# This can set up an environment at runtime. # This removes the necessity of extra libs to be installed persistently. # However, it is recommended that you install all dependencies in the system itself, because some aren't available # through pip/PyPi. # Before you hoot and holler about this, Let's Encrypt's certbot-auto does the same thing. # Except I segregate it out even further; I don't even install pip into the system python. import ensurepip import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import venv ## import aif.constants_fallback _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EnvBuilder(object): def __init__(self): self.vdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = '.aif_', suffix = '_VENV') self.venv = venv.create(self.vdir, system_site_packages = True, clear = True, with_pip = True) ensurepip.bootstrap(root = self.vdir) # pip does some dumb env var things and doesn't clean up after itself. for v in ('PIP_CONFIG_FILE', 'ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS', 'PIP_REQ_TRACKER', 'PLAT'): if os.environ.get(v): del(os.environ[v]) moddir_raw = subprocess.run([os.path.join(self.vdir, 'bin', 'python3'), '-c', ('import site; ' 'import json; ' 'print(json.dumps(site.getsitepackages(), indent = 4))')], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) _logger.info('Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(moddir_raw.args))) if moddir_raw.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(moddir_raw.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(moddir_raw, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to establish environment successfully') self.modulesdir = json.loads(moddir_raw.stdout.decode('utf-8'))[0] # This is SO. DUMB. WHY DO I HAVE TO CALL PIP FROM A SHELL. IT'S WRITTEN IN PYTHON. # https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/user_guide/#using-pip-from-your-program for m in aif.constants_fallback.EXTERNAL_DEPS: pip_cmd = [os.path.join(self.vdir, 'bin', 'python3'), '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--disable-pip-version-check', m] cmd = subprocess.run(pip_cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) _logger.info('Executed: {0}'.format(' '.join(cmd.args))) if cmd.returncode != 0: _logger.warning('Command returned non-zero status') _logger.debug('Exit status: {0}'.format(str(cmd.returncode))) for a in ('stdout', 'stderr'): x = getattr(cmd, a) if x: _logger.debug('{0}: {1}'.format(a.upper(), x.decode('utf-8').strip())) raise RuntimeError('Failed to install module successfully') # And now make it available to other components. sys.path.insert(1, self.modulesdir)