-investigate weird signing issue- if you specify a key to sign with, it appears that the squashed images (at least in the http dir) doesn't have a sig/asc. do they need to copy it over? or is it not even signing them? -switch from python-pygpgme to python-gpgme for better performance. also clean up bGPG in general; reference KANT. -i_am_a_racecar optimizations - different distro guests (debian, etc.)- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2349991/python-how-to-import-other-python-files/20749411#20749411 -incorporate this into the manual? -TFTP configs generated for pxelinux -fix the branding, etc. on ipxe. :( -add ipxe to full iso maybe? -include benchmarking -- http://sourceforge.net/projects/unixbench/ -- https://code.google.com/p/byte-unixbench/ -- https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench -- (http://blog.due.io/2014/linode-digitalocean-and-vultr-comparison/ etc.) -There *has* to be a better way of handling package installation in the chroots. --implement pyalpm to decreate dependency on chroot pacman-ing? --or even maybe https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/offline_installation_of_packages in pure python! -set up automatic exporting to PDF of the user manual server-side. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/unoconv/0.6 -maybe remove lxde, firefox, chrome and replace with enlightenment/midori? -custom repo? https://brainwreckedtech.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/making-your-own-arch-linux-repository/ --https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Building_32-bit_packages_on_a_64-bit_system # NOTE: arch has dropped i686, now continued as archlinux32 -implement better "additional" packages list. specify for path in build.ini- these should be more easily changed by end users. DON'T TOUCH iso.pkgs.lst since those are necessary for booting. -automatic shorewall/some other firewall? -autodetection/configuration of network. DHCP is currently running by default, but does it need to support IPv6? if so, how would the user configure their network? -DISABLE NETWORKMANAGER AND "fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1"??? keeps spawning wpa_supplicant (and thusly killing networking proper) -for netboot, custom user agent (should be defined by build.ini) --iPXE's curl --initrd's curl -WISH: Better logging/debugging -WISH: signing for secureboot releases (PreLoader and loader.efi handle this okay, but require manual intervention) -does loader.efi support splash backgrounds? can i implement that differently somehow? --yes, see e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/3bwgf0/where_put_the_splasharchbmp_to_splash_screen_boot/ -strip out/remove unnecessary and orphan packages (e.g. gcc, make, automake, etc.) before building ISO -incorporate iPXE tweaks: --http://ipxe.org/crypto --http://ipxe.org/cmd/imgtrust --http://ipxe.org/cmd/imgverify --enable use of custom CA/self-signed certs for HTTPS etc. --signed kernel and initrd for ipxe: ---#imgtrust --permanent ---#imgverify vmlinuz path/to/vmlinuz.sig ---#imgverify initrd path/to/initrd.sig ---DONE, partially. need to incorporate codesign certs/keys. routines, conf variables -enable mirror= kernel commandline. -NOTE: Following should be implemented via AIF-NG (https://git.square-r00t.net/AIF-NG, work pending for fix to BDisk for i686/x86_64 split) --if mirror_(NAME) is present, use that as repo name. --if it starts with /, treat as mirrorlist (Include); otherwise use Server = --if it has mirror_SIG-X, set signature options e.g. _SIG-N would be "SigLevel = Never" -iPXE background support. sed -rf "${BASEDIR}/src/ipxe_local/script.sed" ${SRCDIR}/ipxe/src/config/general.h ; sed -rf "${BASEDIR}/src/ipxe_local/script2.sed" ${SRCDIR}/ipxe/src/config/console.h --note that iPXE VESAFB console is not (yet) supported in EFI, so this is on hold. check into this to see if it has changed. -include WinMTR, build Mac OS X MTR for dist/tools on CD -include pre-compiled LibreCrypt for opening LUKS parts on Windows (https://github.com/t-d-k/LibreCrypt) --curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/t-d-k/LibreCrypt/master/README.md | egrep 'InstallLibreCrypt_v[A-Za-z0-9\.]*.exe' | cut -f2 -d'"'