import _io import crypt import GPG import hashid import hashlib import os import pprint import re import string import textwrap import uuid import validators import zlib import lxml.etree from collections import OrderedDict from dns import resolver from email.utils import parseaddr as emailparse from passlib.context import CryptContext as cryptctx from urllib.parse import urlparse # Supported by all versions of GNU/Linux shadow passlib_schemes = ['des_crypt', 'md5_crypt', 'sha256_crypt', 'sha512_crypt'] # Build various hash digest name lists digest_schemes = list(hashlib.algorithms_available) # Provided by zlib digest_schemes.append('adler32') digest_schemes.append('crc32') #clean_digest_schemes = sorted(list(set(digest_schemes))) crypt_map = {'sha512': crypt.METHOD_SHA512, 'sha256': crypt.METHOD_SHA256, 'md5': crypt.METHOD_MD5, 'des': crypt.METHOD_CRYPT} class XPathFmt(string.Formatter): def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs): vals = self.get_value(field_name, args, kwargs), field_name if not vals[0]: vals = ('{{{0}}}'.format(vals[1]), vals[1]) return(vals) class detect(object): def __init__(self): pass def any_hash(self, hash_str): h = hashid.HashID() hashes = [] for i in h.IdentifyHash(hash_str): if i.extended: continue x = if x.lower() in ('crc-32', 'ripemd-160', 'sha-1', 'sha-224', 'sha-256', 'sha-384', 'sha-512'): # Gorram you, c0re. x = re.sub('-', '', x.lower()) _hashes = [h.lower() for h in digest_schemes] if x.lower() in sorted(list(set(_hashes))): hashes.append(x) return(hashes) def password_hash(self, passwd_hash): _ctx = cryptctx(schemes = passlib_schemes) algo = _ctx.identify(passwd_hash) if algo: return(re.sub('_crypt$', '', algo)) else: return(None) return() def gpgkeyID_from_url(self, url): with urlparse(url) as u: data = g = GPG.GPGHandler() key_ids = g.get_sigs(data) del(g) return(key_ids) def gpgkey_info(self, keyID, secret = False): def _get_key(): key = None try: key = g.get_key(keyID, secret = secret) except GPG.gpg.errors.KeyNotFound: return(None) except Exception: return(False) return(key) uids = {} g = GPG.GPGHandler() _orig_kl_mode = g.get_keylist_mode() if _orig_kl_mode != GPG.gpg.constants.KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN: _key = _get_key() if not _key: g.set_keylist_mode(GPG.gpg.constants.KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN) _key = _get_key() else: _key = _get_key() if not _key: g.set_keylist_mode(_orig_kl_mode) del(g) return(None) else: uids['Full key'] = _key.fpr uids['User IDs'] = [] for _uid in _key.uids: _u = OrderedDict() # Strings for attr in ['Name', 'Email', 'Comment']: s = getattr(_uid, attr.lower()) if s and s != '': _u[attr] = s # Key attributes _u['Invalid'] = (True if _uid.invalid else False) _u['Revoked'] = (True if _uid.revoked else False) uids['User IDs'].append(_u) g.set_keylist_mode(_orig_kl_mode) del(g) return(uids) def supported_hashlib_name(self, name): # Get any easy ones out of the way first. if name in digest_schemes: return(name) # Otherwise grab the first one that matches, in order from the . _digest_re = re.compile('^{0}$'.format(name.strip()), re.IGNORECASE) for h in digest_schemes: if return(h) return(None) class generate(object): def __init__(self): pass def hash_password(self, password, salt = None, algo = crypt.METHOD_SHA512): if not salt or salt == 'auto': _salt = crypt.mksalt(algo) else: _salt = salt return(crypt.crypt(password, _salt)) def hashlib_names(self): hashes = [] for h in sorted(digest_schemes): r = re.compile('^{0}$'.format(h), re.IGNORECASE) if len([i for i in filter(, hashes)]) == 0: hashes.append(h) return(hashes) def salt(self, algo = 'sha512'): algo = crypt_map[algo] return(crypt.mksalt(algo)) class prompts(object): def __init__(self): pass def confirm_or_no(self, prompt = '', invert = False, usage = '{0} to confirm, otherwise {1}...