import binascii import ipaddress import os import pathlib import re ## from passlib.crypto.digest import pbkdf2_hmac from pyroute2 import IPDB ## import aif.utils # Not needed # import gi # gi.require_version('NM', '1.0') # from gi.repository import GObject, NM, GLib def canonizeEUI(phyaddr): # The easy transformations first. phyaddr = re.sub(r'[.:-]', '', phyaddr.upper().strip()) eui = ':'.join(['{0}'.format(phyaddr[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, 12, 2)]) return(eui) def convertIpTuples(addr_xmlobj): # These tuples follow either: # ('dhcp'/'dhcp6'/'slaac', None, None) for auto configuration # (ipaddress.IPv4/6Address(IP), CIDR, ipaddress.IPv4/6Address(GW)) for static configuration if addr_xmlobj.text in ('dhcp', 'dhcp6', 'slaac'): addr = addr_xmlobj.text.strip() net = None gw = None else: components = addr_xmlobj.text.strip().split('/') if len(components) > 2: raise ValueError('Invalid IP/CIDR format: {0}'.format(addr_xmlobj.text)) if len(components) == 1: addr = ipaddress.ip_address(components[0]) if addr.version == 4: components.append('24') elif addr.version == 6: components.append('64') addr = ipaddress.ip_address(components[0]) net = ipaddress.ip_network('/'.join(components), strict = False) try: gw = ipaddress.ip_address(addr_xmlobj.attrib.get('gateway').strip()) except (ValueError, AttributeError): gw = next(net.hosts()) return((addr, net, gw)) def convertPSK(ssid, passphrase): try: passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf-8').decode('ascii').strip('\r').strip('\n') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValueError('passphrase must be an ASCII string') if len(ssid) > 32: raise ValueError('ssid must be <= 32 characters') if not 7 < len(passphrase) < 64: raise ValueError('passphrase must be >= 8 and <= 32 characters') raw_psk = pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', str(passphrase), str(ssid), 4096, 32) hex_psk = binascii.hexlify(raw_psk) str_psk = hex_psk.decode('utf-8') return(str_psk) def convertWifiCrypto(crypto_xmlobj, ssid): crypto = {'type': crypto_xmlobj.find('type').text.strip(), 'auth': {}} creds_xml = crypto_xmlobj.xpath('psk|enterprise')[0] # if crypto['type'] in ('wpa', 'wpa2', 'wpa3'): if crypto['type'] in ('wpa', 'wpa2'): crypto['mode'] = creds_xml.tag if crypto['mode'] == 'psk': crypto['mode'] = 'personal' else: crypto['mode'] = None if crypto['mode'] == 'personal': psk_xml = creds_xml.find('psk') if aif.utils.xmlBool(psk_xml.attrib.get('isKey', 'false')): try: crypto['auth']['passphrase'] = psk_xml.text.strip('\r').strip('\n') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValueError('WPA-PSK passphrases must be ASCII') crypto['auth']['psk'] = convertPSK(ssid, crypto['auth']['passphrase']) else: crypto['auth']['psk'] = psk_xml.text.strip().lower() # TODO: enterprise support # elif crypto['mode'] == 'enterprise': # pass return(crypto) def getDefIface(ifacetype): if ifacetype == 'ethernet': if isNotPersistent(): prefix = 'eth' else: prefix = 'en' elif ifacetype == 'wireless': prefix = 'wl' else: raise ValueError('ifacetype must be one of "ethernet" or "wireless"') ifname = None with IPDB() as ipdb: for iface in ipdb.interfaces.keys(): if iface.startswith(prefix): ifname = iface break if not ifname: return(None) return(ifname) def isNotPersistent(chroot_base = '/'): chroot_base = pathlib.Path(chroot_base) systemd_override = chroot_base.joinpath('etc', 'systemd', 'network', '') kernel_cmdline = chroot_base.joinpath('proc', 'cmdline') devnull = chroot_base.joinpath('dev', 'null') rootdevnull = pathlib.PosixPath('/dev/null') if os.path.islink(systemd_override) and pathlib.Path(systemd_override).resolve() in (devnull, rootdevnull): return(True) cmds = aif.utils.kernelCmdline(chroot_base) if 