import hashlib import importlib # needed for the guest-os-specific stuff... import os from . import utils from urllib.parse import urljoin def hashsum_downloader(url, filename = None): # TODO: support "latest" and "regex" flags? or remove from specs (since the tarball can be specified by these)? # move that to the utils.DOwnload() class? d = utils.Download(url, progress = False) hashes = {os.path.basename(k):v for (v, k) in [line.split() for line in d.fetch().decode('utf-8').splitlines()]} if filename: if filename in hashes: return(hashes[filename]) else: raise KeyError('Filename {0} not in the list of hashes'.format(filename)) return(hashes) class Prepper(object): def __init__(self, dirs, sources, gpg = None): # dirs is a ConfParse.cfg['build']['paths'] dict of dirs self.CreateDirs(dirs) # TODO: set up GPG env here so we can use it to import sig key and verify sources for idx, s in enumerate(sources): self._download(idx) def CreateDirs(self, dirs): for d in dirs: os.makedirs(d, exist_ok = True) return() def _download(self, source_idx): download = True _source = self.cfg['sources'][source_idx] _dest_dir = os.path.join(self.cfg['build']['paths']['cache'], source_idx) _tarball = os.path.join(_dest_dir, _source['tarball']['fname']) _remote_dir = urljoin(_source['mirror'], _source['rootpath']) _remote_tarball = urljoin(_remote_dir + '/', _source['tarball']['fname']) def _hash_verify(): # TODO: move to utils.valid()? # Get a checksum. if 'checksum' in _source: if not _source['checksum']['explicit']: _source['checksum']['value'] = hashsum_downloader(urljoin(_remote_dir + '/', _source['checksum']['fname'])) if not _source['checksum']['hash_algo']: _source['checksum']['hash_algo'] = utils.detect.any_hash(_source['checksum']['value'], normalize = True)[0] _hash =['checksum']['hash_algo']) with open(_tarball, 'rb') as f: # It's potentially a large file, so we chunk it 64kb at a time. _hashbuf = while len(_hashbuf) > 0: _hash.update(_hashbuf) _hashbuf = if _hash.hexdigest().lower() != _source['checksum']['value'].lower(): return(False) return(True) def _sig_verify(gpg_instance): # TODO: move to utils.valid()? or just use as part of the bdisk.GPG module? pass if os.path.isfile(_tarball): download = _hash_verify() download = _sig_verify() if download: d = utils.Download(_remote_tarball)