import datetime import json import logging import subprocess ## from lxml import etree ## import aif.utils import aif.disk.block_fallback as block import aif.disk.luks_fallback as luks import aif.disk.mdadm_fallback as mdadm _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LV(object): def __init__(self, lv_xml, vgobj): self.xml = lv_xml _logger.debug('lv_xml: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(self.xml, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) = self.xml.attrib('id') = self.xml.attrib('name') = vgobj self.qualified_name = '{0}/{1}'.format(, _logger.debug('Qualified name: {0}'.format(self.qualified_name)) self.pvs = [] if not isinstance(, VG): _logger.debug('vgobj must be of type aif.disk.lvm.VG') raise ValueError('Invalid vgobj type') = None self.devpath = '/dev/{0}/{1}'.format(, self.created = False self.updateInfo() self._initLV() def _initLV(self): self.pvs = [] _indexed_pvs = { i for i in} for pe in self.xml.findall('pvMember'): _logger.debug('Found PV element: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(pe, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) pv_id = pe.attrib('source') if pv_id in _indexed_pvs.keys(): self.pvs.append(_indexed_pvs[pv_id]) if not self.pvs: # We get all in the VG instead since none were explicitly assigned _logger.debug('No PVs explicitly designated to VG; adding all.') self.pvs = # Size processing. We have to do this after indexing PVs. # If not x['type'], assume *extents*, not sectors self.size = self.xml.attrib('size') # Convert to bytes. Can get max from _BlockDev.lvm.vginfo().free TODO x = dict(zip(('from_bgn', 'size', 'type'), aif.utils.convertSizeUnit(self.xml.attrib['size']))) # self.size is bytes self.size = x['size'] _extents = {'size':['extent_size'], 'total': 0} # We can't use['extent_count'] because selective PVs. _sizes = {'total': 0, 'free': 0} _vg_pe =['extent_size'] for pv in self.pvs: _sizes['total'] +=['pv_size'] _sizes['free'] +=['pv_free'] _extents['total'] += int(['pv_size'] / _extents['size']) if x['type'] == '%': self.size = int(_sizes['total'] * (0.01 * self.size)) elif x['type'] is None: self.size = int(self.size * _extents['size']) else: self.size = int(aif.utils.size.convertStorage(x['size'], x['type'], target = 'B')) if self.size >= _sizes['total']: self.size = 0 return(None) def create(self): if not self.pvs: _logger.error('Cannot create LV with no associated PVs') raise RuntimeError('Missing PVs') cmd_str = ['lvcreate', '--reportformat', 'json'] if self.size > 0: cmd_str.extend(['--size', self.size]) elif self.size == 0: cmd_str.extend(['--extents', '100%FREE']) cmd_str.extend([,]) cmd =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to create LV successfully') self.created = True self.updateInfo() return(None) def start(self):'Activating LV {0} in VG {1}.'.format(, cmd_str = ['lvchange', '--activate', 'y', '--reportformat', 'json', self.qualified_name] cmd =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to activate LV successfully') self.updateInfo() return(None) def stop(self):'Deactivating LV {0} in VG {1}.'.format(, cmd_str = ['lvchange', '--activate', 'n', '--reportformat', 'json', self.qualified_name] cmd =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to deactivate successfully') self.updateInfo() return(None) def updateInfo(self): if not self.created: _logger.warning('Attempted to updateInfo on an LV not created yet.') return(None) info = {} cmd = ['lvs', '--binary', '--nosuffix', '--units', 'b', '--options', '+lvall', '--reportformat', 'json', self.qualified_name] _info =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(_info.args))) if _info.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(_info.