=== `bchroot.py` This file controls creation of the chroots -- the directories in which BDisk builds the actual system that is booted into. ==== chroot(_chrootdir_, _chroot_hostname_, _cmd_ = '`/root/pre-build.sh`') This function manages mounting the mountpoints for the chroot(s) in preparation for the images of the live media. It also runs <>. Returns `chrootdir` (same as the paramater provided). ===== chrootdir The directory where the filesystem tree for the chroot lies. Absolute path only. ===== chroot_hostname The hostname to use for the guest. NOTE: This paramater may be removed in future versions. ===== cmd The command to run inside the chroot once all the mountpoints are set up. ==== chrootUnmount(_chrootdir_) Unmount the mounts set up in <>. ===== chrootdir See <>. ==== chrootTrim(_build_) This function performs some cleanup and optimizations to the chroot(s). ===== build A dictionary of <>'s values (with some additional keys/values added). See (TODO: link to host.py's config parser).