# Commented lines are supported (via a preceding # only). # Packages from the AUR can be specified. # If you require a package with a regex special character in the name # (i.e.: .\?+[]{} etc.) # and it is part of the ACTUAL package name, then you must DOUBLE-ESCAPE it: # e.g. 'bonnie\\+\\+' for a package named 'bonnie++' arch-install-scripts archiso bzip2 coreutils cronie dhclient dhcp dhcpcd dosfstools efibootmgr efitools efivar ethtool file findutils iproute2 iputils libisoburn localepurge lz4 lzo lzop mkinitcpio-nfs-utils ms-sys mtools net-tools netctl networkmanager openssh openvpn pv rsync sed shorewall squashfs-tools sudo sysfsutils syslinux traceroute