\n'): # A simplified version of multiline_input, really. # By default, Enter confirms (and returns True) and CTRL-d returns # False unless - you guessed it - invert is True. # usage is a string appended to prompt that explains which keys to use. # It accepts two strformats: 0 is the EOF keystroke, and 1 is the Enter # key (those are flipped if invert = True). _enter_ks = 'Enter/Return' if == 'posix': _ks = 'CTRL-d' else: # What does == "java" use? _ks = 'CTRL-z' if invert: _usage = usage.format(_ks, _enter_ks) else: _usage = usage.format(_enter_ks, _ks) try: if usage: input(prompt + _usage) else: input(prompt) except EOFError: if invert: return(True) else: return(False) return(True) def hash_select(self, prompt = '', hash_types = generate().hashlib_names()): _hash_types = hash_types _hash_str = '\n\t'.join( ['{0}: {1}'.format(idx, val) for idx, val in enumerate(_hash_types, 1) ]) prompt = prompt.format(_hash_str) _hash_select = (input(prompt)).strip() if not valid().integer(_hash_select): return(False) try: _hash_select = _hash_types[int(_hash_select) - 1] except IndexError: return(None) return(_hash_select) def multiline_input(self, prompt = None, continue_str = '> ', end_str = '\n(End signal received)'): _lines = [] if prompt: # This grabs the first CR/LF. _lines.append(input(prompt)) try: while True: if continue_str: _lines.append(input(continue_str)) else: _lines.append(input()) except EOFError: if end_str: print(end_str) return('\n'.join(_lines)) def path(self, path_desc): path = input(('\nWhere would you like to put {0}?\n' 'Path: ').format(path_desc)) path = transform().full_path(path) return(path) class transform(object): def __init__(self): pass def flatten_recurse(self, obj, values = []): _values = values if isinstance(obj, list): _values += obj elif isinstance(obj, str): _values.append(obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): for k in obj: self.flatten_recurse(obj[k], values = _values) return(_values) def no_newlines(self, text_in): text = re.sub('\n+', ' ', text_in) return(text) def full_path(self, path): path = os.path.expanduser(path) path = os.path.abspath(path) return(path) def py2xml(self, value, attrib = True): if value in (False, ''): if attrib: return("no") else: return(None) elif isinstance(value, bool): # We handle the False case above. return("yes") elif isinstance(value, str): return(value) else: # We can't do it simply. return(value) def sanitize_input(self, text_in, no_underscores = False): if no_underscores: _ws_repl = '' else: _ws_repl = '_' # First we convert spaces to underscores (or remove them entirely). text_out = re.sub('\s+', _ws_repl, text_in.strip()) # Then just strip out all symbols. text_out = re.sub('[^\w]', '', text_out) return(text_out) def url_to_dict(self, orig_url, no_None = False): def _getuserinfo(uinfo_str): if len(uinfo_str) == 0: if no_None: return('') else: return(None) else: uinfo_str = uinfo_str[0] _l = [i.strip() for i in uinfo_str.split(':') if i.strip() != ''] if len(_l) == 1: _l.append('') elif len(_l) == 0: if no_None: return('') else: return(None) uinfo = {} if not no_None: uinfo['user'] = (None if _l[0] == '' else _l[0]) uinfo['password'] = (None if _l[1] == '' else _l[1]) else: uinfo['user'] = _l[0] uinfo['password'] = _l[1] return(uinfo) def _getdfltport(): with open('/etc/services', 'r') as f: _svcs = _svcs = [i.strip() for i in _svcs.splitlines() if i.strip() != ''] svcs = {} for x in _svcs: if'^\s*#', x): continue s = re.sub('^\s*(\w\s+\w)(\s|\s*#)*.