdisk, user): chrootdir = build['chrootdir'] tempdir = build['tempdir'] arch = build['arch'] bdisk_repo_dir = build['basedir'] dlpath = build['dlpath'] templates_dir = bdisk_repo_dir + '/extra/templates' #build = {} # why was this here? ## let's prep some variables to write out the version info.txt # and these should be passed in from the args, from the most part. build['name'] = bdisk['name'] build['time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y") hostname = host.getHostname build['user'] = os.environ['USER'] if 'SUDO_USER' in os.environ: build['realuser'] = os.environ['SUDO_USER'] # Get the build number... # TODO: support tracking builds per version. i.e. in buildnum: # v2.51-g7381cc3:0 # v2.51-gb3bb039:3 if os.path.isfile(dlpath + '/buildnum'): with open(dlpath + '/buildnum', 'r') as f: build['buildnum'] = int(f.readlines()[0]) else: build['buildnum'] = 0 build['buildnum'] += 1 with open(dlpath + '/buildnum', 'w+') as f: f.write(str(build['buildnum']) + "\n") # and now that we have that dict, let's write out the VERSION_INFO.txt file. loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(templates_dir) env = jinja2.Environment(loader = loader) tpl = env.get_template('VERSION_INFO.txt.j2') tpl_out = tpl.render(build = build, bdisk = bdisk, hostname = host.getHostname(), distro = host.getOS()) for a in arch: with open('{0}/root.{1}/root/VERSION_INFO.txt'.format(chrootdir, a), 'w+') as f: f.write(tpl_out) with open(tempdir + '/VERSION_INFO.txt', 'w+') as f: f.write(tpl_out) tpl = env.get_template('VARS.txt.j2') tpl_out = tpl.render(bdisk = bdisk, user = user) for a in arch: with open('{0}/root.{1}/root/VARS.txt'.format(chrootdir, a), 'w+') as f: f.write(tpl_out) return(build) def postChroot(build): dlpath = build['dlpath'] chrootdir = build['chrootdir'] arch = build['arch'] overdir = build['basedir'] + '/overlay/' postbuild_overlay = {} postbuild_arch_overlay = {} for x in arch: os.remove('{0}/root.{1}/README'.format(chrootdir, x)) postbuild_arch_overlay[x] = {} for y in ['files', 'dirs']: postbuild_overlay[y] = [] postbuild_arch_overlay[x][y] = [] for path, dirs, files in os.walk(overdir): postbuild_overlay['dirs'].append(path + '/') for file in files: postbuild_overlay['files'].append(os.path.join(path, file)) for x in postbuild_overlay.keys(): postbuild_overlay[x][:] = [re.sub('^' + overdir, '', s) for s in postbuild_overlay[x]] postbuild_overlay[x] = list(filter(None, postbuild_overlay[x])) for y in postbuild_arch_overlay.keys(): postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [i for i in postbuild_overlay[x] if i.startswith(y)] postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x][:] = [re.sub('^' + y + '/', '', s) for s in postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x]] postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x] = list(filter(None, postbuild_arch_overlay[y][x])) postbuild_overlay[x][:] = [y for y in postbuild_overlay[x] if not y.startswith(('x86_64','i686'))] postbuild_overlay['dirs'].remove('/') # create the dir structure. these should almost definitely be owned by root. for a in arch: for dir in postbuild_overlay['dirs']: os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False) # and copy over the files. again, chown to root. for file in postbuild_overlay['files']: shutil.copy2(overdir + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False) # do the same for arch-specific stuff. for dir in postbuild_arch_overlay[a]['dirs']: os.makedirs(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, exist_ok = True) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + dir, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False) for file in postbuild_arch_overlay[a]['files']: shutil.copy2(overdir + a + '/' + file, chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, follow_symlinks = False) os.chown(chrootdir + '/root.' + a + '/' + file, 0, 0, follow_symlinks = False)