'net.ifnames' in cmds.keys() and cmds['net.ifnames'] == '0': return(True) return(False) class BaseConnection(object): def __init__(self, iface_xml): self.xml = iface_xml = self.xml.attrib['id'].strip() self.device = self.xml.attrib['device'].strip() self.is_defroute = aif.utils.xmlBool(self.xml.attrib.get('defroute', 'false').strip()) try: self.domain = self.xml.attrib.get('searchDomain').strip() except AttributeError: self.domain = None self.dhcp_client = self.xml.attrib.get('dhcpClient', 'dhcpcd').strip() self._cfg = None self.connection_type = None self.provider_type = None self.packages = [] = {} self.resolvers = [] self.addrs = {'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': []} self.routes = {'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': []} = {} for x in ('resolvers', 'routes', 'addresses'):[x] = {} x_xml = self.xml.find(x) for t in ('ipv4', 'ipv6'): if t == 'ipv6' and x == 'addresses':[x][t] = 'slaac' else:[x][t] = True if x_xml: t_xml = x_xml.find(t) if t_xml: if t == 'ipv6' and x == 'addresses': a = t_xml.attrib.get('auto', 'slaac').strip() if a.lower() in ('false', '0', 'none'):[x][t] = False else:[x][t] = a else:[x][t] = aif.utils.xmlBool(t_xml.attrib.get('auto', 'true').strip()) # These defaults are from the man page. However, we might want to add: # domain-search, netbios-scope, interface-mtu, rfc3442-classless-static-routes, ntp-servers, # dhcp6.fqdn, dhcp6.sntp-servers # under requests and for requires, maybe: # routers, domain-name-servers, domain-name, domain-search, host-name self.dhcp_defaults = { 'dhclient': {'requests': {'ipv4': ('subnet-mask', 'broadcast-address', 'time-offset', 'routers', 'domain-name', 'domain-name-servers', 'host-name'), 'ipv6': ('', 'dhcp6.domain-search')}, 'requires': {'ipv4': tuple(), 'ipv6': tuple()}}, 'dhcpcd': {'default_opts': ('hostname', 'duid', 'persistent', 'slaac private', 'noipv4ll'), # dhcpcd -V to display variables. # "option ", prepend "dhcp6_" for ipv6. if no ipv6 opts present, same are mapped to ipv6. # But we explicitly add them for munging downstream. 'requests': {'ipv4': ('rapid_commit', 'domain_name_servers', 'domain_name', 'domain_search', 'host_name', 'classless_static_routes', 'interface_mtu'), 'ipv6': ('dhcp6_rapid_commit', 'dhcp6_domain_name_servers', 'dhcp6_domain_name', 'dhcp6_domain_search', 'dhcp6_host_name', 'dhcp6_classless_static_routes', 'dhcp6_interface_mtu')}, # "require " 'requires': {'ipv4': ('dhcp_server_identifier', ), 'ipv6': tuple()}}} self._initAddrs() self._initResolvers() self._initRoutes() def _initAddrs(self): for addrtype in ('ipv4', 'ipv6'): for a in self.xml.findall('addresses/{0}/address'.format(addrtype)): addrset = convertIpTuples(a) if addrset not in self.addrs[addrtype]: self.addrs[addrtype].append(addrset) return(None) def _initCfg(self): # A dummy method; this is overridden by the subclasses. # It's honestly here to make my IDE stop complaining. :) pass return(None) def _initConnCfg(self): # A dummy method; this is overridden by the subclasses. # It's honestly here to make my IDE stop complaining. :) pass return(None) def _initResolvers(self): resolvers_xml = self.xml.find('resolvers') if resolvers_xml: for r in resolvers_xml.findall('resolver'): resolver = ipaddress.ip_address(r.text.strip()) if resolver not in self.resolvers: self.resolvers.append(resolver) return(None) def _initRoutes(self): routes_xml = self.xml.find('routes') if routes_xml: for addrtype in ('ipv4', 'ipv6'): for a in self.xml.findall('routes/{0}/route'.format(addrtype)): addrset = convertIpTuples(a) if addrset not in self.routes[addrtype]: self.routes[addrtype].append(addrset) return(None) def _writeConnCfg(self, chroot_base): # Dummy method. pass return(None)