import datetime import gpg import os import psutil import gpg.errors # This helps translate the input name from the conf to a string compatible with the gpg module. _algmaps = {#'cv': 'cv{keysize}', # DISABLED, can't sign (only encrypt). Currently only 25519 'ed': 'ed{keysize}', # Currently only 25519 #'elg': 'elg{}', # DISABLED, can't sign (only encrypt). 1024, 2048, 4096 'nist': 'nistp{keysize}', # 256, 384, 521 'brainpool.1': 'brainpoolP{keysize}r1', # 256, 384, 512 'sec.k1': 'secp{keysize}k1', # Currently only 256 'rsa': 'rsa{keysize}', # Variable (1024 <> 4096), but we only support 1024, 2048, 4096 'dsa': 'dsa{keysize}'} # Variable (768 <> 3072), but we only support 768, 2048, 3072 # This is just a helper function to get a delta from a unix epoch. def _epoch_helper(epoch): d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch) - datetime.datetime.utcnow() return(abs(int(d.total_seconds()))) # Returns a positive integer even if negative... #return(int(d.total_seconds())) # # # Support ECC? # section 4.1, 4.2, 7.5.1, 7.5.5 in gpgme manual # Please select what kind of key you want: # (1) RSA and RSA (default) - 1024-4096 bits # (2) DSA and Elgamal - 768-3072 # (3) DSA (sign only) - 768-3072 # (4) RSA (sign only) - 1024-4096 # (7) DSA (set your own capabilities) - 768-3072 # (8) RSA (set your own capabilities) - 1024-4096 # (9) ECC and ECC - (see below) # (10) ECC (sign only) - (see below) # (11) ECC (set your own capabilities) - (see below) # Your selection? 9 # Please select which elliptic curve you want: # (2) NIST P-256 # (3) NIST P-384 # (4) NIST P-521 # (5) Brainpool P-256 # (6) Brainpool P-384 # (7) Brainpool P-512 # Your selection? 10 # Please select which elliptic curve you want: # (1) Curve 25519 # (3) NIST P-256 # (4) NIST P-384 # (5) NIST P-521 # (6) Brainpool P-256 # (7) Brainpool P-384 # (8) Brainpool P-512 # (9) secp256k1 # gpgme key creation: #g = gpg.Context() #mainkey = g.create_key('test key via python ', algorithm = 'rsa4096', expires = False, # #certify = True, # certify = False, # sign = False, # authenticate = False, # encrypt = False) #key = g.get_key(mainkey.fpr, secret = True) #subkey = g.create_subkey(key, algorithm = 'rsa4096', expires = False, # sign = True, # #certify = False, # encrypt = False, # authenticate = False) class GPGHandler(object): def __init__(self, gnupg_homedir = None, key_id = None, keyservers = None): self.home = gnupg_homedir self.key_id = key_id self.keyservers = keyservers if self.home: self._prep_home() else: self._check_home() self.ctx = self.GetContext(home_dir = self.home) def _check_home(self, home = None): if not home: home = self.home if not home: self.home = os.environ.get('GNUPGHOME', '~/.gnupg') home = self.home self._prep_home(home) return() def _prep_home(self, home = None): if not home: home = self.home if not home: self.home = os.environ.get('GNUPGHOME', '~/.gnupg') self.home = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.home)) if os.path.isdir(self.home): _exists = True else: _exists = False _uid = os.getuid() _gid = os.getgid() try: os.makedirs(self.home, exist_ok = True) os.chown(self.home, _uid, _gid) os.chmod(self.home, 0o700) except PermissionError: # It's alright; it's HOPEFULLY already created. if not _exists: raise PermissionError('We need a GnuPG home directory we can ' 'write to') return() def GetContext(self, **kwargs): ctx = gpg.Context(**kwargs) return(ctx) def KillStaleAgent(self): # Is this even necessary since I switched to the native gpg module instead of the gpgme one? _process_list = [] # TODO: optimize; can I search by proc name? for p in psutil.process_iter(): if ( in ('gpg-agent', 'dirmngr') and \ p.uids()[0] == os.getuid()): pd = psutil.Process( # TODO: convert these over # for d in (chrootdir, dlpath): # if pd['cwd'].startswith('{0}'.format(d)): # plst.append( # if len(plst) >= 1: # for p in plst: # psutil.Process(p).terminate() def CreateKey(self, name, algo, keysize, email = None, comment = None, passwd = None, key = None, expiry = None): algo = _algmaps[algo].format(keysize = keysize) userid = name userid += ' ({0})'.format(comment) if comment else '' userid += ' <{0}>'.format(email) if email else '' if not expiry: expires = False else: expires = True self.ctx.create_key(userid, algorithm = algo, expires = expires, expires_in = _epoch_helper(expiry), sign = True) # Even if expires is False, it still parses the expiry... # except OverflowError: # Only trips if expires is True and a negative expires occurred. # raise ValueError(('Expiration epoch must be 0 (to disable) or a future time! ' # 'The specified epoch ({0}, {1}) is in the past ' # '(current time is {2}, {3}).').format(expiry, # str(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expiry)), # datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp(), # str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))) return(k) # We can't use self.ctx.create_key; it's a little limiting. # It's a fairly thin wrapper to .op_createkey() (the C GPGME API gpgme_op_createkey) anyways. flags = (gpg.constants.create.SIGN | gpg.constants.create.CERT) if not expiry: flags = (flags | gpg.constants.create.NOEXPIRE) if not passwd: flags = (flags | gpg.constants.create.NOPASSWD) else: # Thanks, gpg/! sys_pinentry = gpg.constants.PINENTRY_MODE_DEFAULT old_pass_cb = getattr(self, '_passphrase_cb', None) self.ctx.pinentry_mode = gpg.constants.PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK def passphrase_cb(hint, desc, prev_bad, hook = None): return(passwd) self.ctx.set_passphrase_cb(passphrase_cb) try: if not key: try: self.ctx.op_createkey(userid, algo, 0, 0, flags) k = self.ctx.get_key(self.ctx.op_genkey_result().fpr, secret = True) else: if not isinstance(key, gpg.gpgme._gpgme_key): key = self.ctx.get_key(key) if not key: raise ValueError('Key {0} does not exist'.format()) #self.ctx.op_createsubkey(key, ) finally: if not passwd: self.ctx.pinentry_mode = sys_pinentry if old_pass_cb: self.ctx.set_passphrase_cb(*old_pass_cb[1:]) return(k) def GetSigs(self, data_in): key_ids = [] # Currently as of May 13, 2018 there's no way using the GPGME API to do # the equivalent of the CLI's --list-packets. # # 059708.html # # 059715.html # We use the "workaround in: # # 059711.html try: self.ctx.verify(data_in) except gpg.errors.BadSignatures as sig_except: for line in [i.strip() for i in str(sig_except).splitlines()]: l = [i.strip() for i in line.split(':')] key_ids.append(l[0]) return(key_ids) def CheckSigs(self, keys, sig_data): try: self.ctx.verify(sig_data) except: pass # TODO