*$', '\g<1>', x) l = [i.strip() for i in s.split()] p = (int(l[1].split('/')[0]), l[1].split('/')[1]) if l[0] not in svcs: svcs[l[0]] = [] if len(svcs[l[0]]) > 0: # If it has a TCP port, put that first. for idx, val in enumerate(svcs[l[0]]): if val['proto'].lower() == 'tcp': svcs[l[0]].insert(0, svcs[l[0]].pop(idx)) svcs[l[0]].append({'port': p[0], 'proto': p[1]}) return(svcs) def _subsplitter(in_str, split_char): if in_str == '': if not no_None: return(None) else: return('') params = {} for i in in_str.split(split_char): p = [x.strip() for x in i.split('=')] params[p[0]] = p[1] if not params: if not no_None: return(None) else: return('') if not params and not no_None: return(None) return(params) _dflt_ports = _getdfltport() scheme = None _scheme_re = re.compile('^([\w+\.-]+)(://.*)', re.IGNORECASE) if not # They probably didn't prefix a URI signifier (RFC3986 § 3.1). # We'll add one for them. url = 'http://' + url scheme = 'http' else: # urlparse's .scheme? Total trash. url = orig_url scheme = _scheme_re.sub('\g<1>', orig_url) url_split = urlparse(url) # Get any userinfo present. _auth = url_split.netloc.split('@')[:-1] userinfo = _getuserinfo(_auth) # Get any port specified (and parse the host at the same time). if userinfo: _h_split = url_split.netloc('@')[-1] else: _h_split = url_split.netloc _nl_split = _h_split.split(':') if len(_nl_split) > 1: if userinfo in (None, ''): port = int(_nl_split[1]) host = _nl_split[0] else: port = int(_nl_split[-1]) host = _nl_split[-2] else: if scheme in _dflt_ports: port = _dflt_ports[scheme][0]['port'] else: if not no_None: port = None else: '' host = _nl_split[0] # Split out the params, queries, fragments. params = _subsplitter(url_split.params, ';') queries = _subsplitter(url_split.query, '?') fragments = _subsplitter(url_split.fragment, '#') if url_split.path == '': path = '/' else: path = os.path.dirname(url_split.path) _dest = os.path.basename(url_split.path) if not no_None: dest = (None if _dest == '' else _dest) else: dest = _dest url = {'scheme': scheme, 'auth': userinfo, 'host': host, 'port': port, 'path': path, 'dest': dest, 'params': params, 'queries': queries, 'fragments': fragments, 'url': orig_url} url['full_url'] = '{0}://'.format(scheme) if userinfo not in (None, ''): url['full_url'] += '{user}:{password}@'.format(userinfo) url['full_url'] += host if port not in (None, ''): url['full_url'] += ':{0}'.format(port) url['full_url'] += '/'.join((path, dest)) # Do these need to be in a specific order? if params not in (None, ''): _p = ['{0}={1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in params.items()] url['full_url'] += ';{0}'.format(';'.join(_p)) if queries not in (None, ''): _q = ['{0}={1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in queries.items()] url['full_url'] += '?{0}'.format('?'.join(_q)) if fragments not in (None, ''): _f = ['{0}={1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in fragments.items()] url['full_url'] += '#{0}'.format('#'.join(_f)) return(url) class xml_supplicant(object): def __init__(self, cfg, profile = None, max_recurse = 5): raw = self._detect_cfg(cfg) xmlroot = lxml.etree.fromstring(raw) self.btags = {'xpath': {}, 'regex': {}} self.max_recurse = max_recurse self.ptrn = re.compile('(?<=(?