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) = None self.created = False return(None) _info = json.loads(_info.stdout.decode('utf-8'))['report'][0]['vg'][0] for k, v in _info.items(): # ints if k in ('lv_fixed_minor', 'lv_kernel_major', 'lv_kernel_minor', 'lv_kernel_read_ahead', 'lv_major', 'lv_metadata_size', 'lv_minor', 'lv_size', 'seg_count'): try: v = int(v) except ValueError: v = 0 # booleans - LVs apparently have a third value, "-1", which is "unknown". We translate to None. elif k in ('lv_active_exclusively', 'lv_active_locally', 'lv_active_remotely', 'lv_allocation_locked', 'lv_check_needed', 'lv_converting', 'lv_device_open', 'lv_historical', 'lv_image_synced', 'lv_inactive_table', 'lv_initial_image_sync', 'lv_live_table', 'lv_merge_failed', 'lv_merging', 'lv_skip_activation', 'lv_snapshot_invalid', 'lv_suspended'): if v == '-1': v = None else: v = (True if int(v) == 1 else False) # lists elif k in ('lv_ancestors', 'lv_descendants', 'lv_full_ancestors', 'lv_full_descendants', 'lv_lockargs', 'lv_modules', 'lv_permissions', 'lv_tags'): v = [i.strip() for i in v.split(',') if i.strip() != ''] # date time strings elif k in ('lv_time', ): v = datetime.datetime.strptime(v, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') elif v.strip() == '': v = None info[k] = v = info _logger.debug('Rendered info: {0}'.format(info)) return(None) class PV(object): def __init__(self, pv_xml, partobj): self.xml = pv_xml _logger.debug('pv_xml: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(self.xml, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) = self.xml.attrib('id') self.source = self.xml.attrib('source') self.device = partobj if not isinstance(self.device, (block.Disk, block.Partition, luks.LUKS, mdadm.Array)): _logger.error(('partobj must be of type ' 'aif.disk.block.Disk, ' 'aif.disk.block.Partition, ' 'aif.disk.luks.LUKS, or' 'aif.disk.mdadm.Array.')) raise ValueError('Invalid partobj type') self.devpath = self.device.devpath self.is_pooled = False self.meta = None self._parseMeta() def _parseMeta(self): # Note, the "UUID" for LVM is *not* a true UUID (RFC4122) so we don't convert it. # meta = {} cmd = ['pvs', '--binary', '--nosuffix', '--units', 'b', '--options', '+pvall', '--reportformat', 'json', self.devpath] _meta =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(_meta.args))) if _meta.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(_meta.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) self.meta = None self.is_pooled = False return(None) _meta = json.loads(_meta.stdout.decode('utf-8'))['report'][0]['pv'][0] for k, v in _meta.items(): # We *could* regex this but the pattern would be a little more complex than idea, # especially for such predictable strings. # These are ints. if k in ('dev_size', 'pe_start', 'pv_ba_size', 'pv_ba_start', 'pv_ext_vsn', 'pv_free', 'pv_major', 'pv_mda_count', 'pv_mda_free', 'pv_mda_size', 'pv_mda_used_count', 'pv_minor', 'pv_pe_alloc_count', 'pv_pe_alloc_count', 'pv_size', 'pv_used'): v = int(v) # These are boolean. elif k in ('pv_allocatable', 'pv_duplicate', 'pv_exported', 'pv_in_use', 'pv_missing'): v = (True if int(v) == 1 else False) # This is a list. elif k == 'pv_tags': v = [i.strip() for i in v.split(',') if i.strip() != ''] elif v.strip() == '': v = None meta[k] = v self.meta = meta self.is_pooled = True _logger.debug('Rendered meta: {0}'.format(meta)) return(None) def prepare(self): if not self.meta: self._parseMeta() # *Technically*, we should vgreduce before pvremove, but eff it. cmd_str = ['pvremove', '--force', '--force', '--reportformat', 'json', self.devpath] cmd =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to remove PV successfully') cmd_str = ['pvcreate', '--reportformat', 'json', self.devpath] cmd ='Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to format successfully') self._parseMeta() return(None) class VG(object): def __init__(self, vg_xml): self.xml = vg_xml _logger.debug('vg_xml: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(self.xml, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) = self.xml.attrib('id') = self.xml.attrib('name') self.pe_size = self.xml.attrib.get('extentSize', 0) if self.pe_size: x = dict(zip(('from_bgn', 'size', 'type'), aif.utils.convertSizeUnit(self.pe_size))) if x['type']: self.pe_size = aif.utils.size.convertStorage(self.pe_size, x['type'], target = 'B') if not aif.utils.isPowerofTwo(self.pe_size): _logger.error('The PE size must be a power of two (in bytes).') raise ValueError('Invalid PE value') self.lvs = [] self.pvs = [] # self.tags = [] # for te in self.xml.findall('tags/tag'): # self.tags.append(te.text) self.devpath = = None self.created = False def addPV(self, pvobj): if not isinstance(pvobj, PV): _logger.error('pvobj must be of type aif.disk.lvm.PV.') raise ValueError('Invalid pvbobj type') pvobj.prepare() self.pvs.append(pvobj) return(None) def create(self): if not self.pvs: _logger.error('Cannot create a VG with no PVs.') raise RuntimeError('Missing PVs') cmd_str = ['vgcreate', '--reportformat', 'json', '--physicalextentsize', '{0}b'.format(self.pe_size),] for pv in self.pvs: cmd_str.append(pv.devpath) cmd =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to create VG successfully') for pv in self.pvs: pv._parseMeta() self.created = True self.updateInfo() return(None) def createLV(self, lv_xml = None): if not self.created:'Attempted to add an LV to a VG before it was created.') raise RuntimeError('LV before VG creation') # If lv_xml is None, we loop through our own XML. if lv_xml: _logger.debug('Explicit lv_xml specified: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(lv_xml, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) lv = LV(lv_xml, self) lv.create() # self.lvs.append(lv) else: for le in self.xml.findall('logicalVolumes/lv'): _logger.debug('Found lv element: {0}'.format(etree.tostring(le, with_tail = False).decode('utf-8'))) lv = LV(le, self) lv.create() # self.lvs.append(lv) self.updateInfo() return(None) def start(self):'Activating VG: {0}.'.format( cmd_str = ['vgchange', '--activate', 'y', '--reportformat', 'json',] cmd =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to activate VG successfully') self.updateInfo() return(None) def stop(self):'Deactivating VG: {0}.'.format( cmd_str = ['vgchange', '--activate', 'n', '--reportformat', 'json',] cmd =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to deactivate VG successfully') self.updateInfo() return(None) def updateInfo(self): if not self.created: _logger.warning('Attempted to updateInfo on a VG not created yet.') return(None) info = {} cmd_str = ['vgs', '--binary', '--nosuffix', '--units', 'b', '--options', '+vgall', '--reportformat', 'json',] _info =, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)'Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(_info.args))) if _info.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(_info.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(_info, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) = None self.created = False return(None) _info = json.loads(_info.stdout.decode('utf-8'))['report'][0]['vg'][0] for k, v in _info.items(): # ints if k in ('lv_count', 'max_lv', 'max_pv', 'pv_count', 'snap_count', 'vg_extent_count', 'vg_extent_size', 'vg_free', 'vg_free_count', 'vg_mda_count', 'vg_mda_free', 'vg_mda_size', 'vg_mda_used_count', 'vg_missing_pv_count', 'vg_seqno', 'vg_size'): v = int(v) # booleans elif k in ('vg_clustered', 'vg_exported', 'vg_extendable', 'vg_partial', 'vg_shared'): v = (True if int(v) == 1 else False) # lists elif k in ('vg_lock_args', 'vg_permissions', 'vg_tags'): # not 100% sure about vg_permissions... v = [i.strip() for i in v.split(',') if i.strip() != ''] elif v.strip() == '': v = None info[k] = v = info _logger.debug('Rendered info: {0}'.format(info)) return(None)