= self.max_recurse: return(element) if isinstance(element, lxml.etree._Element): if isinstance(element, lxml.etree._Comment): return(element) if element.text: _dictmap = self.xpath_to_dict(element.text) while _dictmap: for elem in _dictmap: # if _dictmap is None: # continue # # I still for the life of me cannot figure out why this # # is not caught by the above. But it isn't. # if elem not in _dictmap: # continue if isinstance(_dictmap[elem], str): try: print('bleh') print(_dictmap[elem]) try: print(self.get_path(element)) except: pass newpath = element.xpath(_dictmap[elem])[0] except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): print('blugh') newpath = element try: self.substitutions[elem] = self.substitute( newpath, (recurse_count + 1) )[0] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise ValueError( ('Encountered an error while trying to ' 'substitute {0} at {1}').format( elem, self.get_path(element) )) element.text = XPathFmt().vformat( element.text, [], self.substitutions) _dictmap = self.xpath_to_dict(element.text) return(element) def xpath_selector(self, selectors, selector_ids = ('id', 'name', 'uuid')): # selectors is a dict of {attrib:value} xpath = '' for i in selectors.items(): if i[1] and i[0] in selector_ids: xpath += '[@{0}="{1}"]'.format(*i) return(xpath) def xpath_to_dict(self, text_in): d = None ptrn_id = self.ptrn.findall(text_in) if len(ptrn_id) >= 1: for item in ptrn_id: if not isinstance(d, dict): d = {} try: _, xpath_expr = item.split('%', 1) print(_) if not _ == 'xpath': continue if item not in self.substitutions: self.substitutions[item] = None d[item] = xpath_expr except ValueError: return(None) return(d) class valid(object): def __init__(self): pass def dns(self, addr): pass def connection(self, conninfo): # conninfo should ideally be (host, port) pass def email(self, addr): return( isinstance([1]), validators.utils.ValidationFailure)) def gpgkeyID(self, key_id): # Condense fingerprints into normalized 40-char "full" key IDs. key_id = re.sub('\s+', '', key_id) _re_str = ('^(0x)?(' '[{HEX}]{{40}}|' '[{HEX}]{{16}}|' '[{HEX}]{{8}}' ')$').format(HEX = string.hexdigits) _key_re = re.compile(_re_str) if not return(False) return(True) def integer(self, num): try: int(num) return(True) except ValueError: return(False) return() def password(self, passwd): # # _chars = ('!"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' '[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ') for char in passwd: if char not in _chars: return(False) return(True) def password_hash(self, passwd_hash, algo = None): # We need to identify the algorithm if it wasn't provided. if not algo: # The following are supported on GNU/Linux. # "des_crypt" is glibc's crypt() (man 3 crypt). # # Specifically, ...#passlib.context.CryptContext.identify _ctx = cryptctx(schemes = passlib_schemes) _algo = _ctx.identify(passwd_hash) if not _algo: return(False) else: algo = re.sub('_crypt$', '', _algo) _ctx = cryptctx(schemes = ['{0}_crypt'.format(algo)]) if not _ctx.identify(passwd_hash): return(False) return(True) def salt_hash(self, salthash): _idents = ''.join([i.ident for i in crypt_map if i.ident]) _regex = re.compile('^(\$[{0}]\$)?[./0-9A-Za-z]{0,16}\$?'.format( _idents)) if not return(False) return(True) def plugin_name(self, name): if len(name) == 0: return(False) _name_re = re.compile('^[a-z][0-9a-z_]+$', re.IGNORECASE) if not return(False) return(True) def posix_filename(self, fname): # Note: 2009 spec of POSIX, "3.282 Portable Filename Character Set" if len(fname) == 0: return(False) _char_re = re.compile('^[a-z0-9._-]+$', re.IGNORECASE) if not return(False) return(True) def url(self, url): if not'^[\w+\.-]+://', url): # They probably didn't prefix a URI signifier (RFC3986 § 3.1). # We'll add one for them. url = 'http://' + url if isinstance(validators.url(url), validators.utils.ValidationFailure): return(False) else: return(True) return() def username(self, uname): # _regex = re.compile('^[a-z_]([a-z0-9_-]{0,31}|[a-z0-9_-]{0,30}\$)$') if not return(False) return(True) def uuid(self, uuid_str): is_uuid = True try: u = uuid.UUID(uuid_in) except ValueError: return(False) if not uuid_in == str(u): return(False) return(is